Candida Free

Discussion in 'Let Food Be Your Medicine' started by Applespark, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    I am going to try to go candida free. To eat foods that are candida free and that don't support the livelihood of candida growth. I have come to realize this may be the culprit for many things in my health that I'm not satisfied with. As far as learning about it goes it seems to be a great place to start some healthful healing. I was wondering if anyone has ever done a candida free diet plan? It's not too crazy at all but it will be hard for me to give up some of the foods I like. I will have to find alternative recipes for them using different ingredients. I have found some great websites to help me start. Input and ideas and recipes are welcome. And if you haven't heard about candida I suggest you read about it too.
  2. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    What's so bad about candida, I'm reading it's a type of yeast but nothing alarming so far - yet I'm ignorant on the subject just seeing what I should be worried about.
  3. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    If you are actually interested then reading more about candida overgrowth and why to cleanse it is a better place to read. It can cause so many health problems, some of which I have experience clearly in the last year. And it seems that if this is the cause of all these things that they will be helped drastically. It can't hurt that it helps me simply learn to eat better or differently and also I'm trying to learn more about fending off pre cancer.
  4. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    Just wondering, what health difficulties have you experienced and was it recent? Cancer runs in my family so I fear I'll will be doomed to catch it at some point - do you have any websites of your choice that I can read up on the subject. I've just been checking out the candida wiki.

    Any further reading you add would be helpful, I'm on a current diet to increase my muscle weight by a few pounds - would be nice if I can figure out if it'a possible to knock out two birds with one stone so to speak. Ease off the candida while still maintaining the amount of calories I need to increase. Thank you.
  5. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    I'm on an iPod so I can't link now but I can later. I found plenty of websites about it. One had a huge list of foods you can eat and a list to avoid. It also had a cleanse plan with recipes and other sites have candida free recipes. So I'm going shopping and looking for recipes with the list of foods I can eat. I also found a little info on the link between candida and cancer but haven't looked into that as much.
  6. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    Sweet, that would be much appreciated! I hope the candida-less foods will still be tasty though I have to admit I have no idea which foods contain candida and which don't. I like to cook as well so if you find and or try some recipes you like please share, i'll do the same. Nice to have a lil diet support system.
  7. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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  8. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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  9. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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  10. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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  11. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    The list of things you can eat in the first link is pretty big. I'd say it's enough to start with. I like Salmon and you can eat salmon. Candida feeds on sugar and breads and fruits turn into sugar. There are fruits with a lower sugar content like blueberries.
  12. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    29 <---- did you read this one? Well I am going to try it. And luckily I think it will work out ok since I have quite a few health food stores and co ops around me to buy healthy food and produce. It will be hard for me to give up black tea :)
  13. Bonkai

    Bonkai Later guys

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    Yeah, I saw it earlier - thank god you found it, probably would not have gone through with the diet from such restriction. Good to know there is ample amount of candida free products out there, and they are all laid out on that lovely page *bookmarked*. I can say i'm planning my next weeks diet now off that page and also the recipe page you've posted - think I might try to make the Lemon Dill Chicken after I do a few days of the cleanse. I wonder how I'd feel after the cleanse, hopefully it won't disturb my workouts.
  14. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    see it doesnt seem that bad :) some of that food looks yummmyyy
  15. loveisdivine

    loveisdivine Guest

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    I think its always good to look at ways to better your diet for your own personal needs. However, I am skeptical of a diet designed to eliminate/control candida.
    I found this website particularly helpful.

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