Are we witnessing the collapse of America?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by StpLSD25, Jun 5, 2012.

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  1. odonII

    odonII O

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    I just found it a bit of cliche, that's all :/

    Freedom for Greed? What?
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    it is unclear what we are witnessing. what will happen or when.
    all nations to colapse eventually.
    nothing america is doing now earns it a free pass from doing so.

    certainly current policy doctrine is itself destabilizing.
    and i think anyone trying to pin that on the 'left' is playing with words.
    it is clearly the self identified 'right' that is promoting, even demanding, such policies.

    if it doesn't bring immediate great wealth to the few, the many cannot be allowed to be interested in it.

    that seems to be the doctrinal basis by which the manufacturing of consent is being guided.

    well i'm sorry, but what brings immediate great wealth to the few is rather boring to me.
    sorry, you keep the excitement and ostentation, i'd much rather have public transportation and energy,
    in harmony with nature and usefull to all.

    no reason anyone can't be comfortably well off with that either, just not as exclusively and feudalistically so.

    F.D.R. saved america's ass. raygun threw out with the bath water the means by which this was done.
    so we've been racing to the bottom since 1981. and we've thrown out with the bath water, every basis of world prominance.
    and that was a conservative mentality, not a liberal one that has done that.
    the only thing that remains to america's dominance is its military.
    and when that's all there is, to take pride in dominance by military force, that's like being proud of being a bully.

    so whether or not the government as such collapses, we've blown it,
    unless and until we remove our collective head, from our right wing ass.
  3. verminous_plague

    verminous_plague Banned

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    we're witnessing either the collapse of america or the end of wealth and freedom. because if america goes down as a bastion of liberty and private property and civil rights what other nation is to replace her? imo i believe this is a planned implosion of the economy by world bankers and once america falls their new world order will be complete where there are no more wealthy capitalist nations only pure socialism and communism where everyone is poor except a tiny ruling elite. and so the need to take down america first to extinguish the flame of liberty or whats left of it.
  4. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    Everyone is already poor except for a tiny ruling elite. If they went to 'pure socialism' it would involve sharing that wealth. The current system of capitalism has worked out quite well for a select few, and I don't really see why they would plan to change things.
  5. Ernesto Apocaloptimisto

    Ernesto Apocaloptimisto self-banned

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    StpLSD25, the giant picture you have posted as your signature makes this thread and every thread you post in a real pain to read. It's either constantly scrolling back and forth or making the font too small to see. Just an FYI.

    On topic, I can't wait for the collapse! I've been praying for this jacked up system to tank since I was in 4th grade. Getting older and gaining more experience has only made my sentiments regarding government stronger. It sounds horrible but I really hope that those that strive for power and control and those that need to be controlled kill themselves off ASAP....hopefully before the environment is totally destroyed....if we're not already too late.

    Including myself unfortunately, anyone using government backed fiat currencies, paying taxes, working for mega corps, IS an accessory to murder and every other terrible crime that can be thought of. Our actions enable the perpetrators of control and destruction. There is no rationalizing your way out of this. If you've paid taxes, you have bought bullets that were used to kill kids to enable your unsustainable consumer lifestyle. I used to fund mass murder but dropped out of the game a few years ago. I'd rather be homeless, broke, and alone, which I am, than be a murderer. I'm the only one I know that has had the balls and moral character to opt out though. Even people that I know have good hearts are too scared/dumb/evil to even look into alternative lifestyles. Really makes me want to kill myself but I'm hanging on to the hope that a large percentage of the disease that is humanity falls prey to its ignorance, greed, and apathy.

    Then, maybe I can settle somewhere and start a garden....

    Money=Murder How serious are you about your ethics/values/morals? Serious enough to actually do something or just talk on the internet?

    Anyone that's ready to walk the talk but doesn't know how, feel free to get in touch. I have some ideas. ;)
  6. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i think the collapse will be fun.... will certainly be entertaining....
  7. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    i hear you. i stopped paying taxes too. people need to wake up and break out of their bubbles.
  8. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    Really? You do realize that with a collapse that violence will happen on a massive scale. Death, famine, disease will run rampant.

    Look at what happened when the Roman Empire collapsed.
  9. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    Do you realize that taxes also pay for other things?
  10. Ernesto Apocaloptimisto

    Ernesto Apocaloptimisto self-banned

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    Yes, but if you're hungry and you chop your dick off and eat it, have you solved anything?

    I don't need anything that taxes pay for. Schools, roads, military, courts, cops....burn all that shit down as far as I'm concerned because it's unnecessary and dragging us all down.

