Cynicism and American Politics

Discussion in 'Activism' started by political squaw, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. political squaw

    political squaw Member

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    I decided to re-post this one to see what people think (I posted this article in my journal too, but I decided, there might be many people here who do not check the journal section, so it is not an attempt to propagate anything, but just to inform)

    Cynicism and American Politics

    When Bill Maher, the comedian turned political commmentator, was recently asked on CNN if he thought Sarah Palin has a future as a presidential candidate he opined, “I don’t know about a presidential candidate, but I would never put anything past this stupid country.” When angry callers asked Maher to clarify what he meant by his statement they were met with the curt response: “I don’t need to clarify, it is!”


    Sadly Maher’s sentiment finds echoes among many who identify themselves as “liberal” and “progressive.” Paradoxically it is a view that is utterly reactionary, unscientific, and elitist to its core. After all, like everyone else in the mainstream media, Bill is no Marxist. As he once put it, “Of course Capitalism is good, I am not a Communist.”
    Cynicism is a very useful tool for those in power. Although it inherently expresses a sense of dissatisfaction, it offers nothing as a way out. The charade of the two-party system has done a lot of damage to American workers’ perception of politics in general, and created a situation where cynicism and apparent apathy is widespread. Just listen to a little bit of the late, great, George Carlin and you’ll see just how deep-rooted it has become.
    The two-corporate-party setup in the US tends to churn up a lot of political confusion. The lack of a fundamental difference between the two parties reduces much of the political discussion to extremely petty issues.

    [​IMG] Gore Vidal expressed this quite well when he said: “We only have one political party in the US, and that is the property party, which essentially is corporate America, which has two right wings, one called Republican and one called Democrat. I can’t say I like either of them.” We couldn’t have said it better - no wonder most American workers are alienated from politics!
    When the elections roll around, the decision as to which politician to support often boils down to their personality traits rather than their platform. Incredibly, polls show that Americans have consistently elected the presidential candidates that they would rather have a beer with since Reagan. In the case of Sarah Palin this is all too true. Being the first woman and “regular hockey mom” to come so close to the Presidency, she is of serious symbolic importance to many women, who rightly are disgusted by the glass ceiling for women under this system.
    The same is true of Barack Obama. What he symbolizes for millions of poor and working class Americans, and especially minorities, is extraordinary and cannot be underestimated. If the mainstream narrative is to be believed, his Presidency ushers in a “post-racial” era in US politics. But has there really been any fundamental stray from the policies of Bush? The fact is, despite the color of Obama’s skin, he and the Democratic Party represent the very same people behind the Bush presidency.
    One major reason for the current apathy is that millions of people feel that they have nothing to vote “for.” After all, as Michael Moore once put it, the lesser evil is still evil! Many people have given up on simply voting “against” the “other” party.
    What is needed in the US is a party that represents working people. Such a party could be the political expression of the labor movement to combat the attacks of both the Republicans and Democrats. Such a party would go far in combatting the cynical and apathetic attitudes of many toward politics, as there would finally be a force led by workers in the interests of workers, particularly the most exploited sections of society, minorities, immigrants and women.
    What excuse would anyone have to be apathetic or cynical if such a party existed? Of course, many mass labor parties around the world have had time to develop a strong bureaucratic crust on top, which acts against the interests of the workers they are supposed to represent, but their power is increasingly being challenged by the rank and file. An American mass party of Labor would be forged in flames that most careerists and bureaucrats are terrified of, the flames of struggle!
    A Labor Party would drastically change the dynamics of American politics. American workers would quickly reclaim the militant traditions of labor battles that once shook the country. This may seem like ancient history to some, especially those like Bill Maher, but history has a funny tendency of repeating itself on an even higher level than before.
    Folks like Bill Maher, while being astute commentarists on the absurdities of the system, have no faith in or even the remotest conception of the potential power of the working class to change society. Once American workers have a mass political party of their own, Maher and co. will have to find other things to joke about.

    Written by Mark Rahman
  2. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    Interesting read.

