We haven't had many hot days this year, but Barefoot on a slightly warm day (like today) is still good
Hot days? Yeah, I wish I'd know those. It's been nothing but torrential downpour here all summer long, with daytime temperatures sometimes going as low as +12C (=53.6F) on fucking JULY! We should be up in the high 20's by now, but nope. Not here on this piece 'o shit. While barefooting technically speaking is still possible in these conditions, it has not been a whole lot of fun this summer.
My condolences, sole brutha. At least, as barefooters, we don't have to care about the puddles when we can just wade trough them. Bare feet, the ideal choice for wet conditions.
Been a nice warm day here today. I'd almost forgot how good walking on a hot pavement and then onto the cool tiles of a shop floor felt
Yes! Weather forecast says the next couple of days are going to be very hot. Lucky for me I finish work at 2.00 pm, so I'll be Barefoot by 2.05 and enjoying the hottest part of the day in Newark town center by 2.30. Bring it on
Almost too hot in places today, especially the stone slabs in the market place. Still, I managed an hour and 20 minutes of it. Would have been wrong not to. Walked home, ran a few inches of cold water in the bath and stood in it for a bit. Nice
Same here in London today. Occasional hopping into the shade! I was out for a total of 4 hours though some of that was on the tube and bus. Also blissfully cool supermarket floors. Soles jet black from the tube of course.
Even hotter today, saw three other people barefoot in town including a girl in the queue at the bank, bet she was enjoying the feel of the cool tiled floor as much as I was. So many people out in flip flops, I wonder how many of them would have liked to have kicked them off and gone barefoot but dare not.
I thought the same Matty with lots in London in their flip flops or sandals. Hoping that some would see me and encourage them too.
Such lovely contrast walking on the hot pavement outside and then coming into a supermarket and walking on the cold tile floors in the frozen section. Absolute bliss
Yesterday I thought it would be nice to go barefoot somewhere new. I've walked every road and been in most of the shops in my own town and the nearby ones, so I drove to Worksop, about 20 miles away. I always find it exciting being barefoot a long way from home, not knowing what kind of surface is around the corner. At one time I used to keep a pair of flip flops in the car just in case, but not anymore, I like the feeling of being miles from my shoes. It was great, a long pedestrianised road with lots of different kinds of paving and stone surfaces, some feeling hotter than others, an indoor shopping area and market place etc. Spent a very pleasurable couple of hours there. I went into a Newsagents and the woman behind the counter exclaimed "Where's your shoes" I said "At home, why would anyone want to wear shoes on a day like this?" Walking on all the different surfaces on a hot day is such a lovely feeling, and one that 99.9% of people don't get to experience.