Its not as easy as it sounds.. To be a librarian, one needs a Master's Degree in Library Science (MLS), which will take one to two years to earn. School librarians must be certified teachers and some states require public librarians to be licensed. Median annual earnings are $56,880. And then there's this shit..
Is there an element with like online reading you have to incorporate nowadays? I remember going to the library for school as a kid in the 80s and early 90s as a class but I assume there are many more pieces to the puzzle in 2017... have to represent your profession... say it loud and proud...
is everyone that works in the library a librarian, or is it like a dentist office where there's one librarian and a hundred librarial assistants? in my experience, librarians seem to just sit behind a desk and check out books. it basically looks the same as a walmart cashier, except way less busy.
i feel bad for them since they started giving free internet access so many creeps and perves they have to deal with now
A master's degree in library science is a mystery for the ages. What in the world does one study in the library science program?
Iv'e Been Reading This Thread Title As......"Being A Lesbian" And As Such Iv'e Been Avoiding It Lest I Get Kicked Out Of That Forum Yet Again........I'm Sure Others Do The Same As Me By Replying To A Post Without Reading The Section It Is In.....Then Comes The "Big Boot".... Cheers Glen.
always something i've thought i might have wanted to do, but that's way too much commitment required for most of what is actually involved doing. does shed light on why some of them are how they are. different kinds of libraries have different kinds of situations though. university science and engineering libraries interest me more then public ones. i just wish this whole terror nonsense hadn't made them nearly impossible for non-registered students to access them.
I've worked in a library. It's not nearly as easy as it looks, much more to it than just sitting at a desk. A lot more.
The NW UK, most libraries have closed, those that haven't are mostly staffed by volunteers.. What ever happened to having to be quiet? Lol
I worked in libraries for 35 years. Fourteen years in a public library and the last 21 in a university library. In my experience most of the people who work there are not librarians. All of the work is very detail oriented. Cataloging the book (assigning call numbers) to make sure it ends up in the correct area with similar subjects is important. In my last position I was responsible for purchasing the titles ordered. I (not a librarian) did not choose the titles, the librarians and faculty did. I placed purchase orders and paid for the receipts. The job included opening boxes, making sure we were sent the correct books and paying bills. I purchased around 5000 books each year with an annual budget of around $200,000. There were a lot of accounting and budget issues, dealing with suppliers, other staff, librarians and faculty. I also hired student workers to help with my work. There was not much of any downtime. It always killed me when someone would ask what I did and I said I worked in a library, and they would say, "Oh that must be nice to sit around all day and read books." :wall:
When I wasn't busy with other things, I was making copies of old county record books, etc. from the 1800s...they were literally falling apart. about three feet long and two feet wide. And then we sent the copies in, and new modern style books were made of all these records. And yes it had to be near perfect. Still have to be quiet in ours, or they'll be escorted out the door.
And Sorry You Should Well Be.........You Are A Disgrace To All That Strive To Improve There Lot In Life........ Cheers Glen.
My penis was once in the Guiness Book of World records ......but then I got kicked out of the library