    One party system... and two class system: Owner class and poverty class- divided into working and nonworking. The money system is sustained through elaborate deception- creating the illusion that the working wing of the poverty class that they can attain owner status. Once in a while the system slips up and someone makes the transition but in the big picture it wouldn't work if everyone could easily become a home owner. Being content tends to go hand in hand with being unmotivated... the carrot needs to be dangled tantalyzingly just out of reach- not so far that people get discouraged and stop trying to better themselves.

    Politics plays on this heavily with the non-incumbent wing of the ruling class playing on the hopes of the electorate- casting incumbents as being the chief barrier to regular folks achieving their goals... while the office holders purport to be working hard to secure our dreams and the hopefuls looking to unseat them as the main threat to middle class happiness. Of course both are half right- but they are using selected facts to prompt those consuming their rhetoric into lying to themselves.

    What is NOT needed is a paper tiger style workers party thrown out there to draw votes away from one major party to help usher in the other... what is needed is a reform in the manner in which budgets are agreed upon... where vital services are approved in separate legislation before pork barrel projects- like nationalized health care, needless and wasteful wars, and additions to the infrastructure that will benefit a small portion of th population are considered. Railroading waste through by attaching it to vital services does the regular folks no favors.

    I look at the American government as a criminal entity whose fingerprints are all over the current economic mess. The system itself is akin to organized crime and needs to be dealt with in that vain. Unfortunately a snow ball has a better chance in hell.
  3. political squaw

    political squaw Member

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    Reform is needed, but why don't they (existing parties) endorse any? May be they are not clever enough to see that? And you simple people do not have the opportunity to let them know?

    I believe if there were a Workers Party, you could express your views and if your arguments are valid, a lot of people would agree and support those views. As a result, that party would endorse those reforms, provided it wins the elections first. And the only reason why that party might never win any elections and never endorse any reform is...people's apathy and nothing else. The percentage of poor working exploited minorities etc is huge. And the chance that they will support a party that represents their interest and therefore vote for it is fatter than the fattest fan of McDonalds. All that needed is contact them and inform them in order to gather them in small groups, which then will be gathered in bigger groups, which in their turn will be united in one group. Starting from small groups- just name them all "Workers Party" that is all :)

    A lot of people just on these forums have nice ideas, the problem is they can share those ideas with each other on these boards and nowhere else. Which is useless. Writing a letter to your congressman is useless too from what I've been told. So, why not create our own party?

  4. political squaw

    political squaw Member

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    here are a few tips on how to create a political party. I'd appreciate if someone can add more info. :D

    All one needs to strat is followers . Then register it with the secretary of state. In order to do it one will have to send a letter :

    "- Names and addresses of temporary party officials
    - Name of the party.
    - Constitution or Bylaws. Your party's ideology shouldn't be contra to the laws of the state (or the country), which basically means it doesn't promote illegal practices or the overthrow of the regime. Please note, that if your party is after changing laws in the country/state (for example, many small new parties are supporting legalisation of illegal drugs), it doesn't mean you're "supporting illegal practices". In fact, you're trying to change the laws in a democratic process, and in theory not support any violation of the

    Next promote the party, to have certain number of supporters to participate in the elections. One won't have to start an expensive campaign, as it is a workers party. All one and the party supporters have to do is spend enough time visiting factories, working class neighborhoods in order to talk to the people, explain to them that this party is going to represent their interests directly. Meaning that the party officials will just voice the workers opinions, which workers can share on the party gatherings. This is a very simple way to start changing things. And it is perfectly legal, not like you have to kill anyone or steal anything. The Law still allows it. So, I'd say- hurry.

