beta-METHOXY-2C-D; 4-METHYL-2,5,beta-TRIMETHOXYPHENETHYLAMINE From Pihkal Need further information on this substance. Doesn't appear to be much information on the internet about it either. It is available, along with methallylescaline, and am pondering whether I should pick some up sometime soon, hopefully before it disappears or the vendor places shipping restrictions to my country.
They sound interesting though Shulgin was concerned the β-MeO family was dangerous. It looks like BOD was his favorite of the bunch, or at least the one he has least negative commentary directed specifically. The addition to 2C-D potency and duration doubled but this also meant so did body load. If I remember right chilly feet and a noticeable drop in blood pressure from this family of compounds were the particulars that scared Shulgin from them. I doubt they're really 'dangerous', and it does circumvent US law on 2C-D, I see nothing wrong with giving it a bioassay and reporting back.