Crime And The Choices We Make.

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Jimbee68, Jun 7, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I personally think that crime and violence are just diseases. And maybe some day they may be treatable with medicine. One lady on a message board about 20 years ago told that there was already a medicine for that, to reduce aggression and violent tendencies. But on all the message boards I've been on recently, people told me they know of no such drug. So I don't know (any doctors or scientists here?).

    But you know, I took an ethics class in community college in 1996. And our teacher told us an interesting story. There was an unusually large number of men in prison with Superman Syndrome. He was talking about XYY syndrome, or Jacobs syndrome. But when they studied the matter further, they found the sample was just biased. There are no more people in prison like that than there are in the general public.

    But my teacher had an interesting take on it all. Maybe, he told us, that's not what that story teaches us at all. Because maybe people with this syndrome who are in the general population are just better at controlling their behavior. Because it is not the thoughts you have, it's not the way you were raised (like if you were abused), it's not even your economic status. It's the moral choices you make that make you the person you are. Some people have a greater burden to bear that way. And they deserve credit for that, for living with that burden so well. But they also need to know that they will be held to the same standards as the rest of us if they break the law.

    I do sometimes wonder if violence and aggressive tendencies isn't a gene. Maybe it runs in some families. Maybe it's a random mutation that occurred just three generations ago in your family. I don't know. Jacobs syndrome is interesting though. It's not a gene at all. It's actually caused by defective sperm. In this case an extra Y. The Y sex chromosome is what makes you a male. XX if you are a female and XY if you are a male. As men get older, their bodies just tend to produce more and more defective sperm. And sometimes genetic defects like XYY syndrome result.

  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Every dead row inmate ever tested, turned out to have significant brain damage, while the AMA and Pentagon hid all the evidence for PTSD and brain damage for over thirty years, with funding from the fucking NFL.

    There's no need for speculation about diseases, when the evidence is clear. Our government is brain damaged, because they insist brain damage is normal. Both fundamentalism and republican party rhetoric promote Alzheimer's and dementia.

    It would be interesting to collate all the data, on the assumption the AMA is brain damaged.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2024
  3. Constantine666

    Constantine666 Members

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    The Human Condition that no one wants to admit.
    Humans are Animals. We are volent, possessive, territorial and self-centered by nature.
    We are the only species on Earth that will Hunt and Kill it's own kind for reasons OTHER THAN Survival. SOme even say for sport, because there is no logical reason to simply attack and kill someone you've never encountered before.

    I'm sure you can find the NY TImes story of the Old Man that was attacked from behind, bludgeoned and later died of his injuries.
  4. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Yes, this. Every time you ponder why we murder and kill, remember that we're 99,5% genetically identical with the African Chimpanzee, a brutally violent species of ape that are known to deliberately target and rip off their opponents genitals in fights, and even cannibalize the flesh of their own kind. I wouldn't expect things to get better any time soon.
    Constantine666 likes this.

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