Like other people thinking they would be improving the quality of their lives, I went back to school under a completely different field because I wanted out of medicine and into environmental stewardship. Fine. I lived very rural and thought these online classes would be ok for the dribble classes, so I filed my Pell and went to Ashford. At first I thought "Wow! College is so retarded now it's a joke! I'm gonna ace this special ed excuse!" and I did. After awhile though, I started noticing very strange things. First, I encountered a class where what was being taught was not the subject really at all, it was forcing obama politics down everyones throat. Not teaching people to think but the opposite: grooming them to accept authors that other people in their own field didn't because they based thier writings on their own opinions passed off as fact. Students were led right along in "accepting" the tripe as fact because "it came from an authoritative sounding person". When I pointed this out I was politely referred to an obscure place in that instructors notes where he essentially confessed that as a disclaimer for his self, but kept right on using the text and passing it off. That was two alarms right there. Next, I was in a class where the professor taught only "amnesty and voting for illegals" and tried to palm off how "that's the way it was" even though the issue has not even made it through congress. I still answered this class and gt a C-, probably because when the professor was pushing the issue of ID's and voting for illegals, my answer was that it was not necessary. They would all be chipped pretty soon to keep getting free stuff, so the booth would know who they were when they aproached it right? (put a real bug up that scumbag's butt for obvious reasons) I mean after all, this guy wanted to talk about "realities" right? The last straw for me was when I entered a class and there was a person who, for three solid weeks, made entries that had not one single piece of punctuation of any kind. I was laughing about that really and once even said "Come now, it's college and we really have to use periods, commas and question marks in our writing." The person said "I think you are very rude to me" and the professor sent me this ridiculous email about letting her manage the class. I wrote back and said "How dare you try to howl me down when you are blatantly passing a person through who can not even use basic writing skills? If you have not "addressed" it by next week I will just let the dean and registrar handle it." I didn't, because I could clearly see that it was all a complete money fraud and that these "degrees" would not be worth the paper they were written on and would be a mark of "Oh. A moron." as well. So I just am not going back to that school. The thing is, they made me jump all these hoops to gain entry which others apparently don't have to and took my money by deceit. Now, I have a loan to pay back and I want to take issue with that, because I was sold an inferior product by deceit and am stuck with credits that are a joke and a debt for them too. Next thing happens is that I suddenly "owe" the school money, which of course means that if they don't get more frauded money out of me they won't release my transcripts to a school that might have a decent degree to offer. I told them I had to talk to an attorney and that at this point I felt that the attorney should handle it. Time goes by and now I will soon have NelNet wanting payments and the issue remaining unresolved. Has anybody else encountered this? Any ideas on how to go about pursuing Ashford for my money back and handling this loan thing? I feel that if illegals and illiterates don't have to pay their loans, then as an "equal" (allegedly..) I should have some recourse for even the small amount I did finance to recover from the school that misrepresented in a big way their "accreditation" and product and I am sure I do, I am just not sure where to start. I know I can't be the only one because now they have even put out a documentary about these useless degrees wherein we learn that people with them have a job tending bar on bourbon street to pay back their loan. Essentially, that you would have more money forgetting these "colleges" and tending bar in a busy place while not having a debt for a phony degree to pay back. They fooled me alright, but I caught it fast and just want damage control and a way to manage the damage they have done. Anybody?
Ashford has campuses and online classes, all the bells and whistles, supposed to be as legit as they come and been around awhile. Formerly, only legit schools could get gov money...that's what I mean. It is strange unless you figure all these people now saying "wtf?".
As a person who had taken many many classes online and on campus I have to say each professor is different. Some are good and some are there to get a paycheck.