hey old crone.. well i took crayons...ripped off the paper...sat down...and got confused? at first i thought i would know what to do..but then i just didnt know...I mean i just started drawing and stuff..but im not sure what im supposed to look for...i just drew a picture..of lines filled with colors.. Ill probably keep trying im just not sure what to think....or how to begin....i dont know..well..what am i supposed to feel? okays...thankyou bye.. ps. thease changes with the forum threw me off a bit.... bye byes. psss. its kalaheo...hah..you probably can tell though..bye byes
within you and do not try so hard. Hi Kissin Just let what comes be there. Then with innocense dream of what those colors will teach you. My daughter held a blue crayon and cried. I ask what she cried for. She said...."Because I needed the experience. " I looked at her with questions in my eyes and she smiled and said. "Mom you do not try to get it, you just be it." I asked what "IT" was. She smiled and said, The moment" In this place you will see auras, colors, and experiences with the eyes of child, and wisdom of a heart that has not lost its sense of humor, and wonder.. So just be the color.