pretty simple question, I have read many times how the 33rd degree freemasons communicate with Satan to get direction..also, the video in Bohemian grove with the worshipping of Molech and the fake sacrifice of a child..with the worlds political and business leaders in attendance..this is not far fetched..there are videos. How about music videos? it is obvious there is a satanic agenda..also, the bible says quite a few times that Satan is the ruler of the world right does explain the turmoil the world is in.. thoughts?
My opinion is that "Satan" is purely allegorical and not some physical or ethereal being. Satan/Lucifer, etc. is merely allegory for the hidden knowledge those in power use to control us. It's one half of the dialectic they always give us: good vs. evil, light vs. darkness, etc. Indeed Satan is the ruler of the world, since Satan is allegory for the system that rules the world. They represent "the light," being the illumined ones, and the ignorant masses are kept in the dark. This is why Lucifer is known as the light bearer.
Some people like to talk over drinks or something. I like to talk over songs."]XXYYXX - Witching Hour - YouTube My random, unstrung thoughts.. satan? In my little world, satan's 5 letter word name doesn't deserve to be CAPITALIST. I mean, capitalized. Secrecy is something I'm not socially or politically aligned with. I believe in privacy but not secrecy. "you're only as sick as the secrets you keep" is a concept I believe in. But we live in a world of groups and organizations, clubs. Inclusive and exclusive. Remember in revelations, the idolators and liars and murderers *stay outside*? They're not members of the inner circle, but that doesn't mean they don't form their very own. satan is the god of sexual immorality, and the god of this world. Islam is familiar with satan (their name for it is shaitan). Here's some miscellaneous references from the Quran
Ha Shaitan = "the adversary" I honestly don't know where satan is, in the eyes of a contender with life or the eyes of someone who contends by not contending. If we knew the will of G-d was that we live entirely by what he made and us as he made us - I can not think of many people who would. They would make up what they thought was the best way for them to live and call it "G-d's will" just like they do now.
But it's just shallow discussion and being virtual is not real. There is some truth in what is being fielded about some of the things in the doctrine. They're misunderstood, but basically not that far off and even if people don't get all the things about it, they get that it is real. So they aren't saying they are or would agree....they're just saying?
But it's just shallow discussion and being virtual is not real. There is some truth in what is being fielded about some of the things in the doctrine. They're misunderstood, but basically not that far off and even if people don't get all the things about it, they get that it is real. So they aren't saying they are or would agree....they're just saying?
not sure why I waste my time here, open minded huh? objective huh? hardly, your minds are blinded.. watch this video and then base your assumptions, although I know you wont, cause you would rather ridicule without any evidence. Now, who would that make the idiot? [ame]http:// 2 Corinthians 4:4 among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God,might not shine through.
Is that from "The Conspiracy"? I just watched that. Not a bad flick but kind of boring. They should not have tried to be so realistic and just given us a good 'ol templar murder twisty that was exciting and fun. Everybody knows who runs the world and it's really the people that go "is not is not!" Who are haha "living in their own little world. Remember....the devil's greatest trick is getting people to believe he doesn't .exist...duh! Ahahaha! Talk your head off. Wouldn't do them much good if they did believe it because one, the deal is already done and two, they couldn't do anything about it anyway. People be as you are. This is a time for everyone to be who they were made to be. I pretty much think we're either on or off the boat already, and you don't have to trouble your self "believing" in things that are true. "Belief" is less tangible....
no it is not.. and that is one of many of Satan tricks.. 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light
I generally subscribe to the big bang theory and as far as life here on earth, I believe in evolution. I don't believe in intelligent design. I also doubt very seriously, if powerful secret societies exist, they believe in God and Satan. I think they do recognize their power as tools to control the masses.
and I believe it can be logical to think those things, especially with the corruptness of religion, it leaves a person with not really many more options. I believed that too at one point because that is what I was taught in school. We know that curriculum is controlled by the government, they have no real proof in the Big bang theory but they push it anyway. I always think, is there really anyway that all of this came to be, just cause..nothing comes from nothing. Think about space, how barren it is, an just by chance the earth is a practical oasis, situated perfectly 93,000,000 millions miles away from the sun. 5 % closer and the earth would be a scorcher, 1% further away and it would be solid ice. How about humans with a capibility to feel love and happiness and an endless variety of foods, we can see in vivid color and create and explore. Romans 1:20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.