The GOP cries about the national debt and deficit spending since Ronnie Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years as POTUS. But Raygun never submitted one single balanced budget in his eight years, and actually almost tripled the national debt from less than one trillion dollars to more than $2.5 trillion. Then Shrub daddy almost doubled the national debt again in only four years, to more than $4.5 trillion. Bubba Clinton did balance the budget, but Shrub Jr. destroyed it in his first six months with tax cut welfare to millionaires. And then invaded Iraq, which cost over $3 trillion. On top of that, he destroyed not only the U.S. economy, but also the whole global economy. So Shrub Jr. doubled the national debt again, adding over $6 trillion to the debt, and left a $1.2 trillion annual deficit for fiscal year 2009 for Obama. So the last three republican presidents have added about $12 trillion to the national debt, and because of the destroyed economy, they are responsible for most of the spending Obama has done trying to bring us out of the worst recession since 1929...which the republicans are also responsible for. How stupid are the voters of this country that believe the GOP claim to be fiscally responsible? One of the biggest contributors to the GOP is BIG OIL. Big oil profits are $100 billion every three months. If big oil was taken over by the government under "immanent domain", we would be debt free in ten years. But instead, the republicans want to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, aid to the poor, food stamps, and education. But that's not going to pay off the debt, because cons are going to spend that money on more war with Iran. And if you think Iraq was expensive, wait till they invade Iran. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas was $4.00 a gallon. Now oil is only $47.00 a barrel, more than 66% cheaper for the oil companies. But we are still paying almost $3.00 a gallon for gas, down only 25%. Oil companies have been fleecing America so long now, they can't quit. And expensive gas means everything else is more expensive, because it cost more to ship everything. Big oil is destroying our economy to this day. The only way we are going to pay off the national debt, is if those with all the money pay it off. The poor don't have the money to do it. The rich created the debt, because there are no poor in congress. The free ride for the rich and corporations must end.
Yup. And that's why solar is having a rough time. I went through the scam that happened in '73, that showed the oil companies that WE wouldn't do shit about it. How to drill and where to drill is known. All that is needed is the basic core of workers to get it done. I agree--radical times call for radical solutions. But you know how the hand maidens (legislators) to the rich are---they're the pricks that continue to allow this to happen. It makes good sense, but the outside the box thinking is cancelled out by the fear of confiscatory socialism.The pay-backs are too locked in.
Paid $2.29- a Gallon today in Jersey. Gas is cheaper than milk, or even bottled water. Should I bitch at the milk companies?
Milk doesn't drive the economy like gas does. Because of gas prices, it costs more to ship everything you buy. BTW, i pay 37 cents a gallon for bottled water.
I think you're saying that big oil has the financial prowess to eliminate the debt. That the government should use big oil as a tool to sort of refinance. It's heck to implement something of that magnitude though, and there are costs... additional costs that make it a little moot.