I was just wondering because I heard that you can't be a police officer if you fail the question about whether you have ever been high on the polygraph.
Not sure if what you've heard is true or not, but I've got a buddy training to be a cop, and the first time I ever got really really really high (like, off of multiple blunts) it was with him.
Actually, I'm pretty sure they don't care if cops have experienced, b/c if they have they know what it smells like, what a stoned person looks like, and that kind of shit.
marijuana.com has some cops that talk on it, and they have talked about this in the past, and they said that isnt true.
I don't want to be a cop, I just want to see what options are avaliable. I figure being the president is not a choice anymore
john kerry admitted to smoking pot and hes not doing too bad... and a clinton said "a joint hovered around [his] lips"
dude.. no! dope is crack.. we dont smoke crak... yeah no.. just so you know.. dope is crack .. heroin.. that not what we do.. we blaze.. bough (or however you wanna spell taht..)
Ive smoked with a few guys who have become police officers. The latest I heard is they changed the rule banning anyone who has ever admitted smoking pot. Even of this the case where you are from, polygraphs aren't very difficult to pass.
G W Bush said something like I dont want kids to know Ive smoked pot because it might influence them to try it.
I just cant see how polygraph tests can be held as perfectly truthful. It's not fair. There is no way to guarantee that somebody is telling the truth, and isnt it invasion of privacy if they probe your brain like that?
Who cares that they spend shitloads of money to pursue a career and finally get to talk to the employers and can't get a job because they smoke? random drug testing, etc That's why I'm going to be a programmer. The shit makes more sense when you're high anyways. hah
the guy that my uncle first smoked pot with and crystal meth. Is now a sherriff. He was lucky he wasnt the one who was addicted to the meth