So, working in education I have noticed that children in modern times are almost always recommended to get braces, even if they have no medical reason to do so. Every child should have perfectly straight teeth. I really believe this to be a negative message that is being spread to youth: you are not good enough without this costly medical intervention! Years ago, straight teeth were not necessary, they were not common with celebrities, politicians, etc. You probably notice that members of older generations often have crowded, or over-spaced teeth. This expectation is very prevalent in America and I'm not sure that it is applied to those in other countries (British actors don't always have perfect smiles). To me, our obsession with perfect teeth seems to be an offshoot of both our obsession with youth/idealistic beauty and our profit-driven dental health system. I think that braces ought to be dissuaded unless medically necessary. Your natural teeth serve the practical purpose of chewing and don't need to be "fixed" if they aren't broken. The only vitally important dental issue is tooth health--prevention of decay, regular removal of plaque, etc. Did you have braces? Do you care if the teeth of others aren't without flaw?
I've never had braces. My teeth have always been pretty straight though. Most people are surprised when I tell them that I never had them growing up. I guess I lucked out. I think as long someone takes care of their teeth and mouth it doesn't really matter to me if they are perfectly straight. I'm not really superficial like that.
I had braces, but I needed them badly since I had buck teeth and was often ridiculed for it. My teeth have shifted a slight amount since I got my braces removed in 9th grade, and the gap I had between my front teeth prior to getting braces has returned, albeit slightly, but I still feel fortunate to have had braces. But yeah, I think a lot of kids who get braces these days get them when it's not necessary. Sometimes slight imperfections in one's teeth add character and attractiveness.
i had them in 7th & 8th grade. i needed them to fix some issues. now i have a slight overlap on my bottom teeth, but that's pretty inconsequential. other people teeth don't have to be perfect...but they also can't be on the other end of the spectrum...terribly positioned teeth is an indicator of poor genetics and i just can't deal with those people
I never had braces either. It is lucky to have straight teeth without braces. Mine aren't really perfect, but they aren't "bad" either. I'm glad you aren't superficial. I actually find non-perfect teeth to be sort of sexy.
Well then, clarify! You could be interested in a person with perfect teeth that were really, really poorly positioned before braces. And you wouldn't even know that they had poor genetics.
braces are used in fixable situations. some people are beyond repair. those are the ones i can't deal with. people who've had braces are within the bell curve,
Fitzy is just perfect by nature, braces or not, that's just common knowledge. When I was about 14, they decided I needed braces. Apparently I have a pretty severe crossbite and overbite, and there's some decent sized gaps in between some of my teeth, and some are a little too close together. My dad let it be up to me and I shot that idea right down. I love my goofy teeth and I love the weird personality they have.
I had braces. My teeth didn't really look that bad at the time but I had tmj so my orthodontist recommended I get them. After they were taken off they put a permanent retainer on the bottom (basically a wire across the back of my bottom teeth). This eventually broke off and I never had it replaced. My dog ate my top retainer when it fell out of my mouth one night, so now my teeth are back where they were pre-braces. It turns out my orthodontist was right because now I have a horrible case of tmj. I live with daily headaches, my jaw constantly cracks when I eat or yawn, or anytime I feel nervous for that matter. I grind my teeth at night because my bite is so off. It will probably cost me a lot of money to fix when I work up the courage to see a dentist again. I agree that braces are often put on for aesthetic reasons and end up being a waste of money, but for any kind of major bite problem it is definitely worth it provided you wear your retainer the rest of your life.
interesting topic. i got braces in high school, mostly because of one snaggle tooth - the one right next to my two front teeth was growing like out of the side of the gums. it wasn't terrible, but bad enough that i'm glad i got it fixed. and it was only going to get worse. i ended up losing my bottom retainer at pizza hut one day. i actually went back and asked to look through their garbage....FOUND IT, and boiled it or something to make sure it was sterile. then only like a month later, i fuckin lost it again. i wore my top retainer for quite a few years i think...but not for the last 7 years or so. top is still lookin pretty good. bottom is getting a little crooked due to crowding, but..i don't really care.
I think you make an excellent point, and it is not just over there. Here in the Netherlands most kids who's teeth are slightly off get pressured in having braces at least a short while as well. It already was becoming common practice in my youth (80's/90's). I think about 50% of the kids I knew have had braces at some point... Same here! I guess I had a really good dentist because out of sight there is some crookedness and I miss one teeth (also out of sight happily), but my smiling teeth are all so straight people have been suprised I didn't had braces I have a really fat friend who used to say the same (a few times too often I think). He's single now
If you look at some old movies, the standards and expectations for movie stars' teeth used to be lower than those of today's high school students, in many places. It's crazy.