SUp guys so i have a titanium nail and an old rig that i dont use any more, havent smoked dmt in over a year and ive always been wanting to try just dumping some dmt on a hot TI nail. Well i just did it tonight and it works for sure! I have an IR thermometer (laser thermometer) so i can know the temperature of the nail and know the right time to drop the DMT on, it works perfect, vaporizes it all in one hit, sent me right into hyperspace. Gonna try it again here soon. My IR thermometer was reading 200-300*F on the nail.
I did this a while back with iffy results, the thermometer is a great idea. I found that my underdog herb vape works at the right temperature (if you breathe at the right speed). I got way better results from that, and it was very simple.
How do you go about dumping it on the nail? Is it domeless? I feel like it would be kind of hard to do precisely.
put it on a small spoon and just dumped it on, and yes i used a domless nail. Its the Dab Essentials one , so it has a big surface area to vaporize on. Yea it works with any freebase , at the proper temp.
Thank you for sharing this!!! I'm a little unfamiliar with the "dabbing" technique, but I've tried it with some sort of cannabis oil at some point. I will have to try this once I get the proper materials.
Wish I had a damn oil rig. I'm thinking of trying smoking DMT out of a bong....sandwich style with some cannabis. Any thoughts?
go into more detail about the technique, it sounds very interesting to me because sometimes you want to smoke a certain amount but you can't cuz you get too fucked up to take another hit or something ya know. This sounds similar to smoking grass dropped on knives heated on a stove. When the knives are hot the grass is dropped on and the knives are pressed together and you inhale the smoke through a bottle or something with the bottom cut out, that way you get it all in one hit.