Since Boris has failed to respond to requests for evidence from GLA he could now be summoned and even 'banged up' !!! More power to the GLA to shut the bastard up once and for all !!! Boris Johnson 'misses deadline' to provide evidence on Jennifer Arcuri
Unlikely this is gonna happen - otherwise misleading on WMD would have seen more pressing prosecuting
We have already seen the pain of devaluation of the pound, leading to huge price rises at every turn since the referendum, reversing things now will not rewind history. It was the will of the majority, not Boris, to leave the EU. Although I am no fan of Boris, we should leave before any more damage is done and seek our future on the open market. You may be surprised what will happen as a result of rekindling trading relationships with the US and former British colonies. Don't forget that we set import duty, not the countries supplying us. If we are going to be the looser's, Why are the EU throwing obstacles in our path.????? Many competent economists predict that we will be better of on our own.
Responding to the wishes of the GLA would go against the principals of British democracy. They are a service, are non elected and have no legal powers, History has already shown what happens when we pass powers to local authorities and allow them to charge us for parking outside our own front door. Business permits cost more than £1,200 in London and we wonder why prices are rising. In addition taxes on shopping premises are crippling smaller businesses and forcing us to shop online. Enough is enough. Legal matters must be preserved to the jurisdiction of the police, Crown Prosecution Service and Courts.
The GLA is made up of ELECTED councillors !!! - they have a DUTY to protect the public purse. If Boris, has spent public monies in circumstances he was entitled to do so, then he is potentially guilty of fraud or conversion and as a consequence, could and SHOULD brought before the courts. If he is found guilty, as I suppose he is, then yes, he should be 'banged up' behind bars !!!
You dont need economists. You just have to ask yourself a question like, how does New Zealand cope not being in the EU? Sounds ridiculous at first, but.....what is everyone actually going on about?
A lot of my information is via our daughters partner who has a doctorate in economic and social affairs and is a lecturer at several top UK universities. She is also an adviser to NATO. When you hear what is really going on, it defies all belief. Perhaps the most scandalous of all is the situation with milk from Ireland. Since crops become infested with weavles due to rain coming off the North Atlantic, they started producing top quality milk from cows grazing the lush grass and we turned to crops in the south west of England, This happened decades before the advent of the EEC and the EU. We currently import most of our milk from Ireland (about 25 million pounds per year). In their attempts to stop this after brexit, Brussels have attempted to blackmail Ireland by withholding subsidies that will involve them pumping their milk down the drain. Needless to say, none of this is in writing. Our main imports into the UK are food. Prior to us joining the EU much of this came from our former colonies, grain and cereal products from Canada. We will have to eat some humble pie to restore this trade, but at the end of the day, money speaks louder than words. We do manufacture goods in the UK that we export to the EU, but reciprocal agreement with countries such as Canada and the US could easily balance the books. This could at the same time slow down western currency flowing down a one way road to China, The situation regarding Airbus is unbelievable, since many vital components needed for production are manufactured in the UK. Just remember that prior to us joining the EU, Airbus was an Anglo French consortium. What a mess we are all now in. Is it any wonder that Brussels are quaking in their boots. . Jane (who works for the UK government), our daughter (a police officer) and her partner are all covered by the UK official secrets act, so I have to be very careful about what I post.... Make up your own mind about these 3 facts. The EU want to control our armed forces from Brussels. The EU have signed up eastern European countries and assured them protection from soviet reoccupation. NATO want no part in it. Frightening isn't it.???????.... Just think how easily the US could get drawn in.!!!!! On another note, During the Iraq and Afghanistan conflict, The Taliban retreated to the caves. No one could find or attack these fortresses. Then the BBC dropped in for a cup of tea and filmed the whole proceedings. Their films were edited in the name of national security, (no doubt to keep us seeing the Taliban as the bad guys) AND WE ARE TOLD THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, Boris is branded a traitor, for bring infatuated with an attractive girl. Shall we have him beheaded at the tower of London. It is hard not to see the funny side.
I am beginning to think that you are one of the wisest people who I have come across in many years, particularly when it comes to common sense. PS, Don't forget Canada.
The GLA are local councilors and have no jurisdiction over British law. Take a look at my reply to Driftrue and you will see why I feel the way that I do. As I said previously, I an not a Boris fan, but he did not create the mess that we are all in. In my opinion, David Cameron should be the one banged up, for driving the country into a referendum, then sulking like a petulant child and resigning when he got the results. Who paid all the money for the remain campaign ???????
Then he's not very bright when it comes to how local authorities operate - previously known and taught as 'civics' many years ago !!!
Why do we need a deal ,. We voted to leave,. No one voted for a Deal or No Deal. This is just a 'xenophobic attack against Borris cos he was born somewhere else' (Yes im being sarcastic with the second paragraph)
I'm not sure of NZ economy details, but I DO know that dairy farming is taking over sheep farming, which I'm not keen on for environmental aspects, and that a great amount of milk is being turned to powder and exported to China. Sometimes what it might take for a small country to support itself is, in my opinion, not worth it. But I assume NZ has been taking care of itself since before the growth of its dairy industry so it might not be relevant. I get what you're saying. I'm not too concerned one way or the other. I don't think staying in the EU would have been bad for us, I don't think leaving is scary. So long as people can still come on holiday to Cornwall and buy clothes and gifts, I shall not complain. Concern for the environment is the only part of it I take seriously.