i attended a mega church for a total of about three or four services about thirteen or fourteen years ago and lately i'm starting to have all sorts of dreams about this church, sometimes several times in one week. can anyone tell me what is going on? thanks.
Could you describe your experiences revolving around this mega church a bit? Also, explain what happens in the dreams?
Describe the church and it's services to me, as if I were from another planet and have no clue about any of it.
Dreams have no meaning. The dreams occur to keep the mind active during sleep, sometimes using memories.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, not even knowing the gender, I dreamed of a little girl about three years old. When my daughter was about three years old she looked exactly like the child I dreamed of when I was carrying her.
meaning isn't exactly the point. they are certainly not always any one kind of thing. but all the different kinds of things they can be, each may be one or more of. when something we later experience in life, randomly happens to coincide with something we had previously dreamed in one, this is where i believe the feeling called deje view comes from. the subconscious randomly concatinizing our stock of visualizations is certainly one of the things that happen, but it isn't the only thing, there is no only one thing, that all dreams are. some are prescient, many are stepping sideways into a parallel universe, and there are many other things, any particular one might happen to be.
Could be that the structure itself is in trouble somehow and you are being called in to do work through your dreams.
you know, every church, every temple, every sect of every religion, that preaches hate; you know, hate the gays, hate the liberals, hate the scientists, hate every other religion, they're all wrong, it is these themselves, not what they tell people to hate, to be against, what is against them, it is these kinds of churches and their leader who are the real "anti", of every religion, including their own. and they are helping to bring about the real apocolypse, which isn't a commet or a war or their god floating down out of the sky, but what will likely result from what we've done to our surrounding environment, through the combination of our self interested greed, which they appeal to, and what they try to tell us is the will of a loving god, that we should hate. sometimes the subconscious mind sees intrinsic self conflicts in things were the conscious mind refuses to look at them, or really see them even if it does. these kinds of conflicts that aren't resolved consciously when awake, often appear to us in dreams, where conscious intent and focus, can no longer hide them.