Christian and Lesbian

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by DezRose, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. DezRose

    DezRose Newbie

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    Hello, a little about myself I’ve been a lesbian since I can remember I’m in my second longest relationship. And we are happy and so happy. The issue I’m battling is if This is right a life time of happiness and love in exchange for eternity in hell. I’m a god fearing Christian lesbian who believes and has seen in the miracles in f our lord and savior. But I just don’t know. Marry her. Or don’t. Does anybody else have this battle and how did you handle or what did you do?
  2. lion1978

    lion1978 The King

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    Nowhere in christianity is omosexuality described as something that will send you to hell, or wrong for that matter.
    And a funny side note hell is something that the early christians borrowed from scandinavian paganisme.
    DeeBird likes this.
  3. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Do you, personally, actually believe that you will go to hell for loving whom you choose? If so, then you had better change your ways. But if it's just something that you quote because "they" told you to, tell "them" to put a sock in it.

    I am not a Christian, but I had the full Christian education in school, and I have read the Bible cover to cover. The God that I learned about does not send people to hell for loving each other. People go to hell for spreading hate. Which means that a lot of so-called preachers will be going there.

    Love your partner well. Marry her if that is something you both agree on. And learn about a God who loves you as you are.
    Handsinpants likes this.
  4. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    I'm sorry to hear about the false god you learned about growing up. As for reading your bible, perhaps you failed to pay attention to what you read or didn't understand it. That said:

    You're right. God does not send anyone to hell for loving each other. In fact, we're commanded to love one another.
    People do NOT go to hell for spreading hate, any more than they do for not being good. Hell is overflowing with good people. It's also got it's fair share of preachers, too, so no argument there, either.

    People go to hell because they refused to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that God has raised Him from the dead. This is in the bible in cold hard print. Sorry if you missed it. You likely recall that, in the book of Revelation, it is written that "...whosoever's name was not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life was cast alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. It does NOT say that "whosoever isn't part of the lgbt communtiy gets to go to heaven."

    You seem to be one of the most interesting and intelligent members of the lgbt community I've met so far, although you're not the only one, and I enjoy your posts here in the forums. I hope stating my differing opinion doesn't make us enemies or cause you to avoid me in the future. Meeting you in person and sharing stories would be on my bucket list, especially since I've never seen you rant in any insane manner here.

    To summarize:
    Hell has a lot of good people in it. Being good is not a requirement or viable method for avoiding it.
    Heaven is filled with creeps, criminals, perverts, drug addicts, and all kinds of the dregs of society, and every last one of them knows they are no good, and that they are also not worthy of the gift of eternal life. They are only there because their names are written in The Lamb's Book of Life, and they're names are in there because they believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that God raised Him from the dead, because they said so with their own mouths, and they also repented of their own sin.

    I realize this may not sit well with you, and that's ok with me. I think you'll find many of your friends there, though, and for the very reasons I cited above. It would be amazing to find you there as well. None of us deserve to go to Heaven, but according to the bible, this gift of eternal life in Heaven is available to anyone who will. You should know that, growing up, I was a part of your community before I knew there was a community. A relationship with Jesus Christ and the continued reading of His words changed my very nature. He'll do the same for anyone who is willing.
  5. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    Homosexuality is listed by the apostle Paul as one of the sins that prevent people from entering into the Kingdom of God. It's listed in the bible as an abomination to God, or something He hates/detestsThere is old testament law, and there is also new testament writings to confirm this, even if those who disagree continue to ignore them.