    And it should be nothing but Labor/Workers Party. Not like Communist/capitalist/socialist/democrat etc as those are theories, and as society changes, those theories become worthless. Party should represent people's interest, not a social theory. so if Working class needs Capitalism, the party would promote capitalism, if it needs communism then communism, according to the social conditions.

    so the name is "Labor/Workers Party" and constitution or bylaws would be just this line "representing the working class interests".

    an example of a bad party definition lol
  5. stinkfoot

    stinkfoot truth

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    They question of why existing party platforms don't include true reform is based on the premise that the members are interested at all in said reform- they are not. A worker's party would be endorsed only by the major party that stands to gain most by such a mechanism drawing support away from the other party... if such a movement represented a realistic chance at changing the system for the greater good (working class) then the movement would be locked by both major parties because the government likes things as they are. Majority grassroots coalitions are easy to neutralize by exploiting the class divisions within their ranks because while we celebrate diversity it is in our nature to be suspicious of differences in others. The establishment is very clever and knows how to bend the rules to suppress dissent- create isolation and brand the most vocal as extremists... even criminals. The threats to our pursuits of happiness and free speech are numerous and the main threat is from the criminals who are currently running the show.
  6. political squaw

    political squaw Member

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    government and the parties are just a few people, the only reason why they can control the masses is they managed to turn simple civilians and police/military forces sort of against each other. Meanwhile police and army should actually protect the people. But what happens in reality is whenevr people try to organize a movement that as you said "represents a realistic chance at changing the system for the greater good" they use the army/police force to suppress it. And they do their best to keep this war going between us. Look at the new generation, they all "hate cops" and it is so in fashion to say it out loud. Nearly the same situation with the army, whoever joins the army is against Peace, so to hell with them. And very few realize that most of those people cops and soldiers are just simple people as we are, misled, exploited and their rights get violated every now and then. So they should be informed as well and I am positive most of them would support the idea of a party that would also voice their opinion and try to protect their rights. Well except those few officers that support the gov-t and the right-wing parties. But they will be not strong enough to resist the entire country
  7. political squaw

    political squaw Member

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    I am sorry, why would a worker's party be endorsed by the major party? I am talking about workers registering their own party, not going to the already existing party officials and offering them to promote a worker's party
  8. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Agree completely.Trying to wrest control from the entrenched interests is/would be a herculean task.The very people that would benefit from a workers party are busy trying to feed families,pay mortgages or rent and just maintain some semblance of a decent existance.It's difficult to take to the streets or go to Washington for working folks--the time off would be detrimental to one's job.Could it be done thru the internet?That would be the logical place to start,I think.I do disagree about differances in the two parties tho---look at how republicans vote on any issue and it's apparent they lack even the slighest concern for working people--they bust and hate unions(reagan--Greyhound,air traffic controllers)they vote against the environment,health care for all,ect.Remember, the Dems came up with social security,40 hour work week,child labor laws, over time pay,safety regs,ect,ect.I agree that their main concern is staying in office and on the taxpayer gravy train,but they do operate with a somewhat stronger sense of concern for working people. Conservatives will act strongly to a real or perceived threat to their interests(Their interests=LET NOTHING SLOW OR STOP THE TRANSFERRANCE OF CASH AND POWER FROM US TO THEM).JFK,RFK,MLK were in my opinion ,sacrificed at the altar of conservatism.So what's next?Where to start?
  9. political squaw

    political squaw Member

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    well, changing society isn't easy. But I wish there was an easier way, I just can't think of any, this one seems easier than let's say organize an armed insurrection lol although I believe that the worker's party activities can result in an armed insurrection, quite possible. If the working class will become politically active and aware and establish their own party it will definitely grow popular and win elections. And because the party's officials will be the working class individuals, they will start endorsing the reforms that will benefit the working class, so then the government along with the bankers and corporators will do what they have always been doing, start assassinating the leaders lol but by that time, if it goes that far, the majority of the working class will be consciously awake, organized and ready to fight. The majority of the military/police simple dudes will also be on the working class' side.So, to kick those few guys out of the White House, Banks and Corporations will be if not easy, but possible. More possible than it is now at least. But let's hope it won't go that far :D

    Concerning the differences between the rep and dem parties, I'd say that's what the government has been doing for a long time, endorsing insignificant reforms to keep people busy voting for each of those parties everytime and not doing anything stupid, like let's say registering their own party. Because in that case people would be able to say 'we don't need your (quoting stinkfoot) "pork barrel projects", we want vital services to be approved first, and those vital services for us are the following : 1. ... 2. ... etc", but now you cannot actually do it. All you can do is observe 2 parties fighting for the chair, and as the article suggests you actually don't vote for something, you vote against a party you disagree with, by voting for a party you agree with more, but not completely. So, those parties no longer represent your (and other working class people's) views. And you don't seem to be able to change those parties' views.

