Canada withdraws from Kyoto: "Too expensive"

Discussion in 'Global Warming' started by walsh, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. walsh

    walsh Senior Member

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    From Skip: Where is YOUR comment on this, Walsh?
  2. walsh

    walsh Senior Member

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    Harper's policy of continuing to put the economy above the environment is both irresponsible and financially imprudent. Exiting the Kyoto Protocol may save some money in the short-term, but what is the long-term cost of continually ignoring obligations relating to an issue as important as climate change? I'm guessing a lot more than $14 billion, both financially and in the cost of lives in more vulnerable nations, not that those mean much to the Canadian government.

    This will send a message to other governments that they can make international commitments affecting a large number of countries, and then unilaterally decide not to fulfill them. Canada is a highly developed country rich in oil reserves, and if they don't feel the need to contribute to worldwide efforts to reduce the impact of climate change, why should smaller, less developed nations do anything?
  3. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Now thats a pretty good comment on this matter Skip :)
  4. dead_head_0000

    dead_head_0000 Member

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    Harper finally did something good. Walsh, I know we have already been over this with your last global warming bullshit post so I'm not going to get into it again. I just ask you seriously look into the anti global warming point of view and not dismiss it. You have been lied to and I hope one day you will be able to see past it.

    I know you will pass this off as fake propaganda (exactly what the people who truly wrote the emails want you to think) but it may give you something to think about.
  5. johnypaycut

    johnypaycut Guest

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    Are they thinking of that "Tar sands" pipeline? it's really big bucks for Canadian oil
    to ship that "muck" down to Da USA? yea "Canada" you looking Bad dude.
    still tryin' to follow the game plan? well, here's "update" the keystone pipeline
    is d.o.a. (fool.)
  6. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Canada is a shithole.

    Seriously, I've been looking into it a lot over the past few months and the amount of shit that goes down up here is disgusting. Tailings from metal mines are being dumped in pristine lakes, carbon-intensive fuels being mined in Alberta with taxpayer money, and nobody even wants them because there are better alternatives and it's not sustainable to keep using fossil fuels.

    Ontario is currently trying to build a huge fucking chromite smelter that's going to need an entire nuclear power plant just to power it (more money being stolen from us and going straight into the pockets of the rich), and the land values will be completely destroyed along with the habitat and the boreal forests that filter out the CO2.

    The only people who have decent heads on their shoulders are the First Nations... they're the only ones really fighting it. Everyone else just sees dollar signs, as if any of that money is going to go to them instead of rich private businessowners.
  7. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Almost zero legitimate scientists who do not believe in man-made global warming.

    Just because they want to market it to the public a certain way, it doesn't mean that it's all a conspiracy, or that global warming is a hoax-- it probably means that they think global warming is too complicated to explain to the majority (which it is), and that being too positive means that people like you will say 'well that doesn't sound too bad-- guess we don't need to do anything about it!'.

    And to be even more frank, the people who talk about conspiracies and shit are usually shills working for the oil companies and coal industries... seriously, just Google the name of anyone who has written a denialist article and you will find ties to some pro-oil, pro-natural gas or pro-coal for-profit organization.

    So yeah, I would feel sorry for you if your ignorance didn't piss me off so much.
  8. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Well I Reckon its NOT AS BAD AS THE USA!!

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