Bob Marley assassinated by CIA its official

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by David0301, Jan 9, 2018.

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  1. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    im ok with that :)
  2. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Many people to this day believe it was the CIA who killed Marley by exposing him to radioactive material, but IMHO it was his Rastafarian beliefs that killed him.

    If he had simply allowed the doctors to amputate his toe when they first diagnosed his cancer he would be a healthy 72 year old man today (one month shy of 73)
    Asmodean, Lynnbrown and GLENGLEN like this.
  3. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    sorry, but you get 'the difference' backwards. they were humans, not non-physical entities, which is the meaning of "spiritual beings". they were humans who may or may not have channelled a god or god-like being, whom religious beliefs arose from their teachings. that makes them religious icons, even if the had been completely non-physical and non human.
  4. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    oh yes if he had his toe amputated or better his whole leg or to be on the safe side both his legs he would have lived a llooooong and happy life , without any troubles, for sure, mhmm, hahahha
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
  5. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    what conventional docs are doing is ridiculous, they amputate lets say one body part then.... after some time you get the cancer/tumor on another body part, they call that metastasis lol, then after some time you get it again but on another body part (again "metastasise") , lol, they keep cutting and amputating until there is nothing left to amputate without killing you, then they send you home "good luck buddie" hahah this is soo ridiculous, i have seen that over and over again, this is medicine of 21st century?? what a shame. this is middle-age-medicine. no difference. they were also amputating at that time.. we need to go back to the real medicine (ayurveda, shiatsu etc)
  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    all spook shops have some bad mojo. this is not news. but if a person makes their own decision they would rather die then receive medical attention, well that's a perfectly fine decision up to them, but i'm sorry i fail to see a link here, even if someone who worked for the cia claimed to have been involved. if they caused the malanoma in his toe, somehow tied him down and subjected it to a sufficient dose of radiation, that was very naughty of them, but it was his decision not to have it treated, and not that the condition existed or how it was caused to, that remains having been the cause of his death.

    if his decision was because of his beliefs, well that's fine, but it was his decision, and somehow i don't think buddha or christ would have forced it on him. certainly the god they may have both channeled would not likely have.

    people can believe anything and that's fine, but the thing is, there is nothing to compel a god, any god or god-like being, to have bugger all to do, with what any one, or any belief, claims to know about it.
  7. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    if bob marley really was against amputating his leg then in my eyes he is even more a hero, what a brave confident man with dignity wao - but who knows what really happened, so we shouldnt believe anything we read, the only way to find out is to ask eg rita marley because she was there
  8. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    correct, you say it nice, they were human beings of course, but enlightened human beings , living behind the veil of duality, in other words when we were children without any external brainwash etc remember how we were? without judging,criticising others? we didnt see people as good or bad, THATS exactly how they were, and we can all go back to that state if we want, in fact this is what distinguishes us from animals : having the choice between duality vs singularity mode. I find this topic very interesting and would like to dig deeper, i registered to that other forum few days ago, maybe some of you know that, lots of discussion about these topics over there, lotsss
  9. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    While their is truth in what you are saying, I don't think that you understand cancer or how secondary tumors form. Amputation and organ removal is only required when the tumors are too large for the patient to survive the amount of radiotherapy needed to kill them, or the dead tissue would decompose in quantities that the body could not cope with. Toes are a particular problem due to lack of blood flow and radiotherapy could lead to gangrene.
    It stands to reason that an advanced tumor will have released malignant cells into the blood already and you can not blame the doctors who carried out the surgery. It is however questionable whether post surgery patients are monitored correctly and any new growths treated with drugs and radiotherapy in time. Sadly, it is often the patients who avoid hospitals after the trauma of major surgery.
    I personally feel that more research should be carried out on cancer prevention within the body and whether PH, hormone imbalance or other factors could be involved. It is widely accepted that heredity plays it's part, but I wonder if it is another heretical trait that is the trigger, rather than cancer itself.
    Asmodean and Meliai like this.
  10. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  11. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    wilsjane, leather pants i do not think cancer is hereditary, thanks
    geeez i cant help but always look at your leather pants :((
  12. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    here is the reply, i agree with you, but i have also seen people´s turmors decomposing within 24 hours, whereas they had to go and urinate protein (white color) every 30 minutes or so, getting rid of the tumor, i see a tumor as a friend rather than a foe, but i think everybody can decide on his own whether the body is stupid and makes mistakes or it knows exactly what it is doing. It is an attitude. A philosopy. A way of life. I certainly like it. Regarding heritage : i dont think its hereditary. You have the choice what to do with this body. There might be some prone DNA in it but you are ultimately steering the wheel. Greetings to london from tenerife
  13. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    It is true that lifestyle undoubtedly has strong connections, but it is not always the case. While digestive malfunction can be linked to bowel cancer and atmosphere to lung disorders, breast cancer does not follow the same pattern and is proven to run in families. The biggest mystery of all is brain tumors. Theories range from hormone trigger to the possibility that an infected leukocyte is involved. However leukemia rarely produces secondary cancers.
  14. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    breast cancer occur - mostly- among women because they wear bras. Bras squeeze and therefore inhibit the flow/drainage of lymph.
    It has been scientifically proven that the more hours a woman is wearing a bra the higher the risk of getting breast cancer is. Significantly higher. This is something that is still not much known/talked about and kind of "insider knowledge" .
    If I was a woman I would certainly not wear a bra. Suffocating my breasts. no uh.
    Also: mammography causes/enhances cancer, there is no doubt about that.

    I still dont believe that cancer just misterously pops out of nowhere and is only there to destroy us because we humans are so vulnerable/helpless and underdeveloped lol. This is certainly what the pharma industry wants us to believe. I believe quite the opposite. But as I said before this is not about right or wrong. It is an attitude. A way of life. And I kind of like that (natural) way of life :grin:. Nature knows best:grin:
  15. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Their is no doubt truth within what you say. Regular use of x-ray has never been advised and more sensitive plates that reduce the required exposure are constantly under development. Ultrasound is always safer, but as yet unable to detect early tumors. I also agree that pharmaceutical companies are far less ethical than doctors.
    Regarding lifestyle, stress and worry has been known to damage health for many years, which may account for a lot of illness in inner city areas. However their is no simple solution to this one.
  16. David0301

    David0301 Members

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    wao i am happy that me and you have come to the same point in one area.. finally :sweatsmile::sweatsmile:
  17. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Obvious to anyone with a brain and some insight.
  19. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Quoted for emphasis

    This thread, and his similar attempt in the Multiple sclerose thread, is where David0301 lost my ability to take him serious in any way, and all respect, as well as the will to garner any respect up for him again. Of which there seems no need either.

    Obvious troll is obvious
  20. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Someone who holds different beliefs than you is not a troll.

    Western Medicine is not the have all and end all.

    If you don't like alternative medicine that's fine but someone who does like it has as much right to post about their beliefs as anyone here.
    David0301 likes this.
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