A new hard line fundamentalist Islamist force has formed in Iraq and taken over several cities. It is thought that many have come from the Syrian conflict. The new Sunni militia, known as The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is well armed and funded, and is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda, who have disowned them for being too brutal. They aim to overtake the country and impose a strict Sharia Law state. With much of the Iraqi army having capitulated, Iran has sent the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to aid the defence of Baghdad. Shia militia are also joining the fight against the insurgents. The US has ordered a warship to the region. Iraq conflict: US sends warship to the Gulf
Yeah, this just gets more insane by the day., Why is it that the US is the country always sending warships somewhere and no one else? Does anyone wonder about Nostradamus and his prophecies.....? I know that may be hogwash, too, but N did say the third world war would be started by someone in a green blue turban and it would wipe out most of the world, but who was left would eventually build. More brutal than Al-Qaeda? Hard to imagine...but as with some strains of diseases....you can wipe them out for so long with penicillan and things, but then they come back stronger and more deadly than ever....and resistant to things....and to treatment.... I wish these were not our problems...... and these things lead to many philosophical discussions, don't they?
They certainly lead to many political and idealogical discussions, like why did The West invade Iraq in the first place when Hussein had already crushed all terrorists elements under his rule? There is no evidence that Al-Qaeda operated from Iraq before the war. In fact, they came from Saudi Arabia, funnily enough, a close ally of The West to this day. Regarding the latest crisis, The West is now trying to prop up the weak, divided and un-representative government in Baghdad with ISIS 40 miles from the capital. The West is frantically politically fire fighting to come up with workable solutions, they may be fire fighting for real soon.
I went in 90-91 Combat SAR Helo's, We all felt bad that nothing happened in Iraq and Now The OIF OEF Guys are saying the same thing but I think We should just watch and see if those boys used what we taught them and if not then we need to turn it to Glass.They have been dying to pull the big toys off of the shelf and this way Halliburton will have to actually work for the Oil.
The verdict my community have come to on this matter is far-fetched to those who have not the retrospect of an empire; may the Indians of the subcontinent, the commonwealth Africans and Canadians, those of the USA who remember the bicentennary and those of all nations of a former empire give credence that last century, the most decedant empire of multi-contintental nature was the Ottomans; the area(s) are still recovering from this, and there is absolutely no need for us to get involved. Bound by NATO agreements, my home towns will likely be suffering casaulties from their deployments - I am A UK CIVILIAN and I consider myself a EU CITIZEN - AVAILABLE FOR WORK anywhere from Kerry, ROI to Transylvania, Romania (maybe :juggle ... ...but its one thing to rally support in one nation of civil war - to then launch a religious attack based on what exactly? on a neighbouring, recovering and basically defenceless land is sick. As it is, I am learning Arabian next year and Polish after that. Maybe Russian if Edward Snowden decides he needs a British Visa after all LOL
But the insurgents are too lazy to get off their bees-wax and get to work. They think they are something immoral like Basher Al-assad.
Joshua Tree : Why did The West invade Iraq in the first place http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=...my journey tony blair resolution 1441&f=false
I just want nothing to do with the whole thing let that mess sort itself out. People keep saying it's our fault but the fault lies with England and France who carved up the Ottoman Empire in this way so it could never stop fighting and never become as powerful as it once was. They jumbled up all these different groups in one place who don't get along and for some stupid reason we went in thinking we could fix it which was foolish and just part of the bush agenda to get back at Iraq and continue to feed the industrial military complex
There are plenty of places with people 'jumbled up' : USA Ireland etc - that do 'get on' eventually. Maybe it just needs more time.
Yes, things have gone from very bad to much worse. We can thank Obama for much of this with his " Arab Spring " policies: Arming and providing air strikes and more for the moslem brotherhood. A failed policy that any idiot could forsee the results of. There is hope. The country INDIA is THERE and fighting back along with Ireland. I have little faith in Europe or the USA under OBUMMER`S leadership. I have discussed this issue and got nothing but shit from this forum`s members for telling the TRUTH about islam. The Irish have balls and so do the Indians. Much more here about all this: http://www.barenakedislam.com/ So the Indians and Irish have the balls to stand up to these islamists, do YOU ? ...Oscar
What is the irony ? As always you NEVER explain your self. The Irish fighting islamists here: http://freepatriot.org/2013/11/27/irish-citizens-stand-muslim-invasion/
Don't listen to odon, he's still sore after I verbally assaulted the UK in a battle between UK vs USA. Then we won … just like we did in our revolutionary war Iraq is a lost cause, so is Syria. They're all mental extremists, bred for hundreds of years to be hostile aggressive people with no peace.
I do explain myself. Frequently. Think about 'the troubles' in Ireland. Think about how Irish people were treated in England decades ago. And you think they are all treating others like they once were treated? And you think the majority of Irish people are "fighting back" ? Mmm, more likely there are a certain sections in Ireland with out two brain cells to rub together. You get prejudiced people all over the world, I guess.
I don't remember. I can't imagine I would be too bothered about some clichéd tired old thing like that.
This " odon " person is an islamist sympathizer and constantly comes up with unfounded reasons why the rest of us [ non-moslems ] should ignore the ongoing slaughter, murder of innocent people. This is a point in time when standing up to an extremely dangerous ideology is demanded. The West FAILED in the 1930s to stand up to both NAZISM and SHINTOISM. For those who do not know: About 10 times as many people died in the so called ALLIED CAMP as did those who died in the so called AXIS CAMP. And we ended up with an never ending war with the Russians. As back then: The sooner we stand up the better. The Nazis came very close to winning WWII. They would have won had Hitler not screwed up Germany`s war efforts on many fronts. Germany had decent jet fighters that could have destroyed the USA and UK`s air forces if embraced and deployed as recommended. They also had jet bombers. We are at a crucial point in time. We NEED to tear down islamism while we still can. A website that discusses this here: http://markhumphrys.com/islamism.nightmares.html There seem to me to be many here in this forum who appear to be TOTALLY unaware of just how really bad things can become in this world we all live in. We here in the USA NEVER experienced as a Nation the devastation of WWII or WWI for that matter. Entire cities were obliterated. And screw you people who whine about Japan`s cities. Japan murdered tens of millions of Chinese. They suffered about 2.5 million dead. Those Japanese made sport of killing people. Exactly as do the islamists of the current era do. ...Oscar