Hi guys, The past month or so I've noticed that when I cum through masturbation it doesn't feel that great (Understatement, I actually feel almost nothing) and my sex drive has plummeted. Does anyone have any idea why this has happened or how I can solve it? I have no idea if it is an emotional issue or physical. Some people may suggest holding off for a few days; I've held off for longer than I ever have before but the orgasm is still really numb and poor. Others may suggest that I've just got too use to it and immune, but I've fapped for over a decade and it's always felt great, yet one day it suddenly didn't, so I don't really buy that. There is still a large amount of cum when I do orgasm, but it just doesn't feel good. This has gotten me pretty worried about my sex life in the future, as I was generally a really sexual person and it feels like a big part of my life has suddenly vanished. Any ideas? Suggestions? Solutions? I'd appreciate any answers, cheers.
My first thought is how old are you? (you don't have answer this question) My next thought is, did the love of your life dump you? In other words are you heart broken? These things will slow you down for sure. Solution: go find somebody you find attractive and ask them for a date! Good Luck!
Wanting to help and to articulate and dissect a "cum" for guys I'll say that it's really two states. The first stage being the "building" stage where to use an analogy it's like you've entered or crossed that point of no coming back and are riding a building wave and quite honestly for me this part feels more euphoric than the second stage of actually ejaculating. This stage to me at least you know when you enter it and short of pulling out it continues to build and feel better and better till you reach the top. The second stage, which I would think most people refer to as "cumming" is when you ejaculate and release cum, though really there is a bit of crossover between the two stages. To me this feels more like a release and starts with it feeling as good as it possibly can (as if riding the wave from the previous stage) and then the euphoric feeling of cumming tapers off as one continues to ejaculate. Sorry for the lecture but I'm curious if the whole (both stages) feel ho hum or if it's one or the other. Aside from that you said you've fabbed for 10 years or so which I think would make you pretty young (like in your mid twenties). If that is the case then there is certainly something wrong and without alarming you I would suggest visiting your doctor as cumming should never physically feel absent no matter how much you do it. I know there may be other factors, you may be an emotional wreck, there may be other things in your life consuming you, so there can certainly be other factors for sure, but overall and as an average if / when you masturbate or have sex and when you cum if you are feeling no enjoyment at all then there is certainly some cause for concern and or alarm and you should pursue it further. Good luck
Dude, I had the same problem! I'm hitting 30 soon and I found that jacking off wasn't as fulfilling as it was just 2 years ago. Now, my solution is going to sound so basic, but it is really this simple (for me anyway). Basically, I just being more invested in the actual act of masturbation (I got a new girlfriend, so renewed interest in jacking off other than just going through the motion). I thought it was simply something physical (to an extent I suppose this is true), but I also found my problem to be mental. tldr: Go meet new people. Go fall in love. Jack off to them.
I felt a such when I was younger - I tried (I think even too patiently))) but cannot feel orgasm. I cannot get - what's the reason. Than I started to find for pictures of different girls in www. I looked through a lot of girls profiles on okcupid or originclub.com and that helped me really. Some girls were really gorgeous and it was fantastic to masturbate when seing them)) Try this
You taken Opiates(Pain Meds etc) regularly. Ive been asking the same question for years. Try to slim off it completely if not at least a bare minimum . Its either Sex or Get high. Infact nearly 100 percent of men in their early 30's late 20's are asking this question now.
Could be a sensitivity issue. Try using a penis health creme called Man1 Man Oil for a while.. it is made just for the penis and helps with issues like this.. it is safe and easy to use and seriously works wonders down there. I always keep some in my apartment just in case. Google it and check it out at least. Good luck.
I specifically looked up this topic and found this thread. I’m a female in my late 20s. I began experiencing this a few years ago and I think it’s absolutely tied to a mental/emotional state. Like I can feel my muscles contract and release, I have the decrease in desire that comes after cumming, but without the feeling of orgasm or really any pleasant sensation at all. It’s incredibly frustrating, makes me feel fucked up. It makes me really sad.
Hi, MERmainder, I'm not very good at getting things done around here without screwing something up. Like I'm certain that I posted a thoughtful reply here earlier, but somehow it's lost in the ether. I can't keep track of topics, and I have no idea what threads are. The worst is I get logged out all the time without knowing, and it's pain constantly log back in. I figure there's a 50-50 chance this will to you. That said, I'm glad you found your way here. It's important for men to hear what women have to add to any discussion about orgasms, especially the female orgasm. It was brave of you share your experience here. As far as I can tell you are the only women around. When I first read your post, it reminded me of a woman from my past is very wise. She introduced me to a few basic principals and practices of Tantra. its a way of embracing your sexual and using it in positive ways. I'm not doing it justice, but I think you should look into it. I found some things online to give you a start. Tantric Sex for Beginners: 4 Easy Tips! | Care2 Healthy Living