Why did Bushy let all of those people die by beheading just to save votes? I hate war criminals. Is my spelling ok now?....I hope I spelled war criminal right
Ah there you are.. I was wondering when you would start posting again.. why aren't ya in the politics or america's attack forum by now?
Well scuze me...I didn't know you should watch your spelling when discussing war criminals...sooory. I'll go fix it now
Incorrect spelling demonstrates a low level of mental capacity... which serves to show that the person does not know the first thing about politics.
There i fixed it..so anyway maybe you know the answer. Why did Bushy let those people die in Faluja? That wasn't nice.....you like Bushy..right?
I agree... the raid was not successful, but cést la vie... that happens in war. I did not agree with the war in the beginning... but it's here... Instead of idioticly wailing about how bad the war is from your computer... get off your ass and look for ways to stop it...
Hmmm..that's not nice...you might be a war criminal like that retard Bushy..he's ugly too..looks stupid. I don't think I like you
Cite some regulations of the Geneva convention Bush broke... If not, understand the social dynamic better before you go and accuse someone of being a war criminal.
Or just listen to Lodui because he's really cool and tough .. *giggle* Ok, enough with that I don't like Bush AT ALL and neither do I like his foreign politics.. but just leaving Iraq and let the people there solve it themselves is not an option either. I just wish the US would take a long hard look at it's own country before pointing fingers at another one (like how they are bashing my country for it's liberal laws for gays, prostitutes, abortion, euthenasia, muslims etc). And what I ESPECIALLY don't like about the US is the connection between religion and government. Reciting prayers at Bush' inaugaration.. wtf??? Ah well.. back to a more fun topic.. Lodui.. what about some pictures eh?
Sure thanks for asking. Invading and occupying a sovereign nation under false pretense..costing the lives of thousands of civilians. Allowing the murder of hostages by innaction to save votes. Torture of prisoners and publicly displaying picures of enemy killed in action..(SAddams sons) These are just a few..but you are obviously a Bush lover so I'm wasting bandwidth on you.......
This thread is in the wrong thingy ? Higherthanhell, could you not just leave these nice people to their RANDOM THOUGHTS and go and play with the nice people on another forum ? we thank you ......
Not that tough... I cried after I watched What Dreams May Come. I agree, I'm not sticking up for Bush... I hate the guy, and hes probably going to set this country back 40 years in this term. Iraq was a stupid thing to do, and it was just about oil... we can't call ourselves liberators while we let the freaking Sudan and Congo governments rape and torture ethnic groups outta existance. And I really don't like his social politics... But hes not a war criminal... and I don't miss Saddam either. Ugh, Politics are giving me a headache... Heh, I got two in my gallery, I'll get'cha some better ones some time, I've been meaning to borrow my buddies digi cam.