Alright guys I need a little help. What's the best way to score some good L at a show. I've been to a few shows but am not sure what the best approach for getting ahold of anything is. I've always heard just to let it find you and not to ask. I'd really appreciate some tips or advice. Thanks!
Word. Well my problem is that I have a show coming up. And my L connect is waiting for more crystal and there's no fungus around. Nor any other psychedelic in sight other than DMT. I was just curious about the best way to find something at the show. Or should I just forget about trying to get anything.
I don't know about shows so much, the shows that I've been to there have been people rather outspoken about what they have. When it comes to raves, sometimes people who have stuff are just kind of easily identifiable. You can potentially get bunk and/or adulterated drugs though as has been mentioned, so be careful. Some may suggest with LSD to do a taste test initially before consuming to make it sure it doesn't have a potent bitter or numbing sensation which is usually a telltale sign it is not LSD. Probably better to bring your own chems to a show which you can test, experiment, etc. with before the event.
I've always brought my own goodies to shows but this time it's looking like I'll have no luck with that. I was just curious as to if it would be smarter to ask people or to wait and see if it's offered. I know at most shows people get kind of sketched out when you ask for it. Just wondering. Thanks guys
Depends on the concert. Some bands have a reputation for where you go. In general just wait for someone to ask or keep an eye open.
Drunk people are more annoying. Drugged and drunk are the worst. They aren't talking about drugs here though, just LSD and mushrooms... :crowngrin: Poor kids the 70's there was always someone at the gate selling acid. Never more than a dollar a hit, and a hit was all you needed... Usually good too, rarely bunk, never dangerous substitutes. Didn't matter which band was playing as long as it was rock.
people who stand up in a seated place who are in front of you and block your view of the stage, and the only way to see is stand up yourself......can be annoying.....especially if you did not feel like standing up at that moment..... i don't mind it if the people on stage encourage it and tell everyone to dance or whatever....
If you would have to wait until someone asks you, you will unfortunately never trip at a concert here You have to look around and use your wits a bit. Here (netherlands) it seems it is mostly mdma and xtc that is the easiest to get at concerts and parties. Personally I'd also rather get some mdma in these situations, rather than shrooms or other trip stuff, but that is just me these days What I already dislike at this scenario is that it is a seated concert. Otherwise you could just move a step to the left or right, or even ask the long john before you to switch places (technically you can do this with seats to but ok) etc.
The people who spent the whole concert on their phone. Either texting or taking video with terrible sound because it is a loud concert. That annoys me so much, you are already right there in person. What better way is there to experience or remember it?
The key thing why that is so annoying is that we subconsciously realize those people are not busy with experiencing the moment or the band. They're busy sharing what they should be busy experiencing. Now, if one would just take a pic of their fav band and get it over with, that's different and not so much annoying. But when they're doing it the whole time you know they're more busy showing to other people what and where they're at, instead of actually experience such a cool moment to the fullest themselves. To be honest, I don't get why people would record a whole concert on their phone with shitty sound, and be busy with that the whole time. We could easy guess but no one is going to watch such a video anyway. If it is for showing how cool they are or what cool things they are doing it would be more useful to take a pic or post a one or 2 minute movie. It is really quite pointless and especially when it is an amount of people instead of just one annoying indeed.