My Dad just had surgery to have a brain tumor removed and the tumor was the size of a grapefruit. Pretty horrifying actually....
He is recovering really quickly, the doctor is super impressed. His brain is already starting to move back to fill in the space where the tumor was.
Wow, you sure have a lot on your plate lately. I hope things continue to go well for your dad and I hope things get better for you.
It is so awesome they can remove such tumors. Really amazing. Congrats to your dad and his brain (and his doctors!) :biggrin:
That is good they were able to remove it and he is recovering..must of had a good doctor..usually the body baffles most doctors and they screw something up
Thanks everybody It has been really stressful but I think the worst is over now and he should be coming home tomorrow. His balance is all thrown off now because of all that weight that is now gone from one side of his head... but he is walking around so that is awesome.
A brain tumor the size of a grapefruit, and successfully removed! What a strong, resilient man your father must be. :2thumbsup: My thoughts and prayers go to y'all.
I hope he makes a quick recovery. I saw your photos before in the random section. You look like such a wonderful, fun loving great person full of love and sunshine.