He's got the virus and was moved into ICU. Fingers crossed he recovers. Don't get me wrong I think he's a twit but Dominic Raab is worse.
Because that's the fear campaign man. High figures have to have the virus so the media can tell the world and make you feel like well if he can get it so can I. Not one high figure has died though have they? Except for some guy that wrote about Stacey's Mom.
Staff at St Thomas' have reported Boris Johnson is looking bloated, sweaty, generally disheveled and talking incoherently. A Spokesperson said.. "It's encouraging to see him look like his old self again."
Is that 'supposed to be' a joke? - If so, when people are dying - this is not the time to be making such. Clearly you do not know of anyone who has done … yet! And - I doubt if you'd like it/find it funny if somebody started a petition to cull the over 70's because they were a drain on NHS resources - would you?
Poor guy. He's pulling through, right? I think I read 'stable' condition. Whatever that means... Is he out of ICU?
Whether he does or doesn't, one would hope that ALL parties should appreciate the work, sacrifice and delivery of a service that was/is/should not be run as the way a profit seeking 'BUSINESS' firm runs. (The clue is in the title 'Public','SERVICE') although I fear that when the dust settle down - things will soon go 'back to basic' philosophies - It;s just their nature - and how sad is that??
I'm sure there are going to be unpopular opinions but a good discussion never hurts. Johnson imo is an imbecile. The man literally hid in a fridge to avoid answering questions from a reporter. Because he is "in charge" he gets special consideration. He's already proved himself to be a liar on many subjects. At least Dominic Raab won't be in charge. And with Corbyn being accused to racist or anti-semitic comments who knows how things will go? They are trying to split the SNP....Media lies how Alex Salmond was hounded out and how Nicola Sturgeon is being urged to block his reentry to the party. And now Scott Morrison is falling into the same trap that is cozy up to one Donald John Trump. Turnbull was bad enough. Oh well...That's politics for ya. Now if you will excuse me I have a vegemite sandwich to finish.
NEWS JUST IN:-.....Boris Johnson "Able To Do Short Walks".....But UK Prime Minister's Recovery Only Just Beginning........ Cheers Glen.
No, Johnson recovered. He wasn't cured as there is no cure yet. He's still Britain's version of Donald John Trump. In my opinion at least. He refused to send protective equipment to Scotland. Finally pe arrived from China.