The other day a woman said to me she needed a twinkle. That was a new one for me. What do you say? I usually say the thunderbox or see a man about a dog.
For some reason I have just got a new meaning from the expression "I can see that twinkle in your eye". There's loads, I think. Syphon the python, Shake hands with shorty Take a pee Polish the porcelain Many more I expect.
My dad used to call it the shitter. If you want to be all proper you could call it the water closet, WC, or the powder room. And of course then you would say, "I need to powder my nose." LOL but I don't think I could ever say that with a straight face.
I love the attitude of the mother of a character on the Big Bang Theory (Christine Baranski) who would state simply, "I have to urinate."
We tend to say potty. My grandmother used to call the toilet a commode. When someone asks where the bathroom is, i just point and say "its the room with the toilet in it" If someone knocks on the bathroom door, i say "come back with a warrant"
When I was at a summer camp in sixth grade, my camp counselors euphemistically referred to using the toilet as "taking the Browns to the Superbowl," and would occasionally ask us if we had to make sure we were...well, regular. Constipated kids are a real pain to deal with. I think this is still my favorite potty-related euphemism.
my foster parents gave every foster kid laxatives. I refused. They thought we were all constipated, but in reality they just had a lame-ass toilet that couldn't handle anything except diarrhea.