Are Things Just Too Far Gone? (In Regards To This World At Large)

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Carlfloydfan, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    (Optimists, hit the back button.)

    Any way, I just feel like the world is so f'ed up. It has been and it is getting more outrageous, to the point where it feels surreal, in a bad way. Actually, nothing seems real. Every little thing is taken and blown out of proportion and thrown back at the masses to scare, confuse, shock and most of all, cause hate and eventually, divide. I can already sense where this ISIS nonsense is going because it has happened in the past. Not exactly like this ISIS saga, but close enough. It all feels so manufactured. I guess that is why I travel so much. I am abroad now. Just to see the world before it implodes, because I just don't feel like there is much time and I want to see as much as possible. I am in South America now and will see Mexico in a few weeks. I don't have much money but what I have, I use to see things. Because money is not worth the paper it is printed on so I see no use hoarding a lot of it when you or I or the masses have absolutely no control over its value. Tomorrow who knows what will happen with "our" money? To me, money is like a modern religion in a way. It is all faith based, people have this faith in this currency or that currency. But its value is backed by what exactly? it is determined by a bunch of people we will never even hear about, nevermind actually see on the tv. And created practically out of thin air and/or just add numbers to a computer screen and loan it back out (lovely fractional reserve banking eh?). I feel like shit will hit the fan. People are still playing this politics game as if it is some team a versus team b. Man, all politicians are purchased. It makes no difference. People have no idea what will bring about change, because they still think some politician will bring it. No. Life is confusing. I think most people realize that, they just can not put a finger on it so they dive into some gossip or some sports game to avoid this awkward feeling that something (they are unable to detect) is off

    Oh well, I can't judge people for diving into some vapid nonsense if it keeps them happy. But I can not claim to understand it. I live a simple life. Sure, I might even watch some sports. I know it means absolutely nothing. It is a modern day bread and circus, but sometimes even though I realize the world, as a whole, is off, I need to dive into something too, at least for a bit. To forget for a little bit, how off everything seems. How hateful and sad the (mainstream) news is, how many lies it spews.

    Well, that was my rant. Ugh, don't get me started on this ebola mess, which makes me glad to be out of the usa. Don't more people die slipping in the shower per year or per 100,000 than via ebola?
    3 people like this.
  2. stoner oxy80

    stoner oxy80 *"Senior~Stoned~Member"*

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    yep,.....they think were stupid feeding us this shit in the news.

    One theroy is.....
    (USA prob. made Ebola, read it was first given to people on strike, in the serara leone blood dimond mines. By... guess who? Red Cross.) they were told they needed a vaccine.

    you took the words outta my mouth. it,s all so true. what a shame it is esp. for those in wars like WW2, they fought for this USA.

    IDK Mabye some are that dumb though seems no one has any common sense anymore. (compared to older people,like my grandfather WW2 vet)
  3. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  5. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    People seem to prefer just being spoonfed.
  6. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    we really need some aliens to come blow shit up

    hopefully they hit the religious centers before the government buildings...then we might have a chance to learn
  7. broony

    broony Banned

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    The people who made Easter Island and the Pyramids of Giza got the fuck outta here... they just decided to make earthquake proof billings for the hell of it during a smoke break...
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    No, it is just your perspective and associations. Apparently your associations come partially from US media? Where it comes to the ebola threat in the US itself (among other things) certain media networks may take things too far gone indeed but as you know yourself that is just (a part of) the media. Why confuse that with the whole real world.
  9. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I try not to let any of it bother me too much, and am just fine watching it all get flushed down the toilet. Like Bill Hicks said, "it's just a ride," and what an entertaining one it is. I am just glad to have some conception of the way things are vs. the reality people have brainwashed into them from the time they are young. This isn't to say I know everything, or that everything I know is right. I just feel that having spent large amounts of time alone over the years, it has given me the opportunity to become an individual, think for myself and question things that most people don't because they're too busy with the distractions life throws at them -- from work to school, to sports to manufactured CIA bogeymen used to take away your freedoms. Most people go through life and they don't question shit, and quite frankly I have gotten to the point where I don't even want to have anything to do with most people because their version of reality is too far different than mine. I simply cannot talk left/right politics with people, or talk about any of the other bullshit that's in the news, which is mostly just noise and fear-mongering. I honestly do look down upon most people for being sheep, just like people look down on me for not sharing their views and being a "conspiracy theorist."