    If all taxes but sales tax disappeared, and the sales tax went to the infrastructure that caused the sales, I'd be ok paying taxes but that's not the way it works. Car related sales could fund roads. Taxes on school supplies, kids clothes, and toys could pay for schools. Taxes on guns could pay for cops. Taxes on elective medicine could pay for healthcare. This system would make it so the people that consumed the most and gained the most benefit from the system would proportionally support the system. It would also make it much easier to "vote" with your dollars and lifestyle. I don't see it happening though because it makes too much sense!

    Really even discussing the tax situation is a waste of breath. I really hope that the people that need to be controlled by government just die off naturally due to their unsustainability, ignorance and greed..... and soon. There are some that have evolved beyond the need for government and I think that they deserve to inherit the earth before the mouthbreathers destroy it.

  11. Ernesto Apocaloptimisto

    Ernesto Apocaloptimisto self-banned

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    You're right. People in urban centers will suffer the most though. People living frugally and sustainably in the hills and in "third world" countries might not even know it happened until they come to town. So, anyone living in an urban center might be enjoying some convenience now but that convenience will likely cost them their lives. And frankly, they'll deserve whatever suffering they get because we've all known for a loooong time that unsustainable cities, fiat currencies, and violent, corrupt governments always implode. It's just a matter of time. And isn't it sad that such a large percentage of humans are expected to go straight to violence post collapse instead of getting together with their neighbors and figuring out a peaceful way to survive? Do you really want that demographic of our race to survive? I don't!
  12. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    That is a really stupid thing to say.
  13. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    What happened when it collapsed?
  14. Ernesto Apocaloptimisto

    Ernesto Apocaloptimisto self-banned

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    The depth of detail of your argument is impressive. ;)

    It's stupid to encourage the return to a lifestyle that worked for humans for hundreds of thousands of years?

    If you want to argue that, I'm sure that there's a sandbox somewhere that's missing the presence of your head.
  15. Ernesto Apocaloptimisto

    Ernesto Apocaloptimisto self-banned

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    People in the cities killed each other because they were so "civilized", they couldn't support themselves. The farmers and gypsies just kept doing their thing. People got together with their communities and survived. Then some assholes decided that they needed to run everyone's show again and we got the dark ages out of the deal.
  16. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    Well not to mention the disease and violence that erupted but Europe was thrown into the Dark Ages. Some of the worst times to be alive.

    If America were to collapse so would the rest of the world. The other poster somehow things that a lot will not be affect but he is very wrong, not only will America be affected but so will everyone and 3rd world countries probably the most. As the money and food and supplies we and other nations give them will stop. Disease would run rampant, probably bring back The Plague in some areas of the world. The population would easily be cut in half.

    What is sad is the joker wishing for people to die. he is a sorry pathetic man.
  17. vance2335

    vance2335 Banned

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    No the framers and everyone else were hit hard, they didn't live as all was normal, millions of people died even the farmers. The Dark Ages saw no advancement in anything and people suffered and died.

    We are not in the Middle Ages where one landmass would be effected by a collapse it would be world wide. The starving and suffering childern around the world that only live because of food we provide...dead.

    If you have ever seen a show like The Walking Dead, that is would America would be like just without the zombies. People will do whatever it takes to live. Just like they have always done. The world no matter what time it was has never been a peaceful place. It was either caveman vs caveman for that meat that one had or irishman vs irishman for that last potato it has been violent to live. That is who we are, we want to live at all cost.
  18. Ernesto Apocaloptimisto

    Ernesto Apocaloptimisto self-banned

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    When the shit goes down in cities, people won't be able to get out. Look what happens when hurricanes or flooding hits big cities. The governments will focus on populated areas and refugees and won't have the resources or interest to seek out small groups living sustainably in the hills.

    I know full well that the world will be a third world nation post collapse. My solution is to be happy living like I'm in a third world country now....because I am. When everyone else is freaking out about being hungry, they'll be going to the government for help or killing their neighbors for food. My friends and I will be living sustainably up in the hills somewhere, miles from the nearest road or big city, eating food that we've fostered the growth of up to the point of the collapse.

    Once the psychos, that make up the large percentage of humanity, who I will not miss, kill themselves off, we can descend from the hills and teach the survivors at least one way to sustainably survive.

    After Rome collapsed, the remnants of the psychopaths their society created raped, pillaged, and burned until they drove the world into the dark ages. The farmers and peaceful people didn't stand a chance. The new breed of psychos aren't warlords or warriors though.. They don't have horses and private armies. Most of them are just consumers that can barely change their tires and have no knowledge of fending for themselves. Their psychopathy is their willful blindness, greed, and apathy. No balls. They won't make the walk into the wilderness to mess with anyone and even if there was gas, cars don't go up goat trails. They will be trapped by the unsustainable, structurally violent subhuman zoos that they've created for themselves, and kept there or killed by those that they've empowered.

