It's true, I have a brand that has my username. Well, part of it. Aoa Cosmetics!!! It's funny because it's a makeup brand, and I enjoy makeup. Also, come on, not a lot of people can even pronounce my choice in usernames, let alone think of the same username for themselves. It's pretty awesome. This brand creator is my soulmate. So, who else? This should be funny. Lol! If you don't know just put your username in a search bar. Something should come up.
Does a cartoon count?
The Closest I Can Come Up With Is "Glen 20" Which Is A Surface Spray Disinfectant Which They Claim Is "Hospital Grade". Germs Live In Fear When Glen Is Around. It May Have Been A Coincidence But When I Moved In Here Both Toilets.....Both Bathrooms.....The Laundry And The Kitchen Had Cans Carefully Placed Where You Couldn't Miss Them..... Cheers Glen.
I watched the videos, by the way. They were oddly annoying, like I couldn't do anything else, but watch them. I think they possessed me or something.
There is a movie series that has my username part in it. The Bourne series. I kind of can relate as to even why I have bourne in my username.
Ooh this could be interesting. Google says there is a 1965 comedy film called "Lady L" based on the novel by French writer Romain Gary. Sophia Loren, Paul Newman and David Niven star in it and it was directed by Peter Ustinov. Don't know if it's any good, but you'd expect it to be considering who's involved. I'm off to see if I can find it anywhere!
Means tomorrow.. But love these
none. i hope. although, since there was once a brand of toy trains named marx, i suppose anything is possible. actually my mundane name, there are a couple of people who have started industries and technologies who even share its odd spelling. there's a guy who makes modular parts for machinery and office cubicles and whatever else you want to make with them, the guy who started turning deep fryer grease into diesel fuel, an architect and a scientist at woods hole oceanographic. there was also an economist who was opposite headed then myself, and a main stream though little known writer, both of whom i actually am related to. almost met the writer once, that was 50 years ago. my dad didn't want that to happen. no idea if his reasons were good or bad ones. he never wanted anything to do with his family and consequentially i never met any of them. but yes, that's a bit off topic. at any rate, google themnax and you may find long dead forms and even pre-internet bbs's i was on, but not product brand names, i'm reasonably certain. the furst assumtion bots make is that i'm either named after some mythical demon, who no one else ever heard of and i don't believe the concept is anything other then a dark fantasy, or that i'm afro american who decided to use an x instead of their grandparant's 'slave' name. nope, sorry, that's not me either. i'm sure there's at least one advertising list that thinks i'm a black female, possibly on the basis of my politics. i'm cool with that, but it still ain't me. i mean, could you imagine, drive a themnax, or wear a themnax? somehow i kind of doubt it. a themnax milling machine or 3d printer that would be cool, or a coffee maker maybe. but nope. (btw, love french animation. mostly because i like strange.)
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