"The Bachelor" has been on ABC for ages; now there is "The Golden Bachelor"; in this "enlightened" society-it's clear that airing a new show -"The Gay Bachelor"- just ain't gonna happen-at least on a "regular" network; and-forget about another new show-"The Bi Bachelor"(!!)Hey-gay and bi guys are part of society too------let's stop the exclusion! Equality for all-REGARDLESS of orientation!
You could always start a GoFundMe campaign for it. Amazon seems like they might pick it up. If The Bachelor costs about $3 to $5 million per episode, go big and set your campaign to ask for about $6 to $8 million per episode, just to be safe. There are agencies that rent houses just for shows like that, and equipment rental outlets for your filming needs. Then sell it to Amazon to screen. if it takes off, they will probably try to buy the rights from you at an inflated price.
One cannot help but wonder about the "fallout" a "big ad" outfit would face if they dared to sponsor (if only partly) a show such as this; I truly feel a show such as "The Gay Bachelor" (or "Bi Bachelor") would also help gay and bi guys not to feel so alienated with "the tube"-as it is- being nearly 100% heterosexual; of course-"Bi Bachelor" would be WAY too hot to handle (I think) and "The Gay Bachelor"-well-I sure don't see this happening on one of the "Big Three" networks-that's for sure------------
I totally agree; I certainly cannot seeing one of the "Big Three" handling a show(s) such as this-------