One reason I am not a Christian is that it seems to me that Christians don't really follow Jesus's teachings. Here is how a recent article in Huffington Post by Michael Shammas started out In America, most of the people who call themselves Christian vote for congressmen who try to cut food stamps. How can Christians justify this, in light of the Sermon on the Mount and other teachings? If they do this, are they true or fake Christians?
All those politicians have to do is utter a few key words purporting christian values and the people give them cart blanc. Those 'christians' don't really pay attention to what the legislators are representing, they just go along because they are convinced they are supporting 'christian values'... in other words they are ignorant, stupid and easily lead. They are lambs following their shepherd, even if the shepherd happens to be a sheep-fucker!
Well, I would say that because most people who say they are one thing, but dont practice what they preach is not a reason to abstain from following the philosophy. Because if you feel that jesus is correct, and all and that all of his followers tend to not practice what they preach it doesnt make the original philosphy any less correct or incorrect for you. My life is not run by religion, not by the bible, and not by any philosopher at all.. Not even jesus, I have my own path in life. I take what I feel is correct and follow it, and it could come from a number of different experiences, people, philosophers, and books. But I will not abide strictly to one, because there is no one on this earth that agrees with me on EVERYTHING. Anyway... On the food stamp issue, its tough to say what religion or philosophy most individuals are who are against food stamps. I myself feel that it they may be a neccessary evil sometimes. I know they are not perfect, but ill most definitely use them if I have to. Im sorry, but if my employer wants me to keep the business running efficiently I have to be alive and well. And if my needs as a human being are not met through my salary, they will have to be met through taxes. Now all conservatives can go ahead and flame me. I understand were your coming from when you point out the flaws in all these social programs, wealth re-distribution, and socialism. Your all pretty much correct when you bash socialism. But, it still doesn't take away the fact that most individuals aren't going to survive on minimum wage without some form of socialism. And I recognize that there are those that abuse the system. I dont want food stamps going to complete bums who have absolutely no disabilities that lay around on the couch all day and play video games and drink beer. These people deserve to be faced with the cold hearted reality of the world which is, "get off your fucking ass or starve".
Those in opposition to food stamps are not motivated by religious hypocrisy but fear plainly. A fear that overwhelms or preempts conscious consideration although much rationalization is given for it.
Don't have to actually adhere to christian principles to say one is. I think that's apparent. Seems to help to declare oneself a christian in certain vocations. To some, food stamps represent some needed help for those that are having a hard time feeding themselves and their families in a failing or at least, a flawed system. To others, nothing should be given to anyone that has fallen on hard times, regardless of why they need help, because it's their own fault they need it. Like anything that involves humans, there's a certain percentage that will do nothing to help themselves or others.
Christians are humans too... and humans are all hypocrites to some extent. But it isn't sure that every person that is against food stamps does nothing else to help others
We are equal to the extent of our aspirations at any moment, we are mostly undecided as to what we really want.
So the question is: are legal tenders more or less peace minding for deciding peace in the world of achieving justice for the hungry and dis-enfranchised? Food stamps are to be trusted from the company involved on the premise of temptation rather than government approval.
Besides a denial surely the bible can be a superstition, and all and all there is no more to learn than not believing the self-evidant self-deception of redemption you doubt yourself. And as through any wisdom we receive into out hearts we apply ourselves.:sunny:
Of course or whatever. I was commenting on the technicality. The bible appears in the quote, I never quote the bible
because they not real christians. a truly christian thinking person or peoples would'nt even try to justify it.jesus was a true christian.he had no church,just mingled with the people.he was crucified by non-christian christians because he was a true one. jesus would have voted for an increase in foodstamps.
Who cares? Christianity is a rebellion more than a conformity; is my view of the law winning the grace of the faith in knowing who made the judgement true for peace.
Interesting statement. Also one that has potential to stir up quite a bit of controversy. Are you sure you want to stand by that statement? I have no beef with you at all. Just warning you. I myself am not sure what jesus thought or would think of foodstamps.. Some might think, if your a kind, generous, self-sacrificing person that it would mean that you are pro-food stamp. Either way, what someone else thinks of food stamps isnt going to influence how I feel about them. Im rather nuetral on the issue. No doubt, if my next job is minimum wage, I am going to be using them.
Despite the fact that I am eligible and qualified to receive food stamps (renamed "SNAP", as in, feed me or I'm going to snap), I refuse them. I seriously don't want them. Why? Because I am forced to sign and agree to terms and conditions that I DO NOT AGREE WITH. Those terms and conditions are: if you receive an inheritance, the state will take it (I do not agree). if you receive a payment in a lawsuit, the state will take it (I do not agree). if you win a lottery, the state will take it (I do not agree). I get my food from the local Church, food pantry. Receiving the most of my food from the Church gives me grounds to stand on, when defending the Church in the faces of people who hate (and they hate, unknowing). They are simply ignorant as to the value and worth of the Church. I also refuse state health insurance, because the same terms and conditions apply. If there was ever a fork in the road, that fork is: Church and state.
Most Christians I've spoken with about the matter seem to think private charity should provide instead of government, but obviously we wouldn't need government assistance at all if private charities were enough. Private charities have not been enough since the industrial revolution when men moved to cities and started working in factories instead of living off the land.