Are the large majority of women like this??

Discussion in 'Men's Issues' started by Tiddy, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. Tiddy

    Tiddy Members

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    Is this what most women desire, even if they are not open about it?

    Do the majority of women want attractive, unavailable men who are skilled in bed, well-endowed, and financially well-off?

    Are they attracted to sexist, chauvinistic, emotionally distant men who treat them poorly?

    Do they prefer men who have many other women in their lives but avoid commitment?

    While they may date or marry a kind "beta" man who treats them well and loves them, do they not fully commit to or respect him, finding their relationship with him dull? Are they prone to cheating on him with alpha and unavailable men?

    Do they find excitement and adventure in pursuing unavailable men and enjoy the challenge of "taming" them?

    Are women drawn to crappy men because it allows them to bond and fit in with other women who also have similar experiences? Is being in a relationship with a decent man seen as a threat, leading these women to sabotage it out of jealousy and competition? Will they go to extreme lengths to convince other women that "all men are terrible"?

    Do they often make happy women doubt their relationships and try to break them apart by planting doubts and fears? Will some even try to sleep with the partner, set up fake social media accounts to lure him, or spy on him to catch him in compromising situations with other women?

    Do women generally feel miserable and rarely experience true happiness in relationships? Does their happiness not last?

    Do they tend to obsess over and try to change crappy men rather than focusing on self-reflection, personal growth, and taking responsibility for their own lives?

    Do they prefer to remain bitter and miserable, continuously dealing with terrible men instead of improving themselves?

    Are they more inclined to blame their actions and behaviors on crappy men, including intentionally becoming pregnant to trap them?

    Is this an accurate depiction or am I misunderstanding the situation?
  2. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    Not all women are the same. Like not all men are the same. This is a crazy world right now. Right from wrong does not apply. People want the deck stacked in their favor.
    Go ask KAREN. she knows.
    goldendragon and Toker like this.
  3. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Most women are more interested in the size of your wallet and whether you actually own your house and car.

    Only joking, but not entirely. :D
    GeorgeCarlinFan likes this.
  4. Amontillado

    Amontillado Member extraordinaire HipForums Supporter

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    Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but I know...
  5. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    But I know it's my own damn fault.
    R.I.P. Jimmy Buffet.
    drumminmama and lake777 like this.
  6. TwinT

    TwinT Members

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    I believe that you see women – and men – in a far too negative light.

    What do women typically want?

    “[R]ecent large-scale cross-cultural studies have found that single women do indeed prefer men exhibiting traits such as wealth, generosity, intellect, dominance, cultivation, sociability, reliability, similarity, kindness, understanding, humorousness, and pleasantness as potential long-term or marriage partners, while single men prefer women who are attractive, creative, and domestic (Schwarz and Hassebrauck 2012).”

    Mate Value: Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (2021)

    How to give it to them:

    You seem to have an aversion to men who compete with you for women but are not interested in marriage or some functional equivalent. Or at least an aversion to women who get involved with such men.

    Why should men who are specifically interested in young women enter into a permanent relationship with a young woman who will no longer be a young woman in a few years?

    Why enter into a permanent relationship with a woman who will limit your sexual freedom for the rest of your life to one person out of 8 billion, a person who you can’t even choose, and even then sex can only happen when she wants it? Not everyone wants to live like a monk, and monks can probably masturbate more joyfully than frustrated husbands in sexless marriages, afraid of their wives’ disparaging glances.

    And even in the best case – where is the variety in that, which is so important for many men? If I were a stamp collector, I wouldn’t be satisfied with just one stamp, even if it was a Blue Mauritius, would I?

    Prostitute – Prepaid plan
    Girlfriend – Monthly subscription plan
    Wife – Lifetime contract plan, penalty fee if cancellation

    (Source: Internet)

    Men want to exchange sex for sex, women want to exchange sex for sex + x (a. money, b. benefit or c. a relationship with sexual exclusivity).

    Relationship Escalator: “Women are never satisfied with what they have. More! is their motto. They fall in love, they want to get laid; you screw them, they want to live with you; concubines, they want you to marry them; married, they want a child; as mothers, they dream of a lover. The fate of the woman is permanent dissatisfaction.” — G. M.

