
Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by 5hourenergydrink1, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. 5hourenergydrink1

    5hourenergydrink1 Guest

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    Have you ever had someone question you, or tell you that you're actions are misconstrued as being "wrong" regardless if you believe that you have done nothing out of the ordinary and are being a civil being. This type of behavior is often one of depersonalization, the fact that another person questions the fact that you don't know who you are. In reality, what is occurring is there is a difference of opinion, one in which the other party refuses to accept. The reason I say this is because with two individuals, each person could have negative things stacked up on the other person but one person is going to take it personally enough to let it affect them emotionally to the point where they act like a travesty has occurred. It's up to the person that is being attacked, or placed on the spot, to stand up for himself, and defend himself. If the person attacking doesn't have the common courtesy to see his/her side or opinion or treat that other person with respect that person is in the wrong. Always.

  2. BeachBall

    BeachBall Nosey old moo

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    Yes ... absolutely.

    What I really resent, though, is the double standards of our faceless organisations.

    Take the railways. They have these posters up saying that their staff are entitled not to be verbally or physically abused, and that they will seek the full sanction of the law against anyone who does so. Well, it's a shame that such posters are necessary ... but I can agree with all that.

    HOWEVER ... it cuts both ways, doesn't it?

    Surely WE are entitled not to be verbally or physically abused by their staff, too, aren't we?

    So when I was subjected to aggressive verbal abuse by a member of railway staff, I wrote a letter of complaint to the railway management and asked them to agree that a member of their staff who abuses a fare-paying customer should be treated by them in EXACTLY the same way that they would treat a fare-paying customer who abuses a member of their staff ... and asking what they were going to do about it.

    They have not even had the courtesy to acknowledge my letter!

    It is things like this which stoke up the anger which cause people to abuse their staff in the first place :bobby:
  3. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Depersonalization (or depersonalisation) is an anomaly of self-awareness. It consists of a feeling of watching oneself act, while having no control over a situation.[1] Subjects feel they have changed, and the world has become vague, dreamlike, less real, or lacking in significance. It can be a disturbing experience, since many feel that, indeed, they are living in a "dream". Chronic depersonalization refers to depersonalization disorder, which is classified by the DSM-IV as a dissociative disorder. Though degrees of depersonalization and derealization can happen to anyone who is subject to temporary anxiety/stress, chronic depersonalization is more related to individuals who have experienced a severe trauma or prolonged stress/anxiety. Depersonalization-derealization is the single most important symptom in the spectrum of dissociative disorders, including dissociative identity disorder and "dissociative disorder not otherwise specified" (DD-NOS). It is also a prominent symptom in some other non-dissociative disorders, such as anxiety disorders, clinical depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia,[2] borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, migraine and sleep deprivation, and it can be a symptom of some types of neurological seizure. It can be considered desirable, such as in the use of recreational drugs.
  4. FunkyTrip

    FunkyTrip Member

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    i had depersonalization and derealization for 1 year + After huge drug abuse. But stopped using drugs for that time. and now i'm fine tripping balls and shit :D
    Think it was worst time of my life, got anxiety and depression aswell
  5. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Push the drugs too hard and u can lose ur mind...thing is u gotta notice what's happening. If u don't and keep on pushing it you can end up in a scary place

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