    To the sensitive guy that reads too much into things.... I don't want anyone to die......but unless you want EVERYONE to die, you have to admit that a drastic reduction in population will be necessary very soon. I don't think that death is a bad thing at all so I can talk about it much more easily than most brainwashed western people. Even if I had to die in the collapse, I'd still hit the button. The future of humanity depends upon disassembling the current system and reorganizing as soon as possible.

    I understand that you don't understand but I have full faith that someday, you will. Nature tends toward entropy and the system will balance itself. If you want to learn more, there's an entire internet out there full of great info.
  19. ywarpeace

    ywarpeace Ye Old Soul

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    people will die thats just a part of the rise and fall of an empire since 1945 the US has 'invaded' of 50 foreign countries to 'help' them achieve democracy and once we have what we want out of a country we pretty much set up a Vichy government just barely keeping our hand in the cookie pot. and with russia starting to cozy up to china who has the largest reported up-and-coming navel fleet and the north koreans. imagine when putin gives NK the plans for a icbm as they are already beginning to figure out the rocketry, they are going to fire nukes at the US asap and thats just going to set of a modern ww1 in the sense of diplomacy and treaties, whereas soon as that first nuke goes off a thousand or more are going to follow across the world by the other nuclear carrying nation therefore this world is going to bomb itself into the dark ages all while russia china korea sent millions of soldiers across the sea and send wave after wave of human flesh, we will not be speaking english after that probably be a kind of russio-chinese, (just a funny thought here and its been on my mind, what do you think all these chinese restaurants will do when the chinese military pulls up i mean theres a chinese take out place in almost every town in america...just something to think about) must still remember yersinia pestis is still around in south east asia and now with the beginning of the ebola outbreak once those to meet and mutate its going to be anther version of the black plague few will survive....but its part of nature to stave off overpopulation we have come to a point in which we are consuming more food then this world can produce, war is part of life and we're due for another world war just to reset the worlds population to a manageable population, but in the aftermath only the strong will survive not just strong physically but also mentally so we're probably going to loose most of a generation (the facebook generation)....

    anyway democracy mathematically cannot work were there is a surplus of cash for everyone, its a flawed system with a select class making more or most of the money, if joseph mccarthy hadn't gone ape shit over communism and given it a bad to americans for generations and we actually had an open mind to it philosophy and mathematics you could see that a SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY would work in both factors and people would still be happy about a free market and the opportunity to gain more financial growth, the government would just regulate the market and sell the products we as a society crave or need through 3rd party markets thus establishing a free market the wealth would be spread many small businesses instead of the banks and major rates would be a steady unwavering percentage enough to sustain civilian programs and yes a decent sized military not the 20 sum odd trillion we spend now, that would include free health care, a free education system (shocking) a national food ration for people but you could get more with personal money, free housing with a system set up based on income that with the option you can set yourself to pay (in taxes) if you want a better house...but most importantly using technology to our advantage like solar farms and turbine farms, the proven algae fuel to run our cars and equipment (it is proven that algae can be grown harvested and turned into a fuel to supply our need for fuel), japan has a system were you pay higher taxes but most of the wealth is spread in enough of an amount through out their population that they have free healthcare, free food, free housing, etc
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what we are witnessing collapse, is not one country, but a world interconnected by the doctrines of that country. the way nature works is not subject to ideological manipulation. so we have this irresistable force of greed, meeting this immovable object of natural reality. and i'm sorry but the physical universe is just too big, diverse, what have you, to even notice. there can be only one result of that. we're beating our heads, to our death against it.

    the cities and the vast majority stuck in them, who know nothing else, appear, to me, at this time, pretty much self doomed.

    it will be very painful, for nearly everyone, and a roll of the dice, who will survive. it won't be crazy people with guns, who will be the first to kill each other off. and it won't be people who insist on large families either.

    the name might survive like it has. or not. its dubious how much that will matter.

    there was an america before fdr, there has been an america since raygun, and there was an america from fdr to raygun, which is the one i grew up in.
    those are really three very different countries, though we are told to think of them as the same, because they were and remain in the same place.

    before general george, there was of course not a place called america, but that place that was here that was home to many different nations, cultures, all indipendent nationlets each in their own way. it was a beautiful green place then. not purfect, as nothing with humans ever is. it may return to something like that, after the great collapse, when it has completed itself.

    i'm not cheering for any one particular outcome. i'm just trying to look realistically at the whole broader picture. and i have to admit, its not entirely clear.

    i know what can save us, or most of us anyway; clean energy, transportation based on alternatives to the automobile, and a fair and unbiased reduced of human birthrate.
    america isn't the lone ranger. we're imbedded in the same problem faced by the entire species, everywhere on our planet. which is in many places already much worse and a few not as bad.

    i see what looks to me like a lot of foot dragging against anything resembling a direction that will.

    so what else can i believe? i'll believe the fat lady sings when the fat lady sings. but i'm not going to be surprised by hearing her voice.
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