I've heard from a few people where they have connected with fairies during taking Magic Mushrooms or thinking that they did. I'm not entirely sure if this is true or not however. A few people told me that they indeed saw something out of the corner of their eye or heard "fairy wings clapping" together. This confused me. Maybe it's just from tripping out of your mind or you're indeed connecting with them in some way. I've always actually believed in fairies since I was younger and I've read about fairies in books about how to connect with them. A lot of people think that this is all false which I respect other people's beliefs. The book I've read was by Thomas Andrews and I do own some Oracle Fairy Decks by Brian Froud. So anytime I hear someone telling me that they connected with them or heard something while being on Shrooms I always listen to them when their speaking. My only guess is that they're connected to earth and mushrooms come from the ground so in some way they're connected to it. Not to long ago there were tree's that were cut down and I instantly felt sad for some reason. Instant sadness comes over me anytime I look at where the tree's used to be. I'm a nature lover and always have been one. So I'd love to hear you're thoughts and opinions on this. Don't care if it's criticism or some useful information that I can read. I'd just like to hear you're thoughts. Thanks! :daisy: If there's any other novels that you'd like me to check out. Let me know. ?
Fairies and mushrooms. That's an easy one to answer. Just do a search for "fairy rings". and then click on Images. https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrTccKIqjRZ5b4AIIEPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=fairy+rings&fr=yhs-adk-adk_sbnt&hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt Glad to be able to help you. I believe in fairies, too I think that the lore is that if you lie down and sleep within a fairy ring that they will take you away and very likely you don't come back. You can look this stuff up on the web. By the way, DO NOT eat the classic RED Mushrooms. Those are poison !!!!!!!!!
Mushrooms and fairies seem to go way back. As well as elves and gnomes, little people! Terence Mckenna told wild tales of meeting self-transforming machine elves in hyperspace. This seems to be an archetype of the mushroom. Perhaps it is real, perhaps it is a projection of our mind, perhaps it is somewhere in between. If you encounter them, just pay attention, see how vivid they get!
This is the video I found on Youtube. I checked it out and thought it was quite interesting. I've always heard how people connect with fairies while they're on Mushrooms. Especially heard many people called them the "little people" I'm very much connected with the earth and I always spend lots of time in the woods behind my house. Thank you both for responding to my thread. Have you ever encountered any? I'd love to hear other people's experiences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYYbrKq3hv0
If shrooms can conjure fairies what the hell was the people on that made Fern Gully? Because I want summa dat stuff.