Big Butch Girl 1 - Me 0

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by I'll Be Waiting, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. I'll Be Waiting

    I'll Be Waiting Guest

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    Analysis of a silly interaction that occurred in college today. Me and this big butch girl were both walking towards a door coming from different angles. Her tutor (who was leading the way for her) passed through the door and continued on. She actually arrived at the door before me, so I gestured for her to go first. She then stopped, and gestured for me to go first. I paused and then sort of reluctantly walked through. How rude of her!

    And I suppose it's only polite to thank someone who lets you go first, right? So as I passed through, I thanked the bitch! for inconveniencing me. Funny! And for a just second I felt like a bit of a bitch. You'd think she'd have wanted to catch up with her demonstrator! Generally speaking I hate when people do this, but it never quite happened like this. Within the space of a second, this can really confuse people, and just interrupt the overall continuity of things. Having to realise to yourself "oh okay, you want me to go first", and then to think "yeah fine, whatever, if it means that much too you".

    It's even more ridiculous when you actually think about it. I mean if I did this (what she did) to someone else, I'd expect to get laughed at. You'd think that if we're all adults, then someone surely wouldn't be silly enough to think they're better than you if they let you go first through a doorway first. Someone could be the most useless waste of space on the planet, but they could be good at playing this silly game of letting someone go through a door first.

    I think it's polite for the party who happens to receive the gesture first, to just go through, rather than worrying about their ego. I thought this kind of thing was an issue in India. I guess we all temporarily slip into un-cool positions every now and then, and that it's important to realise that it may be trivial in the overall scheme of things. And for the record I'm a big enough guy too, but she'd probably beat me in terms of weight!
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    dude, I'm not seeing the problem here
  3. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    first world problems
  4. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Butch women are scary.
  5. audrey_the_endotherm

    audrey_the_endotherm Members

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    So you're upset becuase she was polite and allowed you to proceed through the door first?

  6. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    So this is a regular occurrence in my life, and I've never thought twice about it, not sure what the problem is? I call it the dance of politeness
  8. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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  9. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    It sound like both of you thought you were being polite. Unbunch your panties and move on. Is this some sort of masculine thing? Are you pissed a girl didn't let you hold a door for her or something?
  10. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    Also, calling a girl butch because she is bigger than you is super rude.
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  11. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Maybe she mistook you for a girl
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  12. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  13. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    dude, she was totally trying to get into his pants. he should have slapped her
  14. I'll Be Waiting

    I'll Be Waiting Guest

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    You just don't get it. Look at undies reply for example
  15. I'll Be Waiting

    I'll Be Waiting Guest

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    Ah but she was butch in other ways too!
  16. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I think everyone here gets it, I suspect even undies. Your panties are bunched.

    Really though, this is probably going to be a very common occurrence in your life, so you should probably get over it. No one wants to read 4 paragraphs of complaint every time someone is nice to you. The dance of politeness as Meliai said. I think that's a great name for it. It happens all the time here. It's not some alpha dog standoff, it's some girl who thought she was being nice.
  17. I'll Be Waiting

    I'll Be Waiting Guest

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    There is no way of addresses a matter like this in detail without giving the impression your panties are in a bunch.

    I know it's a trivial matter as I already stated. But it wasn't her trying to be polite... it was more than that. I'll know better in future.
  18. Kinky Ramona

    Kinky Ramona Back by popular demand!

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    Good god, if this has you this worked up, I can't wait to see the thread when a real problem comes your way.
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  19. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    Dude, lighten up. I once had an African American girl knock me backwards when I tried to get on an elevator with several bags of groceries and goods. She laughed about it with her male companion, but I just let the whole thing go. I figured it's just part of living in a big city (Chicago). And a glass birthday gift I'd bought for my father (a really cool horse) was shattered beyond redemption. Much better to let it go than to have such a petty incident turn into a shooting match (lots of people in Chicago carry guns). Guess I'm just trying to say never let your ego get the best of you: Better to remain alive :)
  20. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    I just really don't understand why you think there is malicious intent behind an act that tons of people do every day. To clarify, I am not just talking about holding open doors for people. I mean that tons of people do the "oh no after you" thing regularly, myself included sometimes. I crtainly don't mean anything by it and I don't think most other people do either. You are putting a ton of thought into something that girl probably did without even thinking really.
    1 person likes this.

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