I have found that moving your pillows to the opposite end of the bed and sleeping in that changed position feels really cool.It's a very simple thing to do but strangely changes the way I feel.Anyone care to experiment with this? Let me know.
Do you mean the importance of direction as in east,west,south or north.Does that affect the way we sleep?
Correct, Ty! I notice if I lie down on the bed in the guest room, I feel happier than my own bed, and I know this is due to the direction where my feet are pointed. Feng shui talks about that a lot.....In my room, I cannot chaneg the bed to that direction, though, ;(...and I never can get a good night's sleep....
Yes.... North is best for some, others say you should face the sunrise so head to the west. East is okay too. South will cause nightmares and restless sleep.
I often like to sleep on the couch for a change of scene from my ver personalized bedroom.I find the lounge a more neutral space which can be beneficial to help clear the mind.
Ty, so you mean, if you sit up in bed...if you are looking to the south sitting up, that is the worst....I cannot remember the directions, but I know they make all the difference.
...actually I just keep my head further from the door than my feet Never did matter to me anyway. I suck at sleeping
I can't do that, my body knows exactly what's going on when it sleeps, albeit.. thrashing around like a maniac. It's like no matter where I am in the world, I need to face north, on the right side of a double bed. That's my spot. You like my spot? You get kicked and elbowed while I sleep =)
Wait, no... that way Oh, and yeah, sometimes I sleep sitting with my eyes open. I got it genetically, from my grandfather
Just think like it's a compass and your head is at it's point... You are lying flat and your head points north. That's your "head to the north"...
I sleep with my head pointed west, my feet east. When I first moved in this house I slept with my head north and feet south. I sleep much better now. I also used to sleep with my head at the foot of the bed when I was a teenager. I dont know if I was attracted to the Feng shui of it or if I was just trying to be weird
i'm pretty sure i've had bed setups in every direction at some point in my life, and i've never had any location that slept noticeably better or worse than any other. i do tend to make a lot of sleeping changes, in that i roll over and sleep facing a different direction several times each night.
My bed has the head in the east and feet in the west...Guest room has the head in the north, so I think the east/west thing is not so good for me...north for head is definitely better. I just figured out the directions here.
Lulz I had no idea this would get so complicated.Don't forget the world is spinning and travelling through space!