DANGEROUS "Holy Roller" mentality

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by GrayGuy57, Nov 10, 2022.

  1. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Last evening (sadly) I came across on the 'net where the late Billy Graham was quoted as saying:

    "Homosexuals should be castrated"

    Can you believe such VILE verbal sewage from a supposed "man of God"?

    Sadly, I can.

    If the late Reverend Graham believed that homosexuals should be castrated, I guess that heterosexual rapists, pedophiles, and adulterers are in the clear, as whatever they are doing involves a MALE and a female.

    It would be a no-brainer that Reverend Graham felt likewise about bisexual men, unless they chose to "pray away the gay".

    "As long as it's not gay, it's ok."

    And one wonders why there is still so much bigotry and hatred against gay and bi men.

    Last time I checked, we are ALL sinners, and not ONE of us sports a halo 'round our heads......

    I've heard that his son, Franklin (who I will admit turned me on a lot) is even more of a homophobic bigot than his late father.....now THAT is a FRIGHTENING prospect to consider.
    Jcinalco likes this.
  2. Jcinalco

    Jcinalco Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I used be heavily involved with Christianity and church, others here in the forum as well. It’s in the past now.

    That homophonic stance is such an awful stance to take. I’ve seen so many same sex couples, male and female, that have a deeper love and better relationship that str8 couples. It’s a shame these religious people can’t be happy for people who simply love each other. The same sex aspect should not matter at all.
    thepapasmurph and GrayGuy57 like this.
  3. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Agreed, 100%.

    Long ago, I had read a line in a book that still echoes in my mind today:

    "The Lord won't mind as long as it's love; there is enough hatred in the world."

    That line said it all, and said it WELL.

    It's ironic (and unsettling) that most denominations are so anti-gay, and, IF they DO accept gays, they are to remain CELIBATE.

    Try asking any red-blooded heterosexual to remain CELIBATE, to be accepted by his church!!

    For such reasons, I have given up "organized religion" long ago; what "religion" I DO have in my life is private and personal.

    It never ceases to amaze me that churches will be preaching to their "flocks" in "loving thy neighbor"; I guess this only applies to STRAIGHT neighbors.

    That ANY religion not only tolerates, but PROMOTES bigotry based on sexual orientation is indeed the ultimate blasphemy.

    In the often convoluted and hypocritical realm of organized religion, ignorance, indeed, is bliss.......

    Jcinalco likes this.
  4. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    ....if ALL men are made in God's image, then WHY do organized religions so vehemently denounce homosexuality?

    Would Jesus, if he were still walling upon this Earth, spit upon a man he encountered, simply because of his sexuality?

    Would he ignore him in his hour of need, if he were seeking His help?

    Of course not.

    Too many of us forget that the Bible was written by MEN.....MORTAL men with MORTAL weakness; given that, why should a GOOD "Christian" gay or bisexual man feel so worthless and despicable, based on what "fire-and-brimstone" venom is spewed by "good?" upstanding Christian church men?

    We are ALL brothers, and sexuality should NOT be an issue, where being a good, decent, caring human being is concerned.......
    FunTop and Jcinalco like this.
  5. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    If Jesus did not cast aside Mary Madlegene (who the Bible tells us was a prostitute) I cannot imagine Him casting aside a gay or bisexual man.

    So many theologins and Bible scholars forget that Jesus, while on Earth, was a flesh-and-blood mortal MAN.

    I think that is VERY important to remember...........
    Jcinalco likes this.
  6. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I found it hard to believe that Billy Graham said that, although I am well aware that his son and daughter have made quite bigoted comments about gays. I admired Billy Graham to a degree but that kind of thing is heart-breaking to me. I've been there. I've lived through that sort of bigotry, and I sought God to take away my gayness -
    He didn't. Why? because God sees things differently than humans and it is a sad and tragic thing when men and women put their beliefs on others. I was guilty of that for many years, thinking I was doing the right and loving thing. It is hard to face that and know how wrong it was. I dont have much use for religion anymore, I am sad to say
    GrayGuy57 and Jcinalco like this.
  7. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I totally agree with you.

    God, being all-perfect, indeed sees things MUCH more differently (and intellegently) than man.

    After all, think about it......NONE of us CHOSE our sexuality (I know I certainly didn't choose to be gay)

    There HAD to be a reason (which, I will admit, I cannot fathom!) why God created some of us the way we are.

    Last time I checked, He does NOT make mistakes.

    Too, I think it is VERY important to remember that religion is MAN-MADE.

    Too many people forget this.

    Yes, these "holy roller" evangelists seem to be adept into working themselves into a religious frenzy that is borderline insane (and totally frightening), and get their collective "sheep" equally worked up, almost to the point where they are foaming at the mouth.

    WHY they harp so vehemently on homosexuals is beyond me; last time I checked, heterosexuals were sinners as well, and are also capable of many immoral crimes, which gays do not have the monopoly on, by any stretch of the imagination.

