Currently I'm on holiday in Europe and I made a bit of a mistake yesterday...I was walking through some trees and without realising it,stepped on some nettles. We don't have that sort of thing at home and I had forgotten to be more careful here... Do bare feet get used to this or do I need to watch my step a little better ?
no, you never get used to nettle. just be thankful you didn't run into it when you squatted down to take a poop.
^ i don't know, being stabbed with a giant thorn might actually be less unpleasant than being nettled.
They're actually as sharp as nettles surprisingly. One used them to make blow gun dart tips. Very strong.
well, sharpness isn't the issue with nettles. it's the shit that they inject into you when you touch them. that's why i'd rather just be stabbed.
well in that case, i'll just take your word for it and say that the honey locusts are worse than nettles, without testing it myself...