...I feel that my attitude is dampening the vibe in here & well I was wondering, do you guys know how I can delete my threads/topics that I started? I want to try to be more positive. Nobody wants to hear about how I wanna shoot myself, right? Lol
Haven't seen your threads yet. Imho, just keep it real, I'd rather hear what's really going on with someone than some happy horseshit
Gen, the real reason Roo passed some "Tough Love" on to you is probably because you indeed came across as he mentioned in your other thread and one of the reasons why is you didn't tell the whole story. Without it causes people to make assumptions based on the info provided. Opiate addiction simply flat out Sucks and the absolute most rare cause of opiate addiction is that it was caused by someone other than yourself. The wealth of knowledge on these boards, both from addicts and non-using addicts, encompasses quite possibly every cause of addiction to every solution that has worked to rid ourselves of it. I wish you the best, but negativity isnt a strong enough emotional state to cause most here to react or change how they feel!
@BottleFED thank you. I know I didnt provide enough info so I knew it was gonna kinda make me look bad. I called my dad "cheap." Well yea that sounds bad and mean. But when my dad spends more $$$ on his cute British girlfriend and their lavish European vacations, I think I have the right to call him cheap. Ya know?
...Im sorry. i mean..he spends alot of money on him and his girlfriend and doesnt give me jack shit. THEN I have the right to call him cheap. I wouldnt call my dad cheap bc he wouldnt buy me cute clothes. Im not that horrible! ; ( But thank you again BottleFED for your insight
Don't start that, some mods absolutely LOVE when people are crying on their keyboards in a spiral of self pity and despair. Think about any post for at least one day before you post anything you wouldn't want your Mom, your boss, your girl/boyfriend/husband/wife, and your best friend to read. I mean these people really rub it in your face that you can't erase things that you posted, it seems like they enjoy it too much. You do have, or used to have a 2 day window to edit, but can't change anything someone quoted. On another note. I know you didn't ask me, but opiates will stop being fun. You do know this.
Yes, I am beginning to see opiates lose the fun. But hey, why would mods love to see me crying on my keyboard. No, I dont beleive people are that sadistic.
I don't know. Look at some of the delete my account threads in user support for starters. Maybe one will chime in here and tell you too.
@Michael Phelps well Im gonna go look now. Im not worried about people reading my posts. Thats why I post them. I just feel like people might have been getting mad at me for being too negative.
Here is a good one. Stay positive. http://www.hipforums.com/forum/topic/407048-how-do-i-delete-my-account-on-this-thing/
Yikes. Didnt know you couldnt delete your account. Interesting. Well I haven't any interest in deleting my account. I like the people on here. But thanks. And I will try very hard to be positive! =D
I've seen roor bitch out quite a few girls on this forum, including this one girl who was talking about being suicidal, telling her to go do it, ect. I think roor just gets off on that, and probably also has some anger/issues from his past that he takes out on random girls on-line. While in principle, "tough love" can be motivated by a genuine desire to help people, I think that what it's usually about is someone feeling sorry for their own self who wants to discount what other people have experienced. I don't think there is anything wrong with showing a little sympathy for someone who suffering. I don't think there needs to be any judgement. Maybe you could argue that it's not as bad as they think it is, but maybe what they are experiencing is worse than you realize. I'm all for the "tough love" approach, if that's what's really best for someone, but it's not always the most helpful thing. Addicts are often (always?) self-destructive. Anger that can't be directed in any other way comes out on themselves. I would say in most cases, addicts have been really screwed over hard in some way, and the anger/pain is legitimate. The only "tough love" I would say is helpful in most cases is the realization that no matter whose fault the past was, you've the only one who can really save yourself. Others can help out, but the addict has to decide that they don't want to be sick anymore.
Well that's not cool. I danced at a nightclub recently where one of my managers hated women. I had never met a man who hated women before. I grew up w 3 older brothers and my dad mostly, who was more stable than my mom. So I'm an only girl who grew up around men. I love my brothers, especially my one brother who I have such a strong connection w. I can't imagine hating someone for being the opposite sex. Its so bizzare. And I have had many terrible things happen to me. But I don't hate people. I might get nervous around some people...but I would never tell them to commit suicide. I have alot of anger...but the more I suffer the more I Love people BC I understand human suffering. But yea I guess some people just react really differently to traumatic experiences. And yes...I would have to say, of all the things I've dealt w in my life...opiate addiction is the hardest. I have been told over n over the only one who can get me out of my situation is moi. I'm still banging my head against the wall over the decision of getting off these pills or not. I get sick when I run out, but you know how hard it is to say no to these pills. I'm still in that phase. And its tough