Cat question

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by busmama, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. busmama

    busmama go away

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    Ok I have this cat, he is a male (neutered) who just showed up about a year or so ago. he is the sweetest thing and we love him lots, but.... He wants to go in and out at his whim. At first I didn't think it would be a big deal, but lately he has been hunting alot and I am totally grossed out by the thought that he was chewing on a dead squirel minutes before sitting on my lap, and today he brought a paralyzed squirel into the house! Yuck. I would like to just (re)worm him and keep him indoors like the other cat. But he is very insistant that he go out. He beats on the door with his paws and there is no ignoring him once he starts. Ditto for keeping him outside all the time, plus I don't have a house or anything for him to get out of the elements if it is cold or rainy. Is there any way to teach him to stay inside? I can't deal with this anymore, everytime I walk out of my house there is some dead rodent staring at me.
  2. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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    if hes done got his nuts clipped an hes still wild like that,, they aint no way..

    i dare say ya could yank his claws out an that may slow him down,but then if he gets out hes screwed..

    as far as him eatin tree rats this time of year,, beware of wolves(Cuterebra
    > emasculator).

    The female flies lay eggs near the nest or on the fur of the
    > host (cats and dogs are sometimes infected too). ),fuck a cat up..

    an aint fun to dig out..

    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    That is a sign that the cat is grateful of you and is bringing you a present!
  5. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    no do not declaw him! but i'm pretty sure you sound like you already know that's not a nice thing to do. cats really, even tho domesticated, are never REALLY domesticated. they will do what they want, when they want. of course each one is an individual with a different personality but if a cat is used to going outdoors then that cat is NEVER going to just decide to spend all day everyday cooped up in the house. cats hunt. they do. it sucks and i hate it when i find a mouse or other small animal that my cat has gotten to but there is nothing i can do about it. (my cat does not hunt much anyway, and if he does he does not bring it home). cats were born to be hunters and they are only doing what is natural to them. putting a bell on your cat may warn possible prey but having a collar on an outdoor cat is extremely danergous. extremely. and the break away collars do not always work.
  6. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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    much easier to make a cat a outside cat than in..
  7. busmama

    busmama go away

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    Yes, I figured I would be stuck dealing with it. He does seem to enjoy being inside and has quite a few toys he likes to play with, but I guess I'll just have to try not to think about it.
    I know that he is bringing me "gifts" leaving them at the door is one thing, but next to my bed another. I found the whole experience very upsetting. The squirel was still alive, but it was paralyzed. I figured the humane thing to do was to take it out of its misery. I thought it was one of the most horrible things, luckily my son was here and was my little man. He took care of it for me. I'm sure I overreacted, but it freaked me out a bit.
  8. hummblebee

    hummblebee hipstertist.

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    I can imagine - that would freak me out too! I'm lucky - my cats aren't really much for hunting. And they don't like to hang out outside either. They'll come in the back yard with me when I let the dogs out, and they'll run and play with the dogs, and then come right back in. They also really like to eat fresh grass (no they have no intestinal problems, our dogs do this too and we've seen vets about it - near as we can tell they just dig the texture and taste!).
    Amazingly, the only one of our animals that's much of a hunter is the big dog, she's half Chesapeake bay retriever, and (I think this is a genetic trait) she's got a talent for catching birds! I was so traumatized the first time I realized this, and still to this day I'm not entirely certain whether I should let her eat them or take them away...
    I agree, you shouldn't de-claw, and if this is how he's accustomed to living there probably isn't anything you can do.
  9. hippiehillbilly

    hippiehillbilly the old asshole

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    AHAHAAHHAHAHAH Soooooooo,, yer sons like how old??

    if hes under 10,hehhe or even 15, hheheheheheehheheehhehe,, i can imagine how that went down..

    heheheehe,," here son you kill it for mama"..

    ahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahha hehheheehehehehhe..
  10. busmama

    busmama go away

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    He's 12. And he was definantly trying to be the man. He saw how upset I was and immediately stepped up. I don't think I ever told him to kill it, he spent most of his childhood on a farm where we raised what we ate, he just did what he thought was necessary and what he has seen and helped with before.
  11. busmama

    busmama go away

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    Ok, This morning he has another dead squirel in my closet. I have never thought about getting rid of one of my animals until this morning. I think I may have to take him out to my sister in law's place. I feel horrible though, because he is such a sweet kitty. He lets the kids dress him up and is so loving, but this is gross. And I am worried about disease and worms and other horrible things.
  12. THUDLY

    THUDLY Member

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    I find the Hippie Hillbilly at the most unlikely sites!

    22 calibre bullets are cheap; cats are expendable.

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