me and my boyfriend want to have bbies soon but i want to have them at home. has anyone ever had their babies at home and know the laws and stuff for doing it?? thanks C
I can move this to the Parenting Forum, if you like. There is a midwife there, and a lot of interest in homebirthing. A lot of people would be able to help you out.
Click on my link, there is a lot of help and info on that site. That's a wonderful idea! Please don't let anyone tell you there's anything wrong with your decision, because childbirth is perfectly natural for us as women. Our bodies know how to do it, and have been doing it for ages, without medical intervetion. If you have a healthy "normal" pregnancy, and are ready to give birth naturally in your own environment without any pain relief, then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to do this. I can go on, but my hubby just walked in the door, so I've got to go. Much Peace, Lena
My 9 1/2 year old son was born at home. If I could go back in time and do things over then all my kids would be born at home.
Thanx i also want to know if there are any laws against this sort of birth and how u can get a midwife to deliever at home for u...sorry im young and kinda dumb still
I searched online for this and thought that maybe they could explain this for you better then I could. Don't consider yourself dumb,you're smart enough to question something that society thinks of as "normal & they way it HAS to be done" Myth #3 — The more modern technology you have on hand, the easier the birth will be. In a sincere effort to catch complications early and produce healthier babies, medical science has changed the atmosphere surrounding birth from one of a circle of loving support around laboring women to one of space age technology in a laboratory setting. Though technology can save lives in a crisis, the routine use of technology can interfere with the normal birth process. It is common in hospitals to use intravenous fluids and electronic fetal monitors to ensure that the mother stays well hydrated and that each contraction and beat of the baby's heart is recorded. However, many women dislike being confined to a bed with needles in their arms and belts around their abdomens. Women who are allowed to move about freely during labor complain less of back pain, and many childbirth authorities feel the motion of walking and changing positions can enhance the effectiveness of the contractions. Some hospitals still require women to birth lying flat on their backs with their legs held high in stirrups. Because the position defies gravity and makes pushing less effective metal forceps are sometimes used to pull the baby out of the vagina. Research shows that forceps are rarely used when women are allowed to assume a position of comfort during the bearing down stage. Obstetricians frequently rupture the bag of waters surrounding the baby in order to speed up the birthing process. This procedure automatically places a time limit on the labor, as the likelihood of a uterine infection increases with each passing hour in the hospital after the water is broken. Once the protective cushion of water surrounding the baby's head is eliminated, the belt monitoring the baby's heartbeat may be exchanged for a scalp electrode — a tiny probe that is screwed into the baby's scalp to continue monitoring the heart rate and to collect information about the baby's blood. Each of these interventions in a normal labor has its own set of risks, and none of the above procedures has ever been proven to be more advantageous in eliminating complications or to produce healthier babies. A recent study published in a medical journal states that the routine use of electronic fetal monitors, compared to the old-fashioned method of listening to the baby's heartbeat after contractions with a fetoscope, may actually cause more problems than it prevents.[size=-1][1][/size] In eight randomized clinical trials, perinatal mortality was not reduced with electronic fetal monitoring. And perhaps because electronic monitoring can lead to unnecessary cesareans, birth outcomes were mostly superior in the groups monitored by fetoscope.[size=-1][2][/size] Today at least 25 percent of all birthing mothers are delivered surgically. This compares to an average c-section rate of about 10 percent in other countries with better mortality rates.[size=-1][3][/size] These numbers indicate that we are not getting better outcomes with more c-sections. Several decades ago, in an effort to lessen the pain of childbirth, physicians routinely gave laboring women pain-killing and anesthetic drugs. Over the years the use of most of these medications has subsided somewhat after studies revealed that drugs given to the mother had adverse effects on the baby, including asphyxia, hypoxia and even brain and central nervous system damage.[size=-1][4][/size] Drugs are still available to laboring women in the hospital, though no drug given in childbirth has been proven to be safe for the baby.[size=-1][5][/size] Women who have taken drugs in labor report decreased maternal feelings towards their babies and an increase in the duration and severity of postpartum depression.[size=-1][6][/size] The artificial hormone pitocin, a drug given to intensify labor and to contract the uterus after childbirth also has potential side effects, including rare cases of uterine rupture and a slight increase in jaundice in the newborn.[size=-1][7][/size] Interrupting the natural process of birth with technological wizardry can cause more harm than good.
So much can go wrong with everyday normal life. Would ya spent the rest of your life in a hospital just to prevent a problem? Quite a few problems are the result of doctors being in a hurry, worry about malpractice suits, or whatever the docs feel necessary. Even if you take a lamaze class given by the hospital, you will learn the ways to breathe, focus, and different positions to get into to relax but the minute you sign yourself into the hospital then everything you learned in lamaze class goes out the window.
Did you know that in the countries with the lowest maternal and infant mortality and morbidity most babies are born at home with trained midwives in attendance? Did you know that intefering with normal, natural processes can cause more complications than it prevents? Women's bodies were designed to have babies. It is as natural and normal as any other body function. If the body is left alone to function as it is intended, very little in fact "goes wrong". Take, for example, the routine hospital practice of starving women in labour. Labour is physical work, much like running a marathon. Marathon runners are offered Gatorade and protein bars every so many miles in order to keep their muscles functioning. A labouring woman is given ice chips and IV fluids with 0 calories. How can her muscles function properly? How can her baby, who depends on her for all it's nutrition, cope with the stress of labour? Think about all the things that can go wrong with that marathon athlete whose tissues are deprived of nutrients. Think of all the things that can go wrong and I'll tell you how being in a hospital increases the chances of it happening.
Hi what can u tell me in what happens and what procedures are done when u have a baby at home?? what kind of stuff shoul i expect?