Some people oppose gay marriage, some people support it. And some people take a middle ground approach to the subject. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was governor of California from 2003 to 2011. And while he was campaigning to be governor on August 27, 2003, he famously said "I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman." So you have to give the guy a little credit. At least he is trying to meet people halfway.
I take into account that English is not his first language. Faux pas' like that are forgivable. Unlike some other Politicians who are supposed to be fluent in the language
It is not a question of "gay marriage", but of male-male and female-female marriage. I know someone who was first married to a man (in order to be able to import his equally homosexual temporary favourite) and then, after the divorce (the gold digger had found a new admirer), he married a woman, because of tax benefits and also to inherit his sick business partner whose family already owns half the town anyway. Are married couples subsidised by the state or by companies? In this case, the reason(s) for the subsidy would have to be present. Otherwise it is a matter of exploiting unmarried people. If these reasons do not exist, enough other legal forms should be created to meet the needs, such as the French 'civil solidarity pact': In France, a civil solidarity pact (French: pacte civil de solidarité), commonly known as a PACS (pronounced [paks]), is a contractual form of civil union between two adults for organising their joint life. It brings rights and responsibilities, but less so than marriage. The PACS was voted for by the French Parliament in October 1999, largely to offer some legal status to same-sex couples. From a legal standpoint, a PACS is a contract drawn up between the two individuals, which is stamped and registered by the clerk of the court. In some areas, couples signing a PACS have the option of undergoing a formal ceremony at the city hall identical to that of civil marriage. Since 2006, individuals who have registered a PACS are no longer considered single in terms of their marital status; their birth records will be amended to show their status as pacsé. As of 2013, PACS remain available to both same and opposite-sex couples after marriage and adoption rights were made legal for same-sex couples in May 2013. Civil solidarity pact - Wikipedia In the longer term, it will certainly be possible to enter into a legal union with non-human animals, let's see if marriage is also offered in the end, because activists usually demand full equality. It is well known that the lifelong affection between dogs and humans has hardly ever been surpassed by humans, and of course it must also be possible to legally ensure the care of the dog after the death of the human. The simplest solution would be to legally redefine dogs as humans with low intelligence. What about cats and dolphins? They also expect a legal solution. Interestingly, there are also sexual acts between animals of different species, which is why these must be decriminalised, if this has not already been done. Catherine E. Amiot and Brock Bastian: Toward a Psychology of Human–Animal Relations Bestiality and Zoophilia: Sexual Relations with Animals. Edited by Andrea M. Beetz and Anthony L. Podberscek (PDF, 140 pp.)