I’ve had multiple sexual partners but I find it hard to cum enjoying oral sex and by having sex. I rely on sex toys and porn. I love having sex and enjoy oral sex but just find it so hard to cum. Is there anything I should try to help? Does anyone else feel the same way?
new Member here. Is there anyway you can “warm up” before you start oral or sex for that matter? Then you might be half way there when you start with your partner. Just a thought.
From my experience it is a mental state, there was a period of time when I was able to make my wife orgasm just kissing her neck. One night we were in bed and I started kissing her neck and she started moaning, I thought hey this is fun and the next thing she was thrashing around like crazy. It lasted a couple months and we even had it happen in public once. We were at a picnic and she was sitting in front of me with her back against my chest. I leaned down and started kissing her neck and after a very short time she was shuddering. Our friends looked over like we were nuts...when the wives went for a cocktail I couldn't help but rub it in: "Imagine what I can do when she is naked ".
I'm in my second marriage and both wives would get really stimulated when I'd kiss their necks and lick below their ear lobes and gently breathe into their ear. Doing so got their motors running to initiate more foreplay from both of us.