    Now, where to start. Do what we are doing right now here. Talk to your co-workers, family, friends, neighbors. Explain to them the necessity of such a party, contact people on the net from the other cities. When there are enough followers, chose a couple of leaders, those possessing communication skills and register a party. The goal would be for every state to register The Worker's Party. Once it is achieved, chose a leader and go for elections. And I am sure the results will be astonishing

    edit: geezus, I am gonna get assassinated tonight for such comments
  10. political squaw

    political squaw Member

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    USA: A Brief Analysis of Election 2009


    Off-year elections were held in a number of places around the country on November 3, 2009. In NJ [New Jersey] and Virginia, the incumbent party, the Democrats, were thrown out of the governorship. In NYC [New York City], Republican incumbent Mayor Bloomberg was reelected by 51% to 46%, even though he spent about 14 times the amount of the Democratic opponent! People are angry with the austerity being implemented by state and local governments. Also, both deposed NJ governor Corzine and Bloomberg are seen as rich Wall Street types, and that is not very popular at this time. Also, in the 23rd congressional district in upstate New York, the Democrats took a seat in a special election, even though it had been a solidly Republican district since the Civil War. Many right-wingers, such as Sarah Palin, had tried to capture this seat for the Conservative Party candidate, since the official Republican candidate was seen as being “too liberal.” Their support for the Conservative Party candidate forced the Republican to drop out. The result? The more “liberal” Democrat was elected.
    Capitalist politics has been moving to the right since the 1970s, when the post-war boom came to an end. The capitalists system is in decline and they will make the workers and the middle class pay dearly for this crisis. Therefore, the capitalists are not willing or able to give any reforms. When the system was booming, they would give a few crumbs from their table to maintain social peace. But the system no longer allows this.
    However, while the system pushes the ruling class to the right, there is also much anger in the working class. This anger is expressed in an often confused and distorted fashion, since there is no mass party of the working class in this country. For example, the Republican right-wing advertises itself as “anti-establishment,” even though they are bought and paid for by big business! They have also tried to rally opposition to changes in health care by claiming to defend Medicare. They run ads opposing Obama's health care plan (which is a million miles from socialized health care), explaining that it will cost precious jobs that they dearly want to defend!
    This shows that the right-wing knows the mood of the masses is not for cuts in social programs. However, this is precisely what the Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives alike must do. They must institute counter-reforms, deepening cuts in the few social programs that exist, because this is what crisis-ridden American capitalism demands. As the federal budget deficit skyrockets, they must at some point raise taxes and cut social programs to deal with it.
    [​IMG] In Maine, a referendum repealing marriage equality for gay men and lesbians has passed. This is another strategy of the ruling class: divide and rule. As the crisis continues to unfold, their goal is to divide the working class and get people to fight against each other, rather than unite against big business.
    In Ohio, the building of four Casinos has been approved, on the promise of modest job creation in a state with 11% unemployment. This is the “solution” the rich offer: to gamble away your earnings in the desperate hope you might hit the jackpot!
    At some stage, the present crisis will be reflected in a sharp debate in the labor movement. Those labor leaders who said trust the Democrats will be challenged by the membership. Workers will see that we need a political alternative to fight both the Republicans, who are the open enemy of the working class, and the Democrats, who claim to be friends but are every bit as controlled by big business. As this debate unfolds, the possibility to establish a mass labor party will become a reality. With the anger that exists among workers in youth, is there any doubt that such a party would do very well politically, even though it would be ruthlessly defamed by the politicians and the media? In these latest elections, turnout was dismally low as workers see no real alternative but “the other guy.” Offered a mass workers' alternative, currently “apathetic” workers and youth will come out in large numbers to organize and vote for such a party. Workers and youth who are looking to change this system should join with the WIL (Worker's International League) to fight for this perspective, to help bring real change in the interests of the vast majority, not the few super rich.

