Central Galatic Microwave Progect S+wax 1/1/1

Discussion in 'Mind Games' started by layperson, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. layperson

    layperson Banned

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    WARNING look up H2S
    opening hanger warning

    raelly though I wana sand the bottom off my lava lamp and strip the light bulb so it has a hanger coil in nicrome snare to rerostat air pump to create jet wave and pressure place spigiot posibbly heavy for bag attachement so I can vapeorize my grass duck valves if necessary DRY:sunny:
    S+ in matches and usp sulfer
    wax in romatic candels and canning parrifin
    I like gum flavanoids rxn chamber optional
    watching rubbers go up nd down on coffe cups
    egg white h2s in there sprinkle salt into egg white whip nuke and enjoy
    avacodo roots grow egg for extraction watch out for Chrones DISEASE when jacking

    and posibbly rave zappppppppppp GRAFATI left by shake and Bake sys All

    almost forgot sulfer XTYLS in hot water

    will lift up arms to SMACK next stay tuned set my prisioner free

    also like formic from metthanol w fe or cu and zn and back again with 03
    working on gleaned references stay tuned>>>>>>>>>.........................:mickey:

    Shambhala mix 2012 Exsision Bond lapis luzali has s radical s3-
    Submerging now
    warning some people X out in sulferic acid
    or by tempature like warm water or swallow swaxball one everything in there
    swax in syringe lubed force into water......just h+bubbling?

    dont do anything illegal I wouldent
    why not try in water generate gas in lubed syringe with a device so the plunger dont pop off generate gas in there maybe and pump into water why not just h+collum
    anyways I am not an experiment
    dont do anything illegal neither would I
    sulfer xtyls in hot water
    must control nutralize gas like cyanidexxxx


    how does 7,000 years of technology sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    close hangers dive! 100-200-300 deep!
    if you don't have it firmly drop it and destroy spit back stomp on it wipe history?
    fucking destroy drug dealing network free swax
    give the cops a raise your fists in air! you want to prostitute my childeren friend strangers fight back take you streets e don't need human trafickers
    they broke silence first>>>>>>>>>.wana get prostituted? have some"x"
    DROP IT! grace peace and immortality Rom 2:7 Jesus Freak Apostle type
    give them supreema firm fuck off! Terminate Exterminate Alligators dangerous
    they broke the silence first "look at our mess">>>>>>>>>>>......go figure?
    new ZOMBIE drug hitting streets Russian Krockadli zomb rot man
    opiate skin popers are they consuming hirp or is it something like the target molecule who knows? some sorta wacked up opiate slude?
    I think the entire matter is fascinating>>>>>>>>
    Double Down Hot Daggers "x":love:
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  3. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  4. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i thought the same but no tupac references
  5. farmout

    farmout All who wander arent lost Lifetime Supporter

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  6. layperson

    layperson Banned

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    swaxing can be done one tab at a time
    h2s04 would be an opposite rxn
    is for informational if you decide to do this and hurt yourself or others it's your on dam fault not mine
    only carcinogen posision narcodic flamable, must to process gasses nutralization
    having idea Archemidies device maybe air trap more like a pistutvity bong bke gar
    likeise cooling your nutrazalization solution?
    I am not responsible for you or this dont do anything illegal I wouldent and neither
    should you
    I'm not gona try.... but can this be done with lighter under spoon? clouldent maybe place in plastic spoon wrap in plastic bag? dont know quit it'll burn! bungi not all microave permable now
    need help posting experiencing road block ideas? might take out add in Times!

    check this out>>>>>>>>..

    just goto the black and white once in try left
    is for informational if you decide to do this and hurt yourself or others it's your on dam fault not mine
    ??????????????////with dxm not enhanced
    put a little water DXM R. Cranberry stired into egg white whipped in green plastic with knife point
    put in cruciable plastic microwaved 1:11 in bursts seven seconds left over
    i think 15mg was effected
    was ok first day
    tried again next day empty stomach
    2 hrs later flipped out
    I have some other ideas but can not proceeded? new research chemical?
    opoid ? dxm>?can be very very dangerous especially side rxns occuring?
    doees anyone know if anything what is happening to the DXM and in 2egg white for that matter????????????????//>>>>>>>>>>>>........................
    CONFUZED some vinagar egg shells sounds too dangerous
    OUTI am not responsible for you or this dont do anything illegal I wouldent and neither
    should you!
    i read some stuff and they say screwing with opiates is very dangerous and simply dipping in finger you could od toxoid death anything bad could be possible from side reactions toxins even diseaes or death.

    is it possible a carbonate can be conguated?carbinates organo chemistry
  7. layperson

    layperson Banned

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    - Our lives have an effect that is greater than we could ever imagine.
    - We must not become a stumbling block to others.
    - Our lives should rather be like a stepping stone for others.
    - Remember people are watching you and are looking for an example.

    PRAYER: Lord, help me never to cause others to stumble. I pray that as people come in contact with me that their lives would be enriched and encouraged. Amen.
  8. layperson

    layperson Banned

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    oh, aperently Alexender Shuligan tried DXM once and decided opiate chemistry wassent for him.
  9. layperson

    layperson Banned

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    15 mg DXM may be too much for egg white bomblet, likewise administration of meclezine a few hours later really helps, nothing seems to happen the fist two hours, its amazing such a potent product be produced so simply, suspect this might be able to replace suboxone treatment. I not a Dr. though there would be certain risks. I suppose the possibility of imminent death. dont do anything illegal I wouldent. new research chemical or ? "it" last 12+hrs no hangover or overstimulation*sucess?*
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    hydrogen sulfide? tends to become h2so4 if exposed to the atmostphere doesn't it?

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