Lately, my wife has gotten into going to a local "community church". This is basically a place where people go to feel like they have "went to church" without all the formalities associated with mainstream churches. They have doughnuts and pass out free water bottles and serve lattes in the front forum. They put name tags on your kids and really play what I guess is supposed to be "cool" music (bongos and tambourines included). The music leader looks like a member of Deep Purple and people wear shorts and tee shirts. Seriously.....I was weirded out!
So you claim to be gay, are married to a woman, and wish you had breasts and a vagina, but then judge Christians for playing tambourines, going as far as to say God would think they were weird. Do I have this right?
Sounds like a church in our community. They get their sermons on wide screen TV and serve popcorn. To each his own.
My local C of E church now does something they call 'messy church' - the idea is that you can take the kids and they can make a mess - throw paint around etc I assume. To me it looks like desperation. And in the building they have, a victorian neo-gothic structure, seems totally out of kilter. 'Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way' as said. But if they want to interest more serious spiritual seekers they're going to have to embrace new thinking, new approaches. I don't see this development as anything but silly.
You have to be specific as to what you disapprove of, I assume him fooling around on his wife without her knowledge ( although why you'd assume any wife wouldnt know, pfft).....otherwise that comes of sounding rather unsavoury
It's got nothing to do with what God wants or is percieved as wanting.That's another issue, and maybe there's the possibility that God doesn't 'want' anything in particular. It's about trying to salvage the last of a dying religion in an increasingly secular country. A somewhat innane attempt to get bums onto pews. Those C of E vicars get nice houses to live in - at least mine does. Far nicer than most of his parishoners. He also gets a reasonable wage for very little actual work. Again, one can't say that for most of his flock. So it's obvious they will try just about any nonsense to keep it going. They generally run the local church like a business, and the parish magazine is really just an advert for the facilities they provide for weddings etc. A money making racket you might say. I daresay that among the 'messyness' they still manage to circulate the old collection plate. Also, why would God (assuming here God has wants) want non serious people? Seems to me that Christianity is a serious business, what with crucifixion, eternal damnation and the rest. No laughing matter.