    Jesus is supposed to personify "LOVE" and "COMPASSION"........NOT bigotry and hatred; common sense should have dictated this long, long ago.

    These "holy roller" religions, sad to say, are nothing more than hotbeds of "Christian" brainwashing........
    Jcinalco likes this.
  8. cman

    cman Member

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    You'll talk like Christians are suppose to just invite you in & accept everything about you including your life styles.
  9. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Why so many religions are so interested in what CONSENTING ADULTS do in the privacy of their bedrooms is light-years beyond me.

    This has NOTHING to do with ANY religion, IMHO.

    Fire-and-brimstone spouting "Holy Rollers" will always continue to perpetuate the image of a stern, vengeful, angry God, ever ready with lighting bolts to strike down us sinners.

    If "God Is Love", then this "Christian propaganda" goes against everything I was taught as a boy, and what I believe today.

    They often say that you should NEVER discuss religion (nor sex or politics) with anyone.

    Personally, I think this a WISE path to follow, considering the highly-volatile world of 2022........
  10. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Recall, also, the truly warped and demented Fred Phelps, who used to stage shameful protests at the funeral services for gays and soldiers?

    Now THAT, indeed, was the HEIGHT of all intolerance and bigotry.


    Jerry Falwell was another vocal anti-gay bigot, devoutly preaching intolerance in the Name of the Lord........

    "Live long and prosper"
  11. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    NEVER ceases to amaze me as to how Anita Bryant thought young boys were at risk from homosexual pedophiles, but did NOT ever say anything regarding HETEROSEXUAL pedophiles.

    Right, Anita, my mistake...I TOTALLY forgot that only GAY MEN can be a PEDOPHILE.

    To this very day, I still cannot believe this woman's blatant ignorance and intolerance..

    Thank God she is long, long out of the public "eye".......

    "Live long and prosper"

  12. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    There is a blind ignorance fueled by inability to intelligently interpret root meaning and definitions of words in the Bible from the original language which was written for a reason at the time - people sit in their fancy church pews and listen to the preacher who they trust has done his homework - while he spews what he's read and learned - and it is not accurate -
    For example, the whole thing about homosexuals was not even part of the original texts but became a part of the translation of the Revised Standard Version in the mid-1940s. There is now proof of discussions as to whether the end product is accurate or not - and it is most likely not. But it is in print now and has been used widely by those who attend church services to claim that anyone who is attracted to the same sex is an abomination.
    GrayGuy57 likes this.
  13. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    You are obviously quite knowledgeable regarding Bible text, translations, etc., far more than myself, for certain.

    IMHO, what truly disgusts and sickens me with so many of these Bible-thumping religious zealots is that they steadfastly believe that gays CHOOSE their sexuality.

    Do STRAIGHT men CHOOSE their sexuality?

    What man, in his right mind, would freely choose a lifestyle that will surely set him up for a lifetime of heartache, heartbreak, and discrimination?


    Amazing, too, how so many of these Bible-thumpin' preacher men will thinking nothing of cheating on their spouses with FEMALES, but, only preach on and on regarding the many evils of homosexuality, and say nothing about heterosexual infidelity.

    Sadly, double-standards are always with us, causing so much mental and emotional anguish.......preaching intolerance and bigotry in the Name of the Lord.........sad..........

    "Live long and prosper"

  14. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    ......small wonder why I am a "long-lapsed Catholic".

    I have no interest in ANY organized religion; I certainly do not claim to be the most religious man walking the face of the Earth, by any means.

    What "spirituality" I DO have, is personal and private, and only encompasses love and tolerance towards others......

    "Live long and prosper"
  15. FunTop

    FunTop Members

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    Whoever is free of sin cast the first stone.
    We can all agree in our hearts and minds that true religion is about mercy, love, care and compassion to to and between each other.
    If we have these we show a pure faith.
  16. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    If only more so-called "good Christians" would reflect on the Bible quote, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", I think there would be a lot more tolerance and a lot less intolerance in our world.

    None of us wears a halo around his head; we are but mere mortals, with mortal weaknesses.

    If we could only learn to finally ACCEPT one another for WHO they are, and embrace them as brothers, we'd ALL be a LOT better off......

    "Live long and prosper"
    FunTop likes this.
  17. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  18. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    "Speaking in tongues".....I've read of this and TRULY terrifies me.

    My mother (RIP) used to say that these "holy roller, Bible-thumpin', God-fearing Christians" were nothing more that cultists in disguise.

    She was always frightened of them, and I totally agreed with her.

    For all of their preaching about Jesus, they are far too consumed with religious ignorance, intolerance, and a powerful force which causes them to denounce everything they cannot (or will not) understand.

    Indeed, "ignorance is bliss".........

    "Live long and prosper"

    scratcho likes this.
  19. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Wonder why that shlub was walking back and forth behind that addled human?o_O
  20. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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