Are there friends from a particular stage in life whom you miss?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Never Stop Learning, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. Never Stop Learning

    Never Stop Learning Members

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    I attended college from 2001 to 2004 and the friends I have from that period in my stage are people I genuinely miss. Many of my university pals live abroad now so there isn't the same opportunity to meet up as regularly as we did in years past.
  2. I made so many good friendships in the years I went to college.Fortunately, we all went to college locally and are working in the same area.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2020
    GLENGLEN, ZenKarma, scratcho and 2 others like this.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Everyone has a different experience. Wish I could meet up with the other two graduates from my class in High School. Both have passed onto other existences.

    College was a mish-mash of protesting, activism and traveling, but few of the people I knew then are alive anymore.

    After that living as a hippy on a houseboat in a Caribbean lagoon was a time filled with interesting characters, many of whom I keep in touch with by phone, snail mail and email. They were the most thoughtful, successful and helpful people I ever knew. I am happy to have friends in real life as well as the new ones I have found here at HipForums.
  4. Very cool...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2020
  5. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Absolutely, yes! :)

    Those people were abusive, but not a day goes by that I don't remember them. I was just driving through my old town (where I grew up) today, heard 311 (band) on the radio, and was reminded of my group of friends who were centered around a really cool band!
    Sierra likes this.
  6. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Sorry.... I don't recall
  7. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Oh... the OP. My bad... :D

    I thought that your comment meant you didn't recall my circumstance... I'm like, "I don't expect you would, Ty.", lol! lmao
  8. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Yes and no

    I do miss certain friends. But many of them have changed into completely different people.

    I tried to stay in touch with a childhood best friend from kindergarten when he moved to the other side of the country. This was before social media. But in the end it wasn't worth it. Taught me a valuable lesson to move on, and not try to keep living in the past for too long.
    Never Stop Learning likes this.
  9. .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2020
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    in a vague general way, i miss knowing almost anyone well enough to remember their name when i see them.
    change is not an either or, it is part and parcel of the nature of existence.

    there are people i remember knowing, whom i have no idea of their current situation.
    if any of them are alive i wish them love and happiness. or even if they're not.

    there are places that i miss, being able to walk with mud on my shoes because there wasn't any pavement and very few houses
    i sort of miss being able to drive there, and live in them, but no personal vehicle has ever been entirely reliable enough to me to do so now.

    i miss a lot of things i've never been able to personally experience more then once or twice and that only relatively briefly.

    yes there have been hugs and kisses, and even just people i could talk to who shared some of my interests.

    but i don't ever miss having had to live with anyone, and don't look forward to the proposition of that happening again either.

    i want to be alone in a state of meditation or asleep when i die, but i fear i won't even be allowed that.
    but i also want to live, where quiet, well meaning people, and other creatures, are allowed to come and go freely.

    i miss seeing non-humans come and go of their own accord, living where they could, as i did much of my childhood.

    there are oh, maybe a dozzen or so people all together at most i sort of miss from different times in my life.
    but i don't so much miss having anyone around, and certainly not all the time.

    still yes, there are people i have been close to, at one time or another.

    i sort of miss the baha'is, but i can't really accept the need for anything to be infallible. the possibility yes, but not the need.
    also the portland science fiction society and the sierra mountain railroad club.

    i miss seeing more often the local furrys when i livee with base them. no one uses their old website though, everyone carries these phone things around with them,
    for fifty bux a month or whatever, that i'd rather spend on train and computer stuff and good things to eat.

    my two only real friends for high school, one drove his car off a cliff on a back road that he knew so well i can only assume it was deliberate,
    the other drives a bus, or did the last time i saw him. been most of twenty years since i last saw either of them.

    of the three total of lovers in my life, the one i miss the most, the one i think we shared the most common bond, was the second of them,
    and nothing against the third one who i ended up marrying, but never felt really as much closeness.

    i know my wife died eleven years ago, six months before my mother. my dad was in many ways a narcisstic ass, but he was also responsible enough to be around and as mentioned,
    we'd go on road trips together when he was still allowed to drive. he died twenty years ago.

    no slight to any of their memory, but its places mostly, that i miss as much and more.
    GLENGLEN likes this.
  11. Pete's Draggin'

    Pete's Draggin' Visitor

    My High school Stoners from 86' to 90'
    Mark & Gregg K
    Dave G
    Mark G
    Matt S
    Cindy S
    Theresa L
    Michelle n Michelle
    Nikki E
    Janet J

    My Harley outlaws crew from 92' to 95'
    Davey J
    Robbie H
    Scotty D
    Jimmy O
    Tommy T
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  12. old tiger

    old tiger Senior Member

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    yes..i do..from 1970 until last year...i met so many people==some of them were a temporary issue,some of them still linger on in my mind this day..
    life can be a blast...if we make it a blast..missing is a different issue then ignoring..or in fact neglecting==i did find back a girl i knew in Amsterdam in 1970 via facebook etc..we are stiil friends,like we used to be 50 years ago..i lost her for some years,but we're back:dizzy:
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  13. RetiredHippie

    RetiredHippie Hick

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    1972-1974, my first two years out of high school. Couple buddies and me had a country band and we were the house band at the local redneck bar.
  14. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My highschool friends yeah, I miss some. Don't see much anymore unless I travel to Australia and even then..

    But I see enough on facebook to realise I don't share common interests with them anymore. I don't really care. Maybe like 3 or 4 people.
  15. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    I miss the hippie crowd I hung out with back in 1969. Don't see any of them anymore. Don't know why I decide to take on responsibilities. Freebird reminds me.
    ZenKarma likes this.
  16. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    I also miss the hippie crowd that lived on houseboats around me in a lagoon on the east end of St Thomas in the USVI. Those were incredible days. I do keep in touch with a few, who are still around. But we email and talk on the phone like old people.They have a reunion of sorts every year in Florida, it's pretty lively.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  17. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    Wow! :)

    Virgin Islands... That's pretty wild. :sunglasses:

    That is what USVI stands for, isn't it? :D
    ZenKarma likes this.
  18. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I flashed back to the time I spent in Waterloo, Nebraska one summer. I recall the fireworks, the lakes, and the life around them. All the houses in this small community of I don't know how many were situated around lakes. On the Fourth of July we did our own fireworks - like everybody bought fireworks; big ones, small ones, sky rockets, roman candles, and "black cats". I remember I detonated one in my hand by accident. It stung but it didn't blow off my fingers, thank goodness.

    All those friends... the people were all super friendly. It must be a Midwest thing. :) You could hang out at all hours of the night. It was really cool.
  19. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    That's where I grew up!
  20. fundoo

    fundoo Members

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    Yes. Most people got too busy for me (or ghosted me for unknown reasons)
    and a couple I stopped contact over some complicated incidents that I don't want to be a part of anymore. I still care about them though (The latter. I don't miss the ghosters)! I also miss someone that I don't know how we couldn't keep in touch at the time, but now even though they are on FB, I think our interests have gone down different paths and I haven't gotten back in touch. I'd rather remember the good times. Ya know? Plus, I don't use FB that much anymore.

    Unfortunately, I struggle with missing folks that weren't exactly close or my friends. That's a whole different piece of crap though! Lol

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