I would like to. There is going to be a delivery in person by many people to the Heart Foundation. For over a year Get a Fresh Start has been running the Heart Foundation petition. It is time to deliver it. This will pronounce the beginning of the end for the Heart Foundation and their disgraceful promotion of margarine and highly processed foods as heart healthy as well as the ridiculous, terrible and outdated nutrition advice. We are going to go together with HUNDREDS of people so your attendance is ESSENTIAL to generate serious media attention around an extremely important topic that effects the health of absolutely everyone from the children in day care and kindergarten who are being given margarine on their sandwiches to the elderly and vulnerable living in aged care. It is time we create a health revolution, scream from the rooftops that it is absolutely NOT OK to continue to promote outdated and dangerous advice in the name of profits rather than health. We are going to print the names and signatures out on one big ass scroll, march to the counter cameras in tow and deliver the 20+ thousand signature long petition to the Heart Foundation headquarters in Brisbane. It is absolutely vitally important that this event be taken seriously, please invite everyone you know and please, for the love of god, make every effort you can to get there, the more people we have standing in solidarity the less they will be able to ignore us and the more noise we will create through the media and nation wide. Let's bring this bad boy home and create some lasting change in this country. NO MORE HEART FOUNDATION TICK. NO MORE MARGARINE. NO MORE LIES IN THE NAME OF PROFIT. http://www.change.org/en-AU/petitio...-and-promoting-food-that-causes-heart-disease POSTS