    As for your last comment, King David the second king of Israel, also testified about hell, so the early christians most certainly did NOT "borrow" it from sandinavian pagans.
  6. everything bagel

    everything bagel Banned

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    My gf is a christian lesbian. She makes it work usually by seperation of Jesus and the manmade religion set up in his name. But she was pretty messed up from it all when she was younger. She is passionate about her faith and managed to hang on to it while being ostracized from her church when she was growing up. I don't know what that is like personally as my religion doesn't even make any mention of homosexuality (at least not to my knowledge) and even performs same sex marriage services.
  7. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I knew a guy in Hawaii that after having sex with his girl friend, would get down on his knees, start crying and praying for forgiveness. Religion can really fuck people up. Choose love, not ridiculous guilt.
  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    You know this how? You used to watch them having sex?
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Find a goddess to worship instead. Lesbians don't need Jewish men. There are many girl/girl loving goddesses out there and pretty much all of them could kick Jesus' ass. :)
    lion1978 and Sir Arthur like this.
  10. nudistguyny

    nudistguyny Senior Member

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    Over the years through many translations words have been dropped and words have been added. Sentences were changed to make it easier for others to understand the meaning that it was trying to make. Most scholars refer back to a early German bible as the hallmark of today's bible. But even then some words where challenged as to what the true translation is. One word that meant " do not lay with a child " Was changed to " do not lay with a boy " and later it was change to homosexual activity. The first time that the word Homosexual was found in the bible was 1870.. But it was not common to see it till many years later. And then it was only in an American printed bible. Why is this important ? Because it seems that only in the last 100 years has it become a concern in the church as a whole. Homosexuality has been a part of the human culture since day one. Those that say that it is a man made "activity" really need to look at nature. Same gender animals have been partners since the beginning of time. So is it something that they "just decided to do ? Because after all it's the latest trend to do. No not really. It is like saying how does a left handed person know that they are left handed and not right handed. It is something that they just know.. The did not learn to be that way. They were born that way. And in respect we are born in God's image.
  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Meh, both religions have been run by gay people and those with a less than average interest in sex since their inception.

    It's a lot easier to sit under a tree for 40 days and reflect on everything if you are the type to not constantly be thinking about which chics to bang, or guys to hook up with as the case may be

    Whether it was 3000 years ago or now, it's not the type of vocation you choose the if you have too much testosterone running around and you want to create wealth and impress the chics

    And if you are a lady and say you never want to have kids, you are a monster. Whereas you run off join a convent, say you are in the service of God, you are then applauded for never having to have sex with a man or have children
    Sir Arthur likes this.
  12. Wade Orchid

    Wade Orchid Members

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    Yeah, I just don't believe that because you are gay or lesbian that confines you to hell.. The last I checked biblically and don't hold me to it, but as far as Christians go,the only requirement for salvation was belief in Jesus Christ is the son of man and baptism to seal that belief. I could be wrong, but just because you love some one of the same sex, should not condemn you to the lake of fire. Probably just depends on your denomination, but I am Episcopal/Anglican and the Bishop of the state of Vermont is openly gay. Good luck.
    nudistguyny likes this.
  13. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Thank you for that. Though if we ever were to meet, we should avoid discussing religion.

    The issue here is not what you believe or what I believe. As I tried to point out in my original post, the issue is what DezRose believes. If she believes as you do, then she has a tough choice to make and a difficult road ahead of her. If she believes as I do, then she also has a tough choice to make - to throw away a religion that she has accepted until now - but one that results in a happier life.

    You choose your beliefs, and it only makes sense to choose one that works for you.
    scratcho and lion1978 like this.
  14. lion1978

    lion1978 The King

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    Please keep in mind that the bible was written long after christianity came to light, and I am not saying that they borrowed the concept, quiet the contrary just the name.
  15. download (1).jpg
    Irminsul likes this.
  16. lion1978

    lion1978 The King

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    Strange then how many cathloic priests enjoy sexual relations with underage boys, anyway just a thought.
    scratcho likes this.
  17. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    I've found nothing to support that claim.

    Also not true. There is quite sufficient evidence to show that, while a fully compiled bible was available within a few hundred years after Christ, the various books and letters that comprise it started circulating within a few years after His ascension, and shared among the various church groups.

    These things, however, are irrelevant to the op. As KathyL stated, she has a hard decision to make, and I don't envy her. It was somewhat hard for me to make until I realized that my feelings, coming from my heart, are often just plain wrong and should never be followed or relied upon, especially for something so important. Jesus clearly stated the proper order of priorities for christians, and I complied. Ultimately, the heart and mind must be brought under subjection to the Spirit.
  18. Varmint

    Varmint Member

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    I've often wondered why they do that. It is clear evidence that one is unfit for ministry, but they choose to ignore it. Perhaps they think they'll overcome it if they become a good enough minister? Perhaps, like the rest of us, they also tend to forget that the heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful above all. Another thing that always puzzled me is their obsession with celibacy, especially since the apostle Paul clearly stated it wasn't for everyone. He's the only apostle that comes to mind who embraced celibacy. As far as I can immediately recall, the others had wives, including Peter.
  19. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I'm probably the last person who should be commenting on this subject, since I'm obviously not a lesbian, am happily married with children in a loving heterosexual relationship, and am a big booster of traditional marriage. I tend to agree with my wife, though that gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry, so that they can enjoy the same kind of intimate relationship we enjoy. Discretion being the better part of valor, I should probably just keep quiet on the subject, especially when somebody tells me their soul may be hanging in the balance. I hope nothing I say jeopardizes your salvation. I thought I'd express some personal thoughts in an effort to get feedback and clarify my own thinking.
    I tend to go by what Jesus said on the subject--which is nothing directly. He did preach the importance of love, of God and neighbor. Christians also take his miracle at the wedding feast at Cana as giving his blessing to marriage as an institution. Interestingly, the Old Testament doesn't say anything about lesbians, although it does take a harsh view toward male on male sexual relations. For a man to lie with man was to turn a man into a woman, which in a patriarchal society like Israel was horrific. It was Saint Paul who attacked lesbianism as well as male homosexual relations by connecting them to violations of natural law (Romans 1:18-27). Pagans had turned away from the true god to the worship of idols, and this led them to despicable unnatural practices. My take on this is that Paul was talking about lust and sensual indulgence without deeper emotional commitments. Most successful marriages aren't primarily about sex but are about those deeper commitments that bind people together for a lifetime. I doubt that Paul had a modern understanding that people can be "born that way", although he does talk about his own "thorn in the flesh".

    It seems to me that a homosexual has three options to consider: (1) enter into heterosexual relationship(s), (2) remain celibate, or (3) enter into a committed homosexual partnership. The first option seems risky to me, especially if children become involved. Marriage is difficult enough, and to add another burden of sexual incompatibility to it adds further complexity. But some, I'm sure, can and do handle it. The second option is even more challenging. Paul, himself, was presumably celibate, and I'm sure many priests deal with it successfully and aren't pedophiles. But to me, nothing could be more unnatural. It produces no children, and impedes the individual's quest for interpersonal intimacy, which is a blessing from God. If the third path is chosen, I think it should involve a sacramental attitude. Every human relationship can be an encounter with aspects of God, but marriage is an opportunity for a particularly close, intense encounter.

    Pray on it and seek other advice. If I led you astray, I pray it will be me instead of you the Lord will hold responsible!
  20. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    The astounding fact that there IS existence/creation that goes on forever and ever-(unless we are in the gigantic experiment of the Truman show)--means creation itself bespeaks of a creator of some kind. Was religion of any type extant -say-a billion years ago? Was science extant -say - a billion years ago? Language? The answers to those questions are obvious. I'm a total agnostic on the the nature of existence--I just don't believe and can't bring myself to believe that we, as humans are meant to know the true nature of the what, the who, the why of all of that which has been observed in the relatively short time in the forms we currently occupy. I suppose what truly galls my ass is that those who say they know "the truth", is the observation of how we humans treat one another in a world that was supposedly created by a loving deity---. Why then are we still so barbaric, hateful and primitive if we were created in the image of and by that deity? And why should millions and millions of those that adhere to the tenets and rules of the interpretations of such, that cause the suffering such as DezRose is undergoing in the expression of love to a fellow being, make any sense? It doesn't to me ,but I hope she can find the mindful wherewithal to JUST LOVE and trust that her version of a loving deity will understand.
    Okiefreak likes this.

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