Chances Of Dying From Opiate Overdose

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Felpz420, Oct 19, 2015.

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  1. Felpz420

    Felpz420 Members

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    Planning on selling my computer tomorrow, buying a couple points of h, couple bars, and some booze, and finalizing it. What are the chances of me surviving? I also have sleep apnea which i think would improve my chances. Will IV/IM/SC make a difference? Planning on just sc'ing because i want to make sure i get it all in before I fall out.
    If you want to post trying to get me to not do it go ahead, won't make a difference. Just want to know if it's a sure thing or if there is a risk of it not happening.

    And sorry if this is the wrong place, I am obvs new here.
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You can't ask that here.

    Suicide is illegal unless you're terminally ill in Oregon, Montana, or Washington; plus, none of us here would be qualified to participate in assisted suicide even if that were the case.

    We have rules here about posting topics on illegal activities.

    There's no one here who wants to be legally implicated that way.
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