    But yes, the world is completely surreal to me at this point, and this is why I really have never had any real drive to "get ahead" in life (ie. make a lot of money), because that's all a crock of shit. It seems like many of the people who have gotten the furthest ahead in life also have their heads the furthest up their ass. The whole point of having you chase wealth and material things is because you will always be too busy being a good producer / consumer to ever think for yourself.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I'm glad I don't look at my fellow people like you, PR. I feel very liberated to look and interfere with them without such narrow convictions (just because they have not set themselves apart from certain distractions like you - or did you really? you seem busy with things like work/sports just the same ;) - does not take away from their individuality nor does it make them brainwashed).
    I also don't think most that look down on you do so for you not sharing their views or simply being a conspiracy nut. It is how you present your views (which is probably also partially why they see you as a classic conspiracy theorist).
    1 person likes this.
  11. Dejavu~

    Dejavu~ Members

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  12. Dejavu~

    Dejavu~ Members

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    Nup. Not altogether anyway. :-D
  13. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    you create your own reality. Reality is what is in front of your face. Before the days of 24 hour frenzied media coverage people were able to live in the moment rather than live something happening thousands of miles way. You profess to be above all the craziness but it seems like you're buying into it to the point where it changes your whole outlook. Tune it out.
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  14. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I agree, Meliai, except I like to emphasize that people are of course still able to live in the moment and generally are doing so every day.

    I can relate to the first part of this quote. But not so much on the latter. I understand how you got there but just because others do see the point in for example making a lot of money does not make them more of a consumer than you or me. It could make some into a mindless materialist sure. But to insist everyone who see it differently than you and like to be part of and indulge in those 'distractions' (merely an opinion) are sheep or mindless consumers by default is where you seem to go off in your own forged reality. To me it's nothing more than an oversimplification and maybe even a justification for your own outlook or actions.
  15. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    If you let the media dominate your life with their unending negative agenda I suppose you'd end up going completely insane.

    Personally, I see little to be optimistic about in the world these days - but that's probably because I'm getting old and bitter. And I seem to have memories of slightly better times.

    Perhaps there is cause for hope though despite evil appearances. I'd like to think so. Some things are just like they always have been. Until humankind finishes the job of destroying nature, I think it's premature to say it's all totally hopeless.
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  16. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I never thought, as I came through the 40s-50s,etc, that "things" would get this bad/interesting.

    I could type on and on re: the changes in most facets of human societies that have been mentioned. Obviously as seen from my experiences in the US. I've

    expressed observations a'plenty here over the years, so I won't do so again. The belief that humanity can continue on its present path of unbridled consumption, seemingly endless wars that exemplify the greedy struggles for power over the masses and ever diminishing resources, will be the next and most important watershed event. Nothing ever disappears, but merely changes form, including governments, borders and those that seek unlimited power. Just differant names to consider.

    Not much of a difference really from thousands of years ago, observing the clusterfuck of the present. Societies and those in them have changed and are now "modern", but change is constant and I don't expect the US ( or any other ) to remain static as if ---"we've now reached the perfect way for humans to conduct themselves and all is right with the world." Entropy is like Murphys Law. Only with less doubt.

    I have personally, I believe, lived through the best of times and I am confident that I will be worm-chow when you youngins have to deal with what may be coming--the worst of times.

    Just my observations from my little part of the world.
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  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    You wish :D ;) The best times depends on where you are and how you perceive and live the moment anyway, but I don't see the worst of times arriving here (Netherlands) soon. But it could also be that your worst of times are not my worst of times :p I think there is a lot of progressiveness to consider. It's not ALL bad, just like in your best times it wasn't the best times everywhere else.
  18. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'.

    - A quote from Dickens. One that could be applied to pretty much any given era (it actually refers to the French Revolution)

    And I think that we do tend to look at things from our own subjective viewpoint. But maybe that's inevitable to some extent. I look back to the 70's and 80's as times when I had many great experiences and so on, but I knew at the time that real shit was going on all over the world, and right on my own doorstep in fact.

    I don't realistically expect that I will ever again have the energy I had back then, or that I'll encounter new stuff in the way I used to do. But that's because of the nature of human life as well as historical forces.

    I agree there's a lot of progression, on some fronts at least. I'd like to see a return to a society where there's some kind of concept of social progress - social justice even. Maybe you Dutch have a better thing going on than we do in the UK. Here, despite the iphone 6 etc, it all seems to have gone into an almost irreversible regress.
  19. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    nothing is beyond the capacity to change itself.
    organized crime has used the seduction of greed through the channel of corporate economics,
    to usurp the governance of popular will.

    it is true that this is well dug in. but it cannot prevent us from being honest with ourselves.

    to see others protest in vast numbers, lifts our hearts and gives us great encouragement.
    the real instrument of change though, is not confrontation,
    but the boycotting of everything that supports what we see as being wrong.

    this is an act, even the most timid are capable of engaging in.

    for those who would be romantically heroic,
    the roll of protester, willing to face and accept incarceration for their bravery,
    is indeed worthy of honor and respect.

    as is everyone who is willing to live without,
    whatever it takes living without,
    to avoid supporting and perpetuating,
    everything that is wrong.

    change happens whether we make it happen or not.
    change is the nature of existence.
    it is happening all the time.

    choosing the change we want,
    that is what requires our participation in one or more of these ways.
  20. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    hmmmm////boycotting...that is what I do. I simply refuse what I refuse and stand my ground...and that speaks about anything not wanted here in this nasty world sometimes.....

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