    I find it useful to separate these spheres at least mentally:

    • Erotic Sphere
    • Sexual Sphere
    • Relationship Sphere
    • Companionship Sphere
    • Financial Sphere
    • Cohabitation Sphere
    • Procreation Sphere
    and to refrain from the idea that for most men a single General Service Provider can be the optimal stimulant in all relevant spheres in the long term.
    You may be an introverted feeler (MBTI: IF type), with high Agreeableness (Five Factor Model), and wonder why women are more attracted to gender-typical men with low Agreeableness (MBTI: T types).

    Men and women are related and seek the opposite, the gender-typical man seeks feminine traits, while the gender-typical woman seeks masculine traits, which include low Agreeableness and low Neuroticism, but also more dominance, which women usually call confidence. Extraverts find it easier to dominate because Assertiveness is a facet (E3) of the NEO-PI-3 Factor Extraversion.

    It is a matter of debate whether women use different long-term and short-term mating strategies. One view is that women choose more masculine men for short-term mating and less masculine men for long-term mating. This is where more feminine, family-orientated men can score! If women want to start having children urgently, even somewhat boring candidates suddenly have a chance, and the men who are interested in young women are happy to let others take the lead in this area.

    In traditional societies, female hypergamy and male hypogamy ensured the best possible conditions for the successful rearing of children who would later be available to work in the family business and care for their parents in old age. Today we live in very different circumstances, but the evolutionary patterns of the past are still at work.

    Arthur Brooks: “There is no indication that Mother Nature cares about your happiness, she cares really about two things, survival and gene propagation, Mother Nature wants you to survive and pass on your genes. … Evolution favors pleasure over enjoyment, evolution is all for satisfaction, all for fooling you into believing this is the one that’s going to be the eternal satisfaction, that is the animal path.” (YouTube: X1GNc70-584)

    We don’t have to take Richard Dawkins’ perspective, saying that “an individual organism is a throwaway survival machine for the self-replicating coded information which it contains,” but it should be clear that our selection criteria are not necessarily optimal for the individual organism we are. So let us refrain from blaming one another.

    Normally, it is not possible for us to optimise many features at the same time. Let's take cities or countries with a population of 10 million as an example:

    Cairo, Jakarta, Seoul, Wuhan List of largest cities - Wikipedia

    Czechia, Greece, Portugal, Sweden List of countries by population (United Nations) - Wikipedia


    With 10 million people, after 7 rounds of selecting the top 10% for each trait, we end up with only 1 candidate!

    And this is not even particularly selective. For example, if we are looking for a mate with high intelligence, we are looking at 2-3 % of the population (+ 2 standard scores above mean, “gifted”), or even 0.13 % (+ 3 standard scores above mean, “very gifted”).

    What is true happiness? Almost everything is fleeting, so why should happiness of all things be everlasting?

    Perhaps you like the Italian poet and philosopher Giacomo Leopardi with his bleak view of the world?

    “Go into a garden of plants, grass, flowers. No matter how lovely it seems. Even in the mildest season of the year. You will not be able to look anywhere and not find suffering. That whole family of vegetation is in a state of souffrance, each in its own way to some degree. Here a rose is attacked by the sun, which has given it life; it withers, languishes, wilts. There a lily is sucked cruelly by a bee, in its most sensitive, most life-giving parts. Sweet honey is not produced by industrious, patient, good, virtuous bees without unspeakable torment for those most delicate fibers, without the pitiless massacre of flowerets. That tree is infested by an ant colony, that other one by caterpillars, flies, snails, mosquitoes; this one is injured in its bark and afflicted by the air or by the sun penetrating the wound; that other one has a damaged trunk, or roots; that other has many dry leaves; that other one has its flowers gnawed at, nibbled; that other one has its fruits pierced, eaten away. That plant is too warm, this one too cold; too much light, too much shade; too wet, too dry. One cannot grow or spread easily because there are obstacles and obstructions; another finds nowhere to lean, or has trouble and struggles to reach any support. In the whole garden you will not find a single plant in a state of perfect health. Here a branch is broken by the wind or by its own weight; there a gentle breeze is tearing a flower apart, and carries away a piece, a filament, a leaf, a living part of this or that plant, which has broken or been torn off. Meanwhile you torture the grass by stepping on it; you grind it down, crush it, squeeze out its blood, break it, kill it. A sensitive and gentle young maiden goes sweetly cutting and breaking off stems. A gardener expertly chops down trunks, breaking off sensitive limbs, with his nails, with his tools.

