The recent rise in ('British') Gas prices, like Petrol a matter of necessity for many; if not all, is something that the masses have little to no control over. Sure elections, be they National Government or shareholders can have an influence, though little is done to prevent the fete de complete that the masses/ordinary folk can influence - Just like the Banking collapse when the people were asked, and did, support in their time of need -for 'National benefit' - soon they were back to their ways of self preservation - Makes one think (especially those of older generation) Has the opportunity for Revolution been missed?
The opportunity for revolution was missed after WW1, although there was a small social revolution following WW2 with the inception of the welfare state - the old guard have been whittling that away ever since - deregulation of the power industries being just one example. So far as power supply goes, there are alternatives to the major providers. Mainly 'green' energy providers, but you might want to consider Cooperative Energy. What i like best about them (I'm a customer BTW) is not what they've got, but what they haven't got - shareholders. To quote their website - When they (the big 6 energy companies) make big profits, it’s the shareholders who benefit, not the customers. When we make profits, it’s you who benefits. We’ve been looking at energy for some time, because we believe the public is poorly served. It’s high time the energy industry treated customers better. It’s high time there was a new co-operative supplier. Our approach is nothing new. For over 165 years, we’ve been making the world fairer for members, customers and suppliers by providing basic household services at fair prices. For us, it’s not just about money and profits. Our members guide us on how we behave as an ethical business, a responsible citizen and a committed campaigner on climate change. Formed in 2010 and wholly owned by The Midcounties Co-operative, which is a consumer co-operative society entirely owned by its members. Membership is open to all customers.
Ever wonder why gas prices are the same at all stations? Why the mortgage rates all rise together and turn out the same/ I do. Isn't that collusion? Price fixing? Are prices decided in back rooms by-----the same people????
...seems like that time of year again, yes we missed our chances in the past but the time is coming, I can smell it... a post I posted last year then.. Jats ignores the little begging fuckers knocking at the door of the little cottage by the canal where here in the UK Halloween is merely an imported excuse for extortion to be followed by 'a pound for the guy mister' only five days later when England celebrates the 5th of November to commemorate the planned, but botched blowing up of parliament where bonfires are lit all over the country, though not now to celebrate the survival of the king, no more likely to fund the local cricket club, pub, or school for another year as the peasants struggle to survive once more, ironically " while the Union holds together there will be no revolution just yet, though even then it won't be fought on the streets for how can it when you would be filmed, catalogued, gassed and labelled a terrorist, no only the young and idealistic foolish, like our kids, would be likely to take that kind of risk where maybe once one, or two of them have been beaten to death, or hit with a stray bullet will we wake from our complacent comas and stand in line with them..." Jats suggests "...though where is that line then if marching on the ring fenced capitol that we paid for with our taxes is out of bounds then, no a different kind of revolution is called for in this technological 21st century where you don't need to show your kids how to use a gun to start a revolution, just teach them how to troll the government, instead of each other then..."