Ok, so me personally, when I’m out shopping for myself, I usually consider all coins and bills as legal tender. Unless if they were counterfeit bills? But say a situation, you’re my cashier, and you tell me the total is 1.50, and I tried to pay you with a $100 bill to cover it? Or similar, you tell me the total is 3.50 and I try paying you with 350 Pennies? Depending on how much your drawer has or how small it is, can you legitimately tell me: “Sorry, I cannot make this sale to you.” You either have $100 or Pennies? My drawer cannot compensate for that.”
We always end up in the line with the little old lady clutching her bag, slowly counting out coin after coin, then realizing she would have to actually use a dollar bill. Then she digs out the wallet and starts looking but moths fly out. By this time most people waiting abandon their shopping carts and flee to another store. I smile and thank the stars I know how to stick the debit card in the slot and still remember the pin number