    Certainly these plants live on; some because their infirmities are not fatal, others because even with fatal diseases, plants, and animals as well, can manage to live on a little while. The spectacle of such abundance of life when you first go into this garden lifts your spirits, and that is why you think it is a joyful place.

    But in truth this life is wretched and unhappy, every garden is like a vast hospital (a place much more deplorable than a cemetery), and if these beings feel, or rather, were to feel, surely not being would be better for them than being.” Zibaldone, April 1826)

    In short, men have a strong desire for copulation which is part of their wiring. The naive expectation that copulation will lead to eternal peaceful cohabitation with the person involved is regularly disappointed, despite all social pressure and all individual efforts to optimise selection.

    “The more individual, idiosyncratic or strange one’s own standpoint or view of the world, the more improbable that it will find the consensus of others or meet with their interest.“ (Niklas Luhmann) The more individualisation progresses, the less we have in common, while at the same time our need for commonality increases.

    Orio Taraban is a useful source of practical information on the optimisation of mating behaviour:
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2024
  7. JH93022

    JH93022 Members

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    I think that there are women that fit into every category. The question is…..are you man enough to go out and find the right one for you. The part that sucks is that the process likely leaves some broken hearts along the way. Most people stay guarded during the early phases of a relationship and thus stay in the. Way too long in spite of incompatibility. In many cases it takes twenty years to find out what desires your significant other may have buried deep down. I am soo lucky for the women that I found, or should I say found me. She was by far the aggressor. I was in a band and she pursued me. I was 3 years from a divorce and not even looking. Again I am soo fortunate for her even after 28 years of marriage.
  8. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    The latter.
  9. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Long term relationships, marriage - yes, it seems that was true for me and my wife. She showed me that her one true desire was to become a mother. Once that was accomplished, she was satisfied. However, I was not. Obvious, to me, there were other issues that I had not dealt with and began to face as it became clearer to me what she deeply wanted. I've often wondered though, if her desire was primarily for me, and not what I could give her (children) maybe some of my struggles would still have been present but more easily placed in a box somewhere - not to be ignored but to be less of a struggle. She did not marry me to use me. She married me because she loved me, as I loved her. But, as it turned out -ultimately her desire was much more aligned with her desire to become a mother - becoming a wife, I think, was her understanding of how life was supposed to go... you meet, you date, you fall in love, you marry... kinda like that Carly Simon song. "That's the way I've always heard it should be..."
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  10. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Only thing I know about women for sure, is that approximately 100 percent of them piss sitting down. :hearteyes:
  11. goatrope

    goatrope Members

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    Not to oversimplify the matter, but there are two many variables, many non-measureable factors and then you add in individual preferences, there is no answer. Like predicting the weather, predicting the stock market, and figuring out females.
    Whirlwind83 likes this.
  12. thesantos29

    thesantos29 Pretty Hip

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    The answer is Yes to all of your scenarios.
  13. thesantos29

    thesantos29 Pretty Hip

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    Ummm.... Not exactly. There are some videos that I could share with you if you would like.
    6Sailor9 likes this.
  14. Wally Pitcher

    Wally Pitcher Members

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    I suggest that women are all different in some way. Many get bored with their life choices including men. Some are opem to have flings, others want to change everything and start a new life.
    6Sailor9 and Whirlwind83 like this.
  15. Whirlwind83

    Whirlwind83 Members

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    I think it's more along the lines of a gamble for everyone. Those who stick with abusive partners may possibly have other underlying issues. People are complex and each different. You are doing a lotta broad brushing.
    6Sailor9 likes this.
  16. Vessavana

    Vessavana Members

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    Please don't let yourself down the YouTube manosphere evolutionary-psychology-bastardisation rabbit hole. At best there might be some parts of a much more complex picture of human interaction than any reductionist self-serving model provides.

    A banal example - if you get into a well fitted tailored suit (or the equivalent for the given social bracket) you will attract a few more looks than in a tracksuit. That does not mean you are going to fuck any of them. It is just a small element that might at best semi open a door for tons of other things that would be considered, consciously or unconsciously, providing the right circumstance (that everyone is open for a relationship and that other first-impression things click too).

    The best partner I ever had I got when I was nowhere near the my best version, she was way more successful than me.

    There are no secret recipes and proven formulas. Be the best yourself you can at the moment and work on being even better, socialise and things will fall into place. Don't waste time on online incel pandering.
    Bazz888 and ~Zen~ like this.
  17. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Well said!
    Bazz888 and Vessavana like this.

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