    Written by Tom Trottier
  11. BTS

    BTS Member

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  12. mckarkies

    mckarkies Member

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    I am glad that I came across this thread. I honestly feel like this thread alone is a great start for all of america. No lie, for us 20 somethings right now, we are going to be living when a new party arises. The fact is that middle class and working people are meant to keep working, not get an education, and not be able to get the proper education and skills to run for government or get a job that could somehow turn a dull life into a dream. We were settled 200 years ago, only a few generations of families have lived here. They are the ones that run the government, still feeling like it's just their land and power. America needs to rise. We need to get out of this slumber and awaken the rest of the masses!
  13. worldsofdarkblue

    worldsofdarkblue Banned

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    The U.S. is badly in need of a third party but, as Ralph Nader has revealed, the established two have systemically walled off any such possibility. Insuring their own existence they have set up such stringent regulation against any other political formations that it would take nothing short of widespread rebellion to comply.

    Also, it would be disastrous for any new organization to use the words 'worker' or 'labor' in their names. In such a heavily propagandized society as the U.S. has been throughout the twentieth century such words have become associated with communism in the increasingly poorly educated minds of the common man. Unions also have done the terms no favors with their history of corruption, criminal association and protectionism of their least worthy members. As stated, a party with the interests of the majority of the citizenry - the common good if you will - at the forefront is what's needed. The Citizens Advocate party perhaps, or the Common Good party - whatever.

    Still, the cynicism of a Bill Maher is perfectly understandable, in fact is the completely appropriate response to an electorate that has been so systematically dumbed down that it can actually elect the likes of a George Bush Jr. or a Sarah Palin, and regards Ronald Reagan to be its greatest president. Whose news broadcasts have all the style and substance of three-minute infotainment segments and give equal time to any ridiculous opinionator for the sake of an adversarial viewer fix. Cynicism to maintain one's sanity is almost a requirement in such a culture.
  14. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    The only thing worse than an illiterate fool is a literate fool.
  15. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    An ignorant populace is a compliant populace. Compliance equals acceptance of the present state of the union including right wing media ownership,the failing schools (does anyone think it's coincidence ?)the teabag insistance that Obama is the culprit regarding the economy when it's known that reagan started the de-regulation that the bushes continued ,thus allowing the rigged games on Wall street to almost bring the world economy down,the shipping of jobs overseas, THE MONEY GIVEN TO OTHER COUNTRIES AS FOREIGN AID (when our national debt is so high,borrowing money from a country that hacks this countrys military sites ,electrical grid controls ,ect on a regular basis)mostly to grease palms fascilitating resource "theft"in those countries,that eventually hate us for the theft,the fear of "the fairness doctrine" (by republicans),which only insists that those subjected to claimed spurious on-air charges have an opportunity to come on the show to rebut those charges as stated over the air,(you can see why limbaugh,beck,hannity ,were railing against it.) These things that I can see clearly, are a detriment to the health of the nation,but I can also see that the american people can be swayed so easily into thinking whatever is told them,no matter how stupid and outrageous,that I don't see how any real change can come about now. Form a workers party? I would be there. It would be fitting to wrest control of this country from those "corporate citizens" that are ruining it.
  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I sugest reading Quig's journal entry--"stop beig nice to working class conservatives. The man has it right.
  17. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    I think I've already said it all, but if you keep biting the hand that feeds you, eventually it won't be able to hand you anything.
  18. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I'd have to get the hand out of my pocket to bite it.
  19. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    But if you think it belongs there why would you bite it?
  20. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    OK.You got me. I pay my share and I want their hand in there if it helps people. But not for war.

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