Married since 2009 I bet you they split because she found out he was sucking dicks on the side My dick Well, at least that will be my fantasy tonight Giggidy giggidy Dewan was her last name, obviously she wasnt de wan
Channing and my safe word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis If he mispronounces it, it doesnt count
On one hand I think he's attractive but on the other I think his features are too small for his big ol' head
Yeah, neck down mainly He's 37?!, definitely too baby faced Still, you dont marry that if you are going to expect fidelity, he's got another 10 years of being gay fap fodder, another 30 years of young girls with daddy issues going cross eyed at him. And they have a 4yr old daughter together, he